My Fish Died :(

Joeypals!! said:
My bad. I was just acting like my serious self, that's all.

its kewl =]

no really, sorry about the fishes and yur crab.
i had 3 crabs once, and i put them in a huge tank.
and then the next day. there was only one in there,
and the others had been torn apart =[

Edit- oh i just saw the posts above me =P
Black Rayquaza said:
Can this possibly refer to...oh, lets say 3 Staff Groups and a certain moderator?

-Black Rayquaza

I said it before you! >:O Ask Phazon he will back me up. I also got time stamps.

Anyhow sad to see all those groups go and that mod, but tbh it is for the better. The mod though I am unsure about, better or worse?
Black Rayquaza said:
Can this possibly refer to...oh, lets say 3 Staff Groups and a certain moderator?

-Black Rayquaza

Lol, I can guess who's Krabby. ;p

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
Black Rayquaza said:
Can this possibly refer to...oh, lets say 3 Staff Groups and a certain moderator?

-Black Rayquaza

Lol, I can guess who's Krabby. ;p

dmaster out.
*coughMJcoughcough* Man, those capital letters stick out like a sore thumb. >_> [offtopic]I'd give ya something over wi-fi too, if you'll allow me.

Sorry for your fish. Once when I was er....7 I believe, my friend tried to pick up my fish with kitchen scissors. That didn't end well.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Oh, thank you... gifts will help out a lot. Lots of gifts.

I'm going to give you....
(or Shiny Giratina..which is from Jp Platnium)
(Jp Pt event)
Well i don't know if this means anything but my dog died last summer.I fell your pain.=0
=o I think this is a riddle! But...if you do have fish...sorry...but I don't really think that (since your brother and parents were probably at the house while you were gone...) your family would let the water sit that long. If it also smelled that way, I bet your family would also have emptied the tank already, as you were at Japan for a while, and those are your pets, so I'd guess someone would have cared for them, and thus have cleaned the tank... 'tis the only loophole I well as the section this thing is Probably, no matter what it is, it was some sort of loss, so I guess sorry for the loss. If it ISN'T a riddle, sorry about your loss... =P

Water Pokémon Master said:
Well actually, three fish and a crab. After I came back from Japan my brother and parents told me our 20 gallon tank was a mess and indeed it was! The water was solid green, there was this weird poopy stuff on the bottom, and bugs were swarming in the water. The environment was completely polluted. I dumped out the water in the toilet and it made me throw up in my mouth because the smell was so bad. The fish were too large to flush down the toilet so we had to drop them in the gutter... they made big splats and it was sad since we had one of them for four years. But we liked them all a lot!
that stinks WPM, get some new ones i guess... :(
i love how this is in site discussion and not locked because your the admin.
Oh, I feel sorry for your fish WPM, I hope they rest peace (I love fish)
Too bad they wern't immortal like mine.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Well actually, three fish Charizard, Pride, and Amt and a crab Mew Jadester. After I came back from Japan my brother and parents Super Mods most likely told me our 20 gallon tank PokeBeach was a mess and indeed it was! The water was solid green, there was this weird poopy stuff on the bottom, and bugs were swarming in the water. The environment was completely polluted. I dumped out the water in the toilet and it made me throw up in my mouth because the smell was so bad. The fish were too large to flush down the toilet so we had to drop them in the gutter... they made big splats and it was sad since we had one of them for four years Charizard. But we liked them all a lot!

It seemingly all fits, but Charizard has only really been a Mod for about three and a half years.

Of course, if this isn't a riddle, I've screwed up big time. :X

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
Well actually, three fish Charizard, Pride, and Amt and a crab Mew Jadester. After I came back from Japan my brother and parents Super Mods most likely told me our 20 gallon tank PokeBeach was a mess and indeed it was! The water was solid green, there was this weird poopy stuff on the bottom, and bugs were swarming in the water. The environment was completely polluted. I dumped out the water in the toilet and it made me throw up in my mouth because the smell was so bad. The fish were too large to flush down the toilet so we had to drop them in the gutter... they made big splats and it was sad since we had one of them for four years Charizard. But we liked them all a lot!

It seemingly all fits, but Charizard has only really been a Mod for about three and a half years.

Of course, if this isn't a riddle, I've screwed up big time. :X

dmaster out.

Try thinking farther out, and not so close minded. No offence to be taken. But I have this whole thing figured out if it is a riddle.
Well if you're so smart, show your way of thinking. I see no proof. ;p

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
Well actually, three fish Charizard, Pride, and Amt and a crab Mew Jadester. After I came back from Japan my brother and parents Super Mods most likely told me our 20 gallon tank PokeBeach was a mess and indeed it was! The water was solid green, there was this weird poopy stuff on the bottom, and bugs were swarming in the water. The environment was completely polluted. I dumped out the water in the toilet and it made me throw up in my mouth because the smell was so bad. The fish were too large to flush down the toilet so we had to drop them in the gutter... they made big splats and it was sad since we had one of them for four years Charizard. But we liked them all a lot!

It seemingly all fits, but Charizard has only really been a Mod for about three and a half years.

Of course, if this isn't a riddle, I've screwed up big time. :X

dmaster out.
The bugs swarming may refer to the trolls, and that guy with all those accounts, "notatroll".