TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

Luispipe8 said:
Taking the ideas above in consideration, you could make a "Kurt" Supporter to search for a Pokeball. :)

In the Neo format, don't exist Supporter. Only Trainers (items), Stadiums and Tools =/

But I like the idea to put Kurt here on the TCG.
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

Nitros said:
Luispipe8 said:
Taking the ideas above in consideration, you could make a "Kurt" Supporter to search for a Pokeball. :)

In the Neo format, don't exist Supporter. Only Trainers (items), Stadiums and Tools =/

But I like the idea to put Kurt here on the TCG.

Bah, nevermind, I got started in the HGSS Series... XDD But you get the point, at least. :p
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

In my humble opinion, I'd allow trainers from the Neo sets as well as Legendary Collection, which would give access to things like Bill, Pokémon Breeder and Pokémon Trader (which are pretty much required for old-style deck building in my opinion), but would leave out things like Gust of Wind and Energy Removal. Sadly this would also leave out Professor Oak, so I guess Elm will have to be a poor man's replacement.
I definitely wouldn't restrict trainers to just the Neo sets, as there are generally quite flippy and would hurt the consistency of most decks apart from basics-focussed ones, especially considering the lack of Pokémon Breeder.
Allowing trainers from before the Neo sets could work as well, but I'd feel a lot of them—especially the Gym ones—would feel quite out of place. Also, I've never been a fan of ER and GoW, which seem to favour haymaker over more long-term strategic play.

There is also a Fossil Egg/Mysterious Fossil issue, as the fossil cards don't seem to evolve from Mysterious Fossil in this set and only Old Amber has gotten a card yet. I guess Mysterious Fossil can either be banned or just used as Clefairy Doll like cannon fodder, although it would seem rather out of place.

That being said, I'm in favour of adding some custom trainers to at least complement—if not replace—the above selection. Maybe add an Oak reprint? You could limit the number of cards drawn to 6 or maybe even 5, as Oak's probably still the best trainer card ever made.

And yes, a Kurt card would be nice. Although you'd have to add some Pokéball cards as well, even with Legendary Collection there would only be exactly 0 available. The old-style Pokéball cards weren't tremendously good search cards, though, so I'm not sure Kurt would have the desired effect.

EDIT: If anyone cares, I just remembered there was indeed a Kurt card, although it wasn't called such, it was called "Apricorn Maker" and appeared in one of the e-sets.
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

Thanks guys!

Good eye on the missing fossils, Spoon. I just haven't found HQ enough art for the others to make them. As I've picked and chosen certain mechanics to update in order to make an experience more representative of the VG, some things (such as Mysterious Fossil) were lost in translation. And to be honest, as someone who gave up playing long ago (before Neo Discovery was released), I never really thought about Trainers from a gameplay perspective/made any cards with any form of gameplay in mind.

To me, besides the obligatory Poké Ball (and finishing the Gym Leader cards with the Johto leaders), they've taken a huge backseat -- especially because the focus, as the set creator, has always been the Pokémon themselves. With the low number of Kalos Pokémon, I expect to finish as soon as I can make/find good artwork for them -- and, hopefully, Trainers can start to take more precedence.

Trainer cards are easy to make, though, so if you guys want them, feel free to make spoilers and I can whip them up, quite literally, in a matter of minutes.
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

After trying to make a decklist, I've noticed a few problems with the list of trainers I've suggested, the biggest and most important of which is undoubtably the lack of Switch. It might be best to just add a custom trainer list like you've suggested and simply remake certain staples like Bill, like you already did with Pokéball. Things like Bill, Mary, Pokémon Trader and Pokémon Breeder would be nice, as well as a weaker Oak. It might be best to leave out cards like Scoop Up and Gold Berry, though. I could easily throw together some art for the non-supporter trainers if you need it.

I had another problem with deckbuilding which is somehowwhat related, and it's simply that I couldn't justify not putting Chimecho in. The card is too good, being a basic which essentially stops your opponent's hopes of a decent set-up. Houndoom UF, which had a similar effect, was widely used at the time even though it didn't block supporters (while Chimecho would stop every form of trainer) and was a Stage1. The last card ever to be banned from official play was Slowking, because having a bunch of them effectively prevented your opponent from playing Trainers. Chimecho does this all by itself. I was going to point out how Gengar is similar (and I think it might be way too good as well, as any deck with whatever will be the Pokémon Breeder/Rare Candy could benefit from a 1-0-1 line), but Chimecho blows it out of the water like it's nobody's business. Gengar can easily be fixed by only having the Power work when it's active, Chimecho seems far harder to fix. Maybe have it work on you as well, like with Dark Vileplume (which was a widely-used card in its own right)?

That being said, I must say I like the support options. Porygon+Mewtwo, Lunatune+Solrock (which might also be a bit too good, but whatever), Claydol, etc. all seem like they could have their uses. This of course doesn't mean trainers should be neglected or that Chimecho somehow isn't broken, but still.
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

I love the idea of a Trainer staple sub-set. Any ideas for how many cards I'd need to include to make it worthwhile? I'd definitely include another Poké Ball, Bill, Professor Oak, Mary, Breeder, and Trader...what about Computer Search, Gust of Wind, and Energy Removal? Potion? It's been so long since I played. Any art would be appreciated! Thanks for the offer, Spoon!
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

I wouldn't add Gust of Wind or Energy Removal. They just give too much of an immediate advantage without necessarily needing a strategy. There's also very little reason not to add them to a deck, which reduces deckbuilding options. And as I've mentioned before, it sort of helps haymaker decks and hampers more long-term planning.
Although I guess Venusaur's power does sort of mention it. I guess it could also refer to Energy Removal 2 or something.

Computer Search on the other hand is great and definitely deserves a spot.

Here's my wish list:
Computer Search, Bill, Defender, Energy Retrieval, Full Heal, Item Finder, Maintenance (maybe), Pluspower, Pokédex, Pokémon Breeder, Pokémon Trader, Potion, Super Potion, Poké Ball, Double Gust (and not Warp Point), Mary, Master Ball, Revive.
I'm also a fan of Sabrina's Gaze and Erika, although they might need new names. A weaker Oak would also be a must.
The maybe pile: Professor Elm, Super Scoop Up, Super Rod, Pokémon Flute, Energy Search.
You could also get rid of Maintenance and Mary and add some original drawers, although too many good drawers could hurt the format.
Adding some newer cards like Energy Switch and Great Ball could work as well.
And some Pokémon Tools, which seem to be missing from my list. No Gold Berry, though, which has always seemed like a weirdly free Super Potion to me. Exp. All could work. I guess you'd definitely need Pokémon Tools as quite a few cards mention them.

Also, have a switch:
I tried to mimic the original background but it looks WEIRD, so if anyone has any better suggestions, feel free to share.

Different versions for Switch:
A slightly better version:
This one's based on the original:
I think the first one looks better on an actual card, but that might just be me. Both of these actually fit the image window, as opposed to the first one. Probably something I should've paid attention to.
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

I personally think you should include a card of yourself in an Imakuni? costume. Or an Imakuni?-esque Trainer card featuring yourself.
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

So I think a 25-card or 30-card Dragon Vault-like subset would be able to accomplish what everyone wants...

1) Bill
2) Computer Search
3) Defender
4) Double Gust
5) Energy Retrieval
6) Energy Search
7) Erika (with rename)
8) Full Heal
9) Item Finder
10) Maintenence
11) Mary
12) Master Ball
13) PlusPower
14) Poké Ball
15) Pokédex
16) Pokémon Breeder
17) Pokémon Flute
18) Pokémon Trader
19) Potion
20) Professor Elm
21) Professor Oak
22) Revive
22) Sabrina's Gaze
23) Super Potion
24) Super Rod
25) Super Scoop Up
26) CMP Imakuni? card because why not

A little iffy on having both Elm and Oak. Thoughts?

I also need some Tools/Stadiums. I could either add 5 of them to the above list, or take some out, add others in, etc. I'd like to keep it at either 25 or 30 cards, though.
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

Take out Oak; this is Neo Redux, after all. You could replace it with a similar card, like Pokemon Breeder Fields.
Then again, you already have the regular Pokemon Breeder. Decisions. HMM...
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

Oak does exists in Johto, though. He's arguably less important, but he still has a radio show and everything, with the best music of the bunch no less. Although it might be fun to just change him into Mr. Pokémon and let him draw 6 cards instead. It's not exactly possible to let the player search for Eggs, so if Mr. Pokémon gets included he might as well let you draw cards. Although I guess you could let him search for up to 2 Baby Pokémon? I'm not sure how useful that would be but it sounds like it could be a fun.
Any ideas who you'd change Erika into? You could always use one of the remaining Jotho leader spots for her, although I guess that wouldn't really seem fair towards the other gym leaders as xe'd actually be useful. I'd love to see a Eusine card, I guess he sort of fits the effect well enough so that might work.

I'm not sure why you're so fixated on 25 or 30, I count 30 Trainer cards in the Neo sets alone, which were never a full format on their own. I'd use the 25 we have now, add maybe 5 original trainers if anyone feels inspired, 5 stadiums and 5 tools. That way you still have a round number as well as a full set of available trainers. If you do want to get rid of some cards, Poké Flute should definitely be the first to go as it doesn't appear in GSC. Replacing Pokédex with New Pokédex is also a must now that I think about it.

Some tools to consider: Exp. All., Memory Berry and Crystal Shard. It might be best to make some (or all) of these effects permanent as some of the cards seem to imply items being attached beyond turn's end. It always seemed a bit odd to me how most tools were essentially end-of-turn trainer cards at the time. Fluffy Berry and Protective Orb probably deserve a spot as well in that case. I'd rename them all, though, apart from Exp All.
Some stadiums to consider: Sprout Tower, Radio Tower, Resistance Gym and Narrow Gym.

That's all my cents for today. I feel like I'm somehow running the whole Trainer sub-set, so please someone criticise my suggestions or something.
RE: Neo Redux: Welcome to Kalos. UPDATE: Question for you guys...

Not sure if I ever posted this here, but I figured I'd let you guys know I'm not dead.


Just more fun with big blanks.
RE: Neo Redux: I'm not dead.

Woah! First post of 2014! Glad you went with the dark type. It seems a lot more can be done that way.
RE: Neo Redux: I'm not dead.

CMP is... ALIVE?!
Dear god man, we thought something had happened! :p
That Malamar looks amazing in terms of everything. You're doing well with newer blanks :p
RE: Neo Redux: I'm not dead. See? New card. The 'gooms.

Yeah, real life happened, especially since the new year. Thankfully things have slowed down considerably, though, and hopefully by next month even more so.

RE: Neo Redux: I'm not dead. See? New card. The 'gooms.

Oh, so Reggie is still here?! I thought you were far gone, my friend. :/

Anyways, awesome Goomy! But the dex description is a bit... yucky. XD
RE: Neo Redux: I'm not dead. See? New card. The 'gooms.

HeroOfSinnoh said:
Love the way you make these cards so simple, yet genuine. :')

Thanks, HoS -- you get me! Simple Pokémon deserve simple cards, especially if they're commons. Sadly, faking these days seems to be more about the flashiness...that glitz and glam of EX cards, ya know?

Reggie McGigas said:
I really like the artwork on this card. Keep it up!
Thanks brother! It was used on a promo, but I liked it more than the art I could find, and I'm afraid I haven't had much time to make any art myself lately.

Luispipe8 said:
Anyways, awesome Goomy! But the dex description is a bit... yucky. XD
You mean slimy blobs don't appeal to you? Blasphemy!

Anyway, things have finally settled down. Any Pokémon (sans the XYZ trio and Diancie) you guys want to see next? I've still yet to write spoilers for most of the Kalos 'mons, but I'll see what I can do!