My Fish Died :(

TofU said:
I love when people stress out over riddles like these. It's quite funny actually.

WPM, I feel your pain. I've lost many fish before, so I'm truly grieving. Sorry to hear that. :[

And people, have you ever considered that this thread has absolutely nothing to do with the Junior Mods? I mean really, maybe he's just trying to tell everyone about his fish. :[

Again, sorry to hear about your fish.

There is no way that this is JUST about fish.
In a week or so, there's gonna be a new thread I bet. "I got new Fish :)"
I see multiple referrences to Four Stars (the fishies went to the stars). Four years old fish. :)

Jon, what types of fish were they?
ESP said:
In a week or so, there's gonna be a new thread I bet. "I got new Fish :)"
once the JR mods are appointed ;D
or maybe not... maybe this IS about fish, but i doubt it

WPM is truly intelligent... because his riddles are suprisingly tricky to decipher.

I'm not sure... I know we lost some mods and it makes sense to the riddle but are we having some Junior Mods? Well, there's already a thread so well, I guess the truth is revealed. :]

- Luigi
z-man said:
^My interperitation is that we lost 3 good user groups (the fish): Strats, Clan Council, and Approved sellers, and a (crabby) mod: Amt

This is why I ruled this out. The Strats never left. In fact, they just combined them into a huge usergroup. And Sellers never left either, they are still selling on here and soon to have userbars.

DarthPika said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
[off topic]What does this have to do with "The Site"? Shouldn't this be in the miscellaneous discussion or whatever it's called?[/off topic]

When the fish and crab died they went up to the stars!

I also find this reply very interesting. Why mention stars? Does anyone know what stars could have to do with the beach?

Four Stars and One Star. Referring to Spoon, NN, KG, and Amt. That's definitely a reference to that, but I can't figure out the significance.

TofU said:
And people, have you ever considered that this thread has absolutely nothing to do with the Junior Mods? I mean really, maybe he's just trying to tell everyone about his fish. :[

I thought it was real at first, but then I remembered that Two Little Fish thread WPM made a while back about Holy Star and Amt. It still might be real, in which case, I am sorry to hear the fish died, but I can't blame anyone but WPM's family, and I don't want to make him angry. ;o But right now I'm going off that this is a riddle. ;p

dmaster out.
Amt's status a while back said something like
"green gunk going away" or something like that i hear
so that might be what the green stuff is...
Kevin Garrett said:
Just for the record, Amt was not a part of the Four Stars.

Oh, I may have gotten Amt mixed up with scampy, but I'm not sure. I thought all the stars were made Mods and that was old news. x_x

dmaster out.
/me would post a Goldeen, but decided that that was inappropriate.
Four Stars was after scampy. Amt came from One Star. The fourth person in the original was never chosen.
I should've figured when I re-read that last page. x_x I bet a lot of people thought it was over so they just ignored it. :F I doubt there's a clue in the thread that can help though. It's just a mystery person. ;o

dmaster out.
Actually KG, Amt was part of four stars. ONe star was the last four star, if you remember.
But it was after Four Stars was locked. It was like two months later. The fact remains that there was an unborn star that probably will never be seen. :[
Water Pokémon Master said:
Well actually, three fish and a crab. After I came back from Japan my brother and parents told me our 20 gallon tank was a mess and indeed it was! The water was solid green, there was this weird poopy stuff on the bottom, and bugs were swarming in the water. The environment was completely polluted. I dumped out the water in the toilet and it made me throw up in my mouth because the smell was so bad. The fish were too large to flush down the toilet so we had to drop them in the gutter... they made big splats and it was sad since we had one of them for four years. But we liked them all a lot!
Crab/Fish= Amt (I have nothing against AMT)
20 Gallon Tank= Pokebeach
Nasty is was, He really was never on the Forum since he left for Japan, (i understand Japan is Uber kool) It was completly Polluted, meaning Spam/Other Things. When he said bugs i think he ment people that join just to Spam up the forums. The fish (Amt) Was to Large (ego) so they just deleted it (Into the Gutter). They made big splats (Complaining) but it was sad cause we had one for four years (wasent AMT a mod before?) And we all like them alot (meaning Other Groups).

Now i know im crazy :p

But my fish died :( My cat ate it :(
I think WPM said that one star was the last four star btu w/e. I give up with WPM and his riddles, just wait and see what happens :p
Kevin Garrett said:
But it was after Four Stars was locked. It was like two months later. The fact remains that there was an unborn star that probably will never be seen. :[
Or.. there's a brand new star coming? Notice how once we started discussing the riddle part, WPM stopped posting here? If we do see that unborn star, could this mean another generation for Pokebeach?