RE: The My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Not-Clan: 20% Cooler Than Official Clans
My girlfriend thinks the show is cute, but I think she'd be happier if I weren't a brony.
Also, dear whoever has been going into threads and posting ponies, please stop. Even though I know the reason is 100% due to the fact that the pictures are of ponies and not anything else in the universe, we don't need any more trouble. Forcing ponies down others' throats is not good. Celestia would be ashamed and you should be, too. It's okay to put a link or a picture in your signature or something, or if someone asks then by all means lead them to the herd, but otherwise, tone it down.
Your pal and fellow brony, PMJ
My sort of favorite episodes in numbered order because that's what order the wiki's in: Applebuck Season, Bridle Gossip, Fall Weather Friends, Suited For Success, A Dog and Pony Show, Green Isn't Your Color, The Best Night Ever