RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans
I've been meaning to post this but just never got around to it... does anyone else think that the events of Find a Pet was just Fluttershy trolling Rainbow Dash? I mean, think about it:
> Fluttershy offers RD an animal from the over nine thousand she owns
> RD agrees and sets forth guidelines of what she is looking for in a pet: awesome, cool, fast
> Fluttershy offers bunny
> RD adjusts guidelines to include "must fly"
> Fluttershy offers kitten
> RD loses interest
> Fluttershy offers otter and a seal who can get mad air from the water, but still can't fly
> RD realizes she's being trolled and goes to leave
> Fluttershy keeps the troll train going full speed, offering ladybug and cricket
> RD takes the bait and wants something bigger and cooler
> Fluttershy takes this literally and offers flying squirrel (this was prime trolling whether she realized it or not)
> RD reiterates guidelines: awesome, cool, can fly
> Fluttershy offers hummingbird and butterfly
> RD: notbad.jpg
> Fluttershy then offers six different pets and deliberately talks them up to prevent an easy decision
> RD: wow these are actually pretty cool
> Fluttershy offers flamingo
> RD comes up with pet games to determine the winner
You'd think that, knowing Rainbow Dash for as long as she has, Fluttershy would know that there's no way Rainbow would ever want something like a bunny for a pet, nor would she want something like a seal or a butterfly.
Why she wasted almost four minutes trolling the daylights out of RD is beyond me, but it made for one heck of a great song.