TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: "SO I HERD U LIEK MEMEZ" Don't forget to comment!

If both you and your opponent play Pokémon cards, the attack will do 20. I'll issue an errata. :p
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: "SO I HERD U LIEK MEMEZ" Don't forget to comment!

I herd u liek Mudkipz: Any Mudkip is epic. This is no exception :D
Marshtompin': I like the Even Footing power, nice to include references to it's Ground type.
Poochyena, get down!: You can see a little of the artist's watermark, but other than that it's pretty noice.
Plant some Seedots: Nice basic that ain't too plain.
Ralts: Funkeh art and accurate card.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: "SO I HERD U LIEK MEMEZ" Don't forget to comment!

Thanks brah! What do you think about the yellow Power font for Poochyena? There were no Dark-type Neo cards, so I borrowed the color from the e-card Darks.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: "SO I HERD U LIEK MEMEZ" Don't forget to comment!

^I like the yellow. It doesn't look out of place at all, which is definitely a good thing (actually, it looks sorta neat).
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: "SO I HERD U LIEK MEMEZ" Don't forget to comment!

Haven't been around in a while. Good ones CMP.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: "SO I HERD U LIEK MEMEZ" Don't forget to comment!

I actually looked through the Neo scans on PB to check for the colour when I commented :p Does the job :D
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: "SO I HERD U LIEK MEMEZ" Don't forget to comment!

Sorry about the lack of cards lately -- real life and all that. :p

Castform: Normal | Sunny | Rainy | Hail
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Castform, Costform, Castform, and Castform! Don't forget to comment!

rofl snow way attack ever i love them lol
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Castform, Costform, Castform, and Castform! Don't forget to comment!

'Snow Joke Out'?

Other than that, pretty sweet cards :p
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Castform, Costform, Castform, and Castform! Don't forget to comment!

NICE! Snow Way Out has me lmao...
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon -- I'll make it. GO!

The Pokemon to make is…

Lovin' the cards, by the way. They look like something that I'd expect to pull out of an official pack. Keep it up!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon -- I'll make it. GO!

Very happy to see you suggest that, Decmaster, as I had just made spoilers for Horsea and Seadra and found great art for Kingdra. It's like you read my mind...

I'll update with the line in a little bit!

EDIT: Seadra for later.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Horsea and Kingdra.

Haha, nice packs, but I recognize the Japanese Rising Rivals art ;)
Been a long time since I commented, but I've been keeping up with th4 updates and just wanted to let you know they're still great! Keep it up :)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon and I'll make it Round 2

Thanks guys! Yeah, 6-D, all of the art I used from the packs came from existing sources. :)

Round 2 of "Name a Pokémon and I'll make it" -- discouraging any 5th gens whose species name we don't know 100%.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon and I'll make it Round 2

As I've said before, find me art.