My Fish Died :(

I laughed so hard when i first read this. Not because your fish died, but because you threw them in the gutter (which seemed a little random to me) and even let us know they went splat. Then as i read and people worked out it is a riddle i laughed at the people who are not that bright offering you gifts and sympathy.

Thank you. i really needed that :)
He means that we are bugs and he's going to pour us into the toilet. He is planning mass murder obviously.

The crabs and fish were just old, fat members so they were more noticable. :F
I seriously don't get why all these always have to be posted in riddles. Or do you just enjoy seeing people trying to decipher your little mysteries?

I remember when I had fish... when I was really young. Good times... good times... and then they died>_< I feel your pain, WPM. But LOL, the names are "Fish" and "Crabby."
Well actually, three fish and a crab(Some important members, but I haven't started posting for that IDK =P). After I came back from Japan my brother and parents(some other important members, liek Super Mods or (if there are) other Admins...) told me our 20 gallon tank(PokeBeach) was a mess and indeed it was! The water was solid green(people are saying that was the color of the Mod's userbar, so I'll go with them and say too many Mods...), there was this weird poopy stuff on the bottom(spam or poop or rule-breaking material.), and bugs were swarming in the water(Spammers and trollers and other stuff...). The environment was completely polluted(Too much spam and junk?). I dumped out the water in the toilet(You gave each spammer and troller a swirley and banned 'em.) and it made me throw up in my mouth because the smell was so bad(It took you a long time to clean everything up?). The fish were too large to flush down the toilet so we had to drop them in the gutter...(You skipped the swirley and just cut the Mods down...) they made big splats(They protested?) and it was sad since we had one of them for four years(People are saying Charizard or somethin', so I'm going with them...). But we liked them all a lot(You lieked the Mods and stuff. =\)!

'tis what I think... You can't complain if I'm wrong; I have no clue what PokeBeach was liek when that happened. Was goldedda a member then? =o

^My interperitation is that we lost 3 good user groups (the fish): Strats, Clan Council, and Approved sellers, and a (crabby) mod: Amt
And this thread is interesting and useful why?? If you can't take care of the stuff that you are responsible for, why feel the need to share it if no one can help?
afstandopleren said:
And this thread is interesting and useful why?? If you can't take care of the stuff that you are responsible for, why feel the need to share it if no one can help?

It's one of the annual (or so) riddles that WPM makes whenever major staff changes are happening.
I knew this was a riddle the second I read it, he made it way to obvious. Come on WPM, you could have tried to hide it just a little better? :p

Now as for what it means, I'm not sure. I haven't really been around on the beach long enough to know all the stuff he may be talking about in the riddle. However, I did notice some interesting things that I'll point out. Perhaps an older beach member would know what he's talking about.

Water Pokémon Master said:
Well actually, three fish and a crab.(Why 3 fish? Perhaps 3 members/mods/groups? Why even mention a crab? What could a crab be? Perhaps 1 specific member/mod/group?) After I came back from Japan my brother and parents told me our 20 gallon tank(Probably talking about Pokebeach. I do wonder if the fact that he mentions that the tank is 20 gallons means anything. Why even bother to say the size? Though, it may just be to make the story more convincing.) was a mess and indeed it was!(Easy one, Pokebeach is a mess with spam and such) The water was solid green,(Sounds like a reference to something IMO. It could be the mods, but that really doesn't make much sense to me. Why would he say the water was solid green, if the fish/crap represent the mods? Wouldn't he have said one of the fish/crab/etc was solid green or something similar? there was this weird poopy stuff on the bottom,Spam? and bugs were swarming in the waterThe spammers and trolls, but they could also just represent all the pokebeach members). The environment was completely pollutedPokebeach is a mess and needs to be cleaned? Perhaps he means that the various groups need to be re worked?). I dumped out the water in the toiletGot rid of the spam/spammers? Or he could mean cleaning up the various groups? and it made me throw up in my mouth because the smell was so bad.Interesting sentence here. Why even mention this? Though again, it could be just part of the story.) The fish were too large to flush down the toilet so we had to drop them in the gutter...Why the gutter? Seems a little odd that he mentions a gutter of all things. Wouldn't it make more sense to just bury fish rather than have them stink up the gutter? Seems like this is a key part of the riddle.) they made big splats Again, why mention this? Is it part of the story, or is it something more? and it was sad since we had one of them for four years.This is importent, but I don't know what he's talking about. Is there an older member who knows what's been around for 4 years? But we liked them all a lot! Liked what? The mods/groups?

Water Pokémon Master said:
[off topic]What does this have to do with "The Site"? Shouldn't this be in the miscellaneous discussion or whatever it's called?[/off topic]

When the fish and crab died they went up to the stars!

I also find this reply very interesting. Why mention stars? Does anyone know what stars could have to do with the beach?
Aw, that sucks. I know a lot of people are kind of like... "Dude, it's a fish." But for anyone that doesn't know, it's no fun when a fish dies.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Three were named fish and one was named Krabby.

Another interesting reply. Smells like a clue to me. 3 were named fish, but the crab was named Krabby. This makes it obvious that the crab is something important. In some way it stands out more than the fish, because all the fish were just fish.

Water Pokémon Master said:
Oh, thank you... gifts will help out a lot. Lots of gifts.

I also wonder what he means by this. As of now I have no clue if this means anything or not, but it seems like it does.
DarthPika said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
Three were named fish and one was named Krabby.

Another interesting reply. Smells like a clue to me. 3 were named fish, but the crab was named Krabby. This makes it obvious that the crab is something important. In some way it stands out more than the fish, because all the fish were just fish.

Water Pokémon Master said:
Oh, thank you... gifts will help out a lot. Lots of gifts.

I also wonder what he means by this. As of now I have no clue if this means anything or not, but it seems like it does.

What if the gift is that you help stop spammers/trolls?
I thought of that, but how is a normal member supposed to do anything about that? We can report them, but not much else. I'm not sure that is what he means.
Electimortar said:
DarthPika said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
Three were named fish and one was named Krabby.

Another interesting reply. Smells like a clue to me. 3 were named fish, but the crab was named Krabby. This makes it obvious that the crab is something important. In some way it stands out more than the fish, because all the fish were just fish.

Water Pokémon Master said:
Oh, thank you... gifts will help out a lot. Lots of gifts.

I also wonder what he means by this. As of now I have no clue if this means anything or not, but it seems like it does.

What if the gift is that you help stop spammers/trolls?

Somewhat like that... Junior Mods are making a comeback, and WPM did this before w/ the Four Stars...
I fail to see why everything is a riddle with WPM. But, this has to do with the elimination of the various Staff positions...
DarthPika said:
I thought of that, but how is a normal member supposed to do anything about that? We can report them, but not much else. I'm not sure that is what he means.
maybe jr. Mods are the gift.
the stars could be the four starts or... holy star (doubt it)
also, dont you think its funny that no mods have posted in here?
EDIT: ^ nevermid lol SR commented a while back
I love when people stress out over riddles like these. It's quite funny actually.

WPM, I feel your pain. I've lost many fish before, so I'm truly grieving. Sorry to hear that. :[

And people, have you ever considered that this thread has absolutely nothing to do with the Junior Mods? I mean really, maybe he's just trying to tell everyone about his fish. :[

Again, sorry to hear about your fish.
I remember having a fish for a day, and then it croaked when I got home from school. I was really sad and have never gotten that kind of fish since. Poor Swimmy...
If it's a riddle, interesting...If not, sorry about your fish...

I remember having fish...One was named Magikarp and the other was Goldean. They lived for three years until Magikarp committed suicide by jumping into Goldean's side of the cage(Beta fish...). The day after, Goldean and Magikarp was dead....

So again, sorry about your fish...