RE: Awesome Tricks and Screenies to prove them
Here are some new discoveries for you guys!
Often called Metamouse or Mewmouse, Mariru can be obtained only after you have recorded information on 150 species in your PokeDex. This trick can only be done if the S.S. Anne has not departed and you have Surf (there are several ways to do this, but the easiest is to lose a battle against someone on the ship after getting Cut from the captain). Every Pokemon on your team must know Strength. Go to Vermillian City and enter the dock, but do not board the S.S. Anne. Instead, face the right and use Surf. Continue Surfing a short distance and you'll reach a slab of land, on which you'll see a truck. Stand behind this truck, then make all your Pokemon use Strength on it. When the last Pokemon has used Strength, the truck will finally move, revealing a stairway. Climb down the stairway to enter a cave with water. Surf up and you'll see a slab of land, quite similar to the one Mewtwo in the Unknown Dungeon stands on. In fact, there's a Pokemon in this one, too! Talk to it and it will exclaim "Maru!" and you will enter into battle with this pink hamster-like PokeGod. It is only level 10 and knows weak attacks like Pound and Bubble, but cannot be captured unless you have a Master Ball or affect it with a Special Condition.
Programmers originally planned this prototype of Umbreon to be the result of exposing Eevee to a Moon Stone. However, for whatever reason, they decided to hide it within the game. To obtain this hidden Eeveelution, you must have the following Pokemon in your party: Eevee, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Clefable, and Wigglytuff, one of which must know Dig. Also, Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon must be in your Hall of Fame. Go to Mt. Moon and progress through the cave until you reach the area that you got the Pokemon Fossil. Stand exactly where the Helix Fossil was, then use Dig (if you're in the wrong spot, this will return you to the cave's entrance). Rather than returning to the cave's entrance, you will fall into a new floor, the hidden B3F. There are no exits in this room and only wild Clefairy appear. In the middle of the room, there is a huge boulder. Walk up to the boulder and click A. The message "A giant Moon Stone?" will appear, then a question mark will appear over the player's head, followed by the message "Huh? Eevee is evolving!" The evolution animation will proceed, evolving Eevee into this PokeGod, Lunareon. To escape the cave, use Dig again.
Here are some new discoveries for you guys!

Often called Metamouse or Mewmouse, Mariru can be obtained only after you have recorded information on 150 species in your PokeDex. This trick can only be done if the S.S. Anne has not departed and you have Surf (there are several ways to do this, but the easiest is to lose a battle against someone on the ship after getting Cut from the captain). Every Pokemon on your team must know Strength. Go to Vermillian City and enter the dock, but do not board the S.S. Anne. Instead, face the right and use Surf. Continue Surfing a short distance and you'll reach a slab of land, on which you'll see a truck. Stand behind this truck, then make all your Pokemon use Strength on it. When the last Pokemon has used Strength, the truck will finally move, revealing a stairway. Climb down the stairway to enter a cave with water. Surf up and you'll see a slab of land, quite similar to the one Mewtwo in the Unknown Dungeon stands on. In fact, there's a Pokemon in this one, too! Talk to it and it will exclaim "Maru!" and you will enter into battle with this pink hamster-like PokeGod. It is only level 10 and knows weak attacks like Pound and Bubble, but cannot be captured unless you have a Master Ball or affect it with a Special Condition.

Programmers originally planned this prototype of Umbreon to be the result of exposing Eevee to a Moon Stone. However, for whatever reason, they decided to hide it within the game. To obtain this hidden Eeveelution, you must have the following Pokemon in your party: Eevee, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Clefable, and Wigglytuff, one of which must know Dig. Also, Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon must be in your Hall of Fame. Go to Mt. Moon and progress through the cave until you reach the area that you got the Pokemon Fossil. Stand exactly where the Helix Fossil was, then use Dig (if you're in the wrong spot, this will return you to the cave's entrance). Rather than returning to the cave's entrance, you will fall into a new floor, the hidden B3F. There are no exits in this room and only wild Clefairy appear. In the middle of the room, there is a huge boulder. Walk up to the boulder and click A. The message "A giant Moon Stone?" will appear, then a question mark will appear over the player's head, followed by the message "Huh? Eevee is evolving!" The evolution animation will proceed, evolving Eevee into this PokeGod, Lunareon. To escape the cave, use Dig again.