My Fish Died :(

they probably wont announce the next one until tomorrow.
look like they are doing one a day
Sorry to sound rude, but this is about fish dying, not about mods. Anyway, once again, I'm sorry for your loss.
Joeypals!! said:
Sorry to sound rude, but this is about fish dying, not about mods. Anyway, once again, I'm sorry for your loss.
you must have not read the whole thing then.
As I said, I will never, ever be modded unless the situation I described happened in the other thread....and even then, I'd quit after. Phoenix is a good candidate, as he has done a lot for the site. I don't know WP, and the same goes for Amt. "Crobar"....I'm not sure. I haven't seem him around a lot lately, but that could be just me. Cheetor is a decent pick, but as with Kronar, I don't see him posting outside the Trace Council much. And I don't think the Trade Council needs a Jr. Mod.

Joeypals: Yeah, if you knew about the PokeBeach Forum history, and read the first 3 posts, you'd know something was up with staff changes...especially considering we have gotten 2 new Jr. Mods since this thread started.

But who knows?
Yes cheetor. He is the best candidate for Junior Mod in my opinion. I would be glad if he became a Junior Moderator...although this is JUST speculation ;x
I agree, I think cheetor586 would be a great Junior Mod! So would Phoenix. I think they'd both do the job very well. :D
For the third time, it isn't me. There have already been various leaks on the next Jr. Mods, and I was NEVER mentioned in ANY of the leaks I've heard. Ergo, my chances of being promoted are zippo.

However, some people mentioned in this thread, ARE in the leaks.

But who knows?
Blue Thunder said:
For the third time, it isn't me. There have already been various leaks on the next Jr. Mods, and I was NEVER mentioned in ANY of the leaks I've heard. Ergo, my chances of being promoted are zippo.

However, some people mentioned in this thread, ARE in the leaks.

But who knows?
Who are those people that you heard about in the leaks?
Blue Thunder might be right. ;f
I think Black Rayquaza could be a great junior mod. The mods said fire-breathing, and Rayquaza's can breathe fire. Just my thoughts.
cheetor586 for sure

^for mudkip: how do you get that cool banner with the pokeball and pokemon in your signature?! I think it's awesome!
Mudkip said:
Blue Thunder might be right. ;f
I think Black Rayquaza could be a great junior mod. The mods said fire-breathing, and Rayquaza's can breathe fire. Just my thoughts.

The mods were only referring to one Jr. Mod when they said that....and that was dragon9. So no, that line isn't talking about B-Ray.
Well i had a huge fish tank and i came home one day from school and the fish were all over the floor DEAD. They have jumped out before but i picked them up before they died. I was little so i was crying it was sad.