RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: "SO I HERD U LIEK MEMEZ" Don't forget to comment!
I herd u liek Mudkipz: Any Mudkip is epic. This is no exception
Marshtompin': I like the Even Footing power, nice to include references to it's Ground type.
Poochyena, get down!: You can see a little of the artist's watermark, but other than that it's pretty noice.
Plant some Seedots: Nice basic that ain't too plain.
Ralts: Funkeh art and accurate card.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: "SO I HERD U LIEK MEMEZ" Don't forget to comment!
Thanks brah! What do you think about the yellow Power font for Poochyena? There were no Dark-type Neo cards, so I borrowed the color from the e-card Darks.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. First to comment with a Pokémon -- I'll make it. GO!
Very happy to see you suggest that, Decmaster, as I had just made spoilers for Horsea and Seadra and found great art for Kingdra. It's like you read my mind...
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. UPDATE: Horsea and Kingdra.
Haha, nice packs, but I recognize the Japanese Rising Rivals art
Been a long time since I commented, but I've been keeping up with th4 updates and just wanted to let you know they're still great! Keep it up