TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon and I'll make it Round 2

For this set, Kingdra tech=such an immense win...
Love the art, attacks, 'Power, everything... LOVE THESE CARDS.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon and I'll make it Round 2

OMG these look amazing
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon and I'll make it Round 2

Very, very nice indeed!
Always loved the Neo sets since they came out :D
Now go make a Tyranitar! :p
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon and I'll make it Round 2

May I suggest another? Jumpluff!

By the way, when all the cards are done being made, you should package them in the packs and sell them. I want! =F
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon and I'll make it Round 2

Shinx. BTW, can't wait for more!

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon and I'll make it Round 2

Sorry, guys, Alvin won this round!


This is the first Stage 2 Colorless card -- it took until a few days ago to make it, simply because I had no card to use as a base (or so I thought). Fun fact: there was only 1 proper Stage 2 Neo Colorless card -- Pidgeot from Southern Islands. Light Dragonite was a Stage 2 Colorless, but because Stage 2 Colorless cards were so rare in the era, it used a Stage 1 blank with only the 1s edited. I didn't realize Pidgeot used an actual Stage 2 blank until Sunday.

Next: Name a Hoenn Pokémon and I'll make it.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

CLAYDOL!!! So want to see that Pokémon CMP-ized.
So for Porygon-Z... you can evolve the Defending Pokémon into a completely different line? Like, make a Rapidash become a Magikarp? And if you did... could your opponent evolve that Magikarp into a Gyarados?
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

Looks like it'll be Claydol!

But yep, Scizorlicious, that's the idea. It can be both beneficial or (eventually) problematic. And if it becomes a problem, Porygon-Z can use Reboot to get both Pokémon out.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Claydol! Next: Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

As you wish, Scizor.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Claydol! Next: Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

^swellow has always been one of my favorites...would be very awesome...
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Claydol! Next: Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

Swellow would be nice... however,

Backup #1! Aggron!

By the way, thank you for bringing the Great Encounters Claydol's Poke-Power back. Plus, I like the attack, it could possibly be good with a lot of draw cards...
Now to get it printed?
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Claydol! Next: Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

Either Salamence or Armaldo. They're my favourites :3 (not counting Blaziken, which you already made XD)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Claydol! Next: Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

I noticed a spelling error on Porygon-Z: in Reboot it says "Alseep, Confused, or Paralyzed".

Anyway, I've been meaning to comment on the cards here for a long time, but I haven't had the time to do so. They're all awesome and each of them could pass as a real card - every detail is perfectly executed. Always looking forward to more. :)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Claydol! Next: Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Claydol. THANK YOU CMP!!!!! :D
What Claydol would be complete without built-in drawpower? None, that's what.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Claydol! Next: Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

Thanks for the comments, everyone! I appreciate every single one, and it's really what keeps me motivated. And special thanks to Xous for catching the spelling error! :)


Sorry, slickmario, but that image is too small, nor do I know the proper illustrator, so I won't be using that. Requests'll open after I post a card, and I'll do the first one to reply. So....request NOW! ;)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Claydol! Next: Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

Yay! I always happen to be here at the right time! Are you making any generation Pokemon? If so,…
Jumpluff! (<I love second generation <3 )
If not…

I love how in the background of Taillow's picture, Lugia can be seen in the ocean.
Xous said:
I noticed a spelling error on Porygon-Z: in Reboot it says "Alseep, Confused, or Paralyzed".
The first misprint of the set! EDIT: You fixed it.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Claydol! Next: Name a Hoenn Pokémon!

Oh no, Decmaster, far, far, FAR from the first misprint. :) There have been countless mistakes in the past, and there will be countless mistakes in the future. Although I am honored that you think it's the first. :p

I have a Hoppip done, so I may as well finish the line. I'd do Aggron, but I don't have a Stage 2 Metal blank done yet. Skiploom and Jumpluff it is!

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Taillow, Swellow, and Jumpluff

Another update...