My Fish Died :(

Raikou, auditions are on thursday, remember to come. 9:00 outside the Eiffel tower :D

Look, you're lookign at this too deeply. Just sotp trying to decipher Jons messages and wait until anything happens :p
^ lol, you're right, but I guess people find this amusing. It is kind of a puzzle because WPM does what we would all least expect. :]

I'm predicting something but I'm not sure of what yet. We only know half of it all - the demodding of three staff members - but what's yet to come is still in the dark. :3

- Luigi
I'm sure things would, and I doubt that would happen. Besides, I'm sure WPM has some people in mind and it probably won't be hard for him to pick, or if so, he might discuss it with his current staff considering they may have some ideas as well. :]

- Luigi
Shining Raikou said:
You guys are all lol.
i know, right
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
I would like to see if does indeed, become an audition. Things will get hectic if that happens.
i highly doubt it.
WPM is messing with our minds so he can eat us later.
i just wish he would give another clue... (if it really isnt a riddle, he would have told us to stop spamming)
I highly doubt, judging from other people's posts, that this is real, but if it is then sorry 'bout your fish WPM :(. I had a fish once. Well, my brother did. It was in it's tank, and I was watching it swim. My cat jumped up and in front of my eyes in gulp the fish was gone. So I know how you feel. (If that's how your feeling XD)
How would this be an audition for anything? We can't exactly mod each other. The best I can do is say to watch what you post, but that's about it. :/

It seems to be a very strange way to audition for new mods if that is what he is doing.

As of now, we just do not have enough info to really be able to say anything. Darn him... he leaves just enough hints to keep us guessing, but doesn't provide quite enough that anyone can ever figure it out. -_-
And what if this really did happen. Then you guys would just be being cruel to WPM, thinking that this was an audition. Guys, you are really insensitive.
His sea creatures might've died if he had any. But this was put in Site Discussion for a reason. It has to do with the site.
He's right don't be cruel eveyone has a heart.I feel your pain my cousin had a fish and he left for vacation.His mom was suppouse to watch it.he's like 24 when this happened.When he got home.....the fish was half way down the toilet.You can always get another man.And if this is some audision then at least respect each other.
So my post was heartless?!Well get another fish and fill the emty void.Trust me you'll get over it eventully.Everything passes.