TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: Almost to 400! UPDATE: New Flying and Rock blanks + a crybaby! (11/23)

Bonsly has a weakness? I thought babies didn't normally have weakness? or is that just me.

EPIC FALCON <3 ! Those new blanks look amazing on this guy; very nice job!
RE: Neo Redux: Almost to 400! UPDATE: New Flying and Rock blanks + a crybaby! (11/23)

Ah, good point DNA. I'll fix that! Thanks bro.

Glad you like the new blanks! =)


...brings me to approximately 399 cards. Phew. What do you guys want as card 400?!
RE: Neo Redux: One more to 400! UPDATE: New Flying and Rock blanks, a crybaby, a clam, and a loach! (11/23)

CMP said:
Boring card, but hey! It's a card.


I think I had a card with a similar effect and someone brought up the wording. It's correct, just check out Neo Discovery Metapod. =)


Seriously CMP this card is the most adorable
RE: Neo Redux: One more to 400! UPDATE: New Flying and Rock blanks, a crybaby, a clam, and a loach! (11/23)

Awesome as always. The new textures are beautiful, especially the flying one. Fits so well :)
So you're revamping even those great poison blanks ): haha, I would tell that I can't think you can make'em any better, but, coming from you, I can only expect awesomeness.

I want Scizor as 400th, want sooooo bad!
RE: Neo Redux: One more to 400! UPDATE: New Flying and Rock blanks, a crybaby, a clam, and a loach! (11/23)

Arcanine for 400.
RE: Neo Redux: One more to 400! UPDATE: New Flying and Rock blanks, a crybaby, a clam, and a loach! (11/23)

Thanks Kam! Glad you like it. :p

Yep -- the Poison blanks are getting a slight makeover, Delta Nite. A little more...smoggy (read: darker) with a hint of purple here and there as a nod to its official color representation form the games. Let me know if you want a sneak peak! Scizor is a possibility (so long as I can find art).

Maybe, Zach-o. Though I'd like to save a few Kanto Pokémon for the end!
RE: Neo Redux: One more to 400! UPDATE: New Flying and Rock blanks, a crybaby, a clam, and a loach! (11/23)

My favourite out of these new cards is the Bonsly - the Rock texture looks grand. The birds look good too, great work :D
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400. (11/25)

Thanks Flameh.


Card four hundred...four arms. Didn't even see the connection until I posted it. Solid -- fitting!
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400. (11/25)

Woo! Four Hundred. That's a lot. Congrats. And as usual, fantastic work.
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400. (11/25)

First pure Poison-type in the 'dex...on a fresh new Poison blank!


Idea is adding more purple (it's most canonically-associated color) with a bit of a darker tone. Kind of smog-like.
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400 and a new Poison blank! (11/25)

You made it. Made what was already perfect get even better! Liked how you added purple while keeping green as the main color, it went out surreal, like if you're intoxicated just by seeing it haha :p

I was scrolling your setlist and saw that you changed M2 art. Gotta say I preffer the older one.
Thinking bout that, you've been changing a lot of art recently, it there any particular reason?
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400 and a new Poison blank! (11/25)

Delta Nite said:
You made it. Made what was already perfect get even better!

^ I couldn't have said it better myself, Delta Nite.

Everything looks great so far, CMP. I'm really liking the new blanks and all your recent updates have been awesome (especially Machamp and Pideot). Oh, and congrats on reaching 400, that's quite the achievement.
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400 and a new Poison blank! (11/25)

This poison texture looks amazing CMPer! Only suggestion is to tone down the black part in the top-left corner, it seems to clash with the black name text a bit.
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400 and a new Poison blank! (11/25)

Thanks guys...glad you like the new texture. =)

@DN: Yeah, I've been changing some art lately. It's mostly due to finding art that better suits the card. The old Mewtwo art was awesome, but nothing that I could ever see on a Pokémon card -- it looked a little too stylized for my liking. Additionally, the Neo-era started a shift away from hand-drawn art (with visible texture from pain, pastels, etc.) and more toward what exists today -- nearly 100% digital.

@Cris: Thanks -- my previous attempt at a project like this lasted me to barely 150. It was during the third gen, so if I made it this far then I'd already be done! :p

@I tried doing it, Flameh, and I think I'll do it for future cards. Thanks for the suggestion, bro.

Also: in case you were wondering, the 400 cards does NOT include the promos or Energy cards. It's 400 Pokémon. So really I'm up to ~438 cards. ;)
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400 and a new Poison blank! (11/25)

I really like that Clampearl card. I'm not really a big fan of 3D art, but, like I've mentioned it previous comments, it really gives me that mid-late Neo vibe.

I also like the new Poison texture. Nice job!
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400 and a new Poison blank! (11/25)

Poison carries with it that vibe of being sinister and toxic. This new blank looks wonderful!
As far as Machamp goes, it should say this:

"Flip 4 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads. Then, Machamp does 20 damage times the number of tails to itself."

Look at Fossil Zapdos for comparative wording.
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400 and a new Poison blank! (11/25)

The fact that you actually made packs for this is mind-blowing. You are: passionate, serious, devoted about your work, unlike any other person I have seen. You truly have my respect CMP. This is phenomenal.

Can I make the Espeon moveset? ;)
RE: Neo Redux: 400 down! UPDATE: Card number 400 and a new Poison blank! (11/25)

Thanks, Aki! Yeah -- I'm usually not a huge fan of 3D art, but it looks good with certain Pokémon. I'm glad you think it fits the Neo-era of the cards, as that's exactly what I'm going for!

DNA -- thanks again, bro. Once more, you come to my aid. Can't believe I butchered that one so badly. :p Should be updated now!

EspeonROX (by which name you'll forever be known :p), that really means a lot. Thanks! Unfortunately, I already have all of the spoilers completed (with a huge help from DNA and Bipp, among others), but I'd never be opposed to making a promo or two! ;)

RE: Neo Redux: New blanks, new dawn. UPDATE: Quit monkeying around! (11/26)

The move that does a nifty amount of damage also helps to evolve that Pokemon into its next form.

Oh CMP you never cease to amaze me :D
RE: Neo Redux: New blanks, new dawn. UPDATE: Quit monkeying around! (11/26)

I don't check this thread for a couple days and... wow. Simply incredible, especially the poison blanks. CMP, you never cease to amaze.

Just one thing- on Barboach's attack (Bottom Feeder), it basically says to ignore energy costs for the attack of the Pokemon it discards (if there is one) twice. It just seems a little redundant to me, but then again, that's probably the way it was worded in the Neo era... thought I'd at least mention it.