RE: Awesome Tricks and Screenies to prove them
Hmm... I suppose I could revive this...
The REAL way to get the PokeGod Togepy (Togepi) in Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow:
You must have already completed the game, having beaten the Elite 4 and completed your PokeDex (Mew is optional). Go to the Safari Zone and enter a Safari Game. Immediately after entering, leave. The attendant will ask if you want to leave early. Answer "no". You then reenter the Safari Zone. Save the game, then turn it off and back on. Now exit Safari Zone, saying "no" to the attendant who now asks if you would like to play a Safari Game. Fly to Cinnabar Island and Surf up and down the East coast of the island until you encounter a Chansey. Catch it and nickname it "TOGEPY". Go to your PC and deposit it into the last Box. Save the game, then turn it off and back on. This time, however, select "New Game". When Prof. Oak asks for your and your rival's names, be sure to use the same names you did on your old file, else your game will glitch up once this trick is complete. You must also choose the same starter as you did last time. This starter must NOT level up. Continue playing the game (without saving) until you get a Super Rod. Go to Cerulean City Gym and use the Super Rod in the pool of water. If done correctly, a wild Togepy will he hooked. You will be unable to capture it unless you use a Master Ball or affect it with a Special Condition. Once you've captured it, do not nickname it. Deposit it in the last Box of Bill's PC. NOW you get to save the game, however, when you would normally get the messages "Saving... Don't turn off the power", turn the game off when you see "Saving..." appear on the screen. Turn your game back on and look into the last Box of Bill's PC (where you had deposited Chansey earlier). Instead of a Chansey nicknamed Togepy, you will have an actual Togepy! Be sure to save the game completely this time, else you'll lose all your Save data. Togepy is #152, a Normal-type Pokemon, and knows Growl and Softboiled. Upon level up, it can also learn moves such as Screech, Pound, Egg Bomb, Metronome, and Psychic.
Here are some pics to prove this really works: