TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

I am really loving this collection and the best part about it is i'm never gonna know what you'll make so one day you could just make a pikachu and the next day you would put up an awesome looking blaiziken
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

The artwork is amazing. The cards looks perfect. The foil is done just right. The best fake set I may have ever seen. I love how you use the old templates rather than the new ones...please. Don't stop! Do a few Eeveelutions; I think they'd turn out great. *COUGHESPEONCOUGH*
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

Thanks, EspeonROX, though I can't take credit for the artwork! I try to make the holo look as realistic as possible -- I came up with my own unique way of doing so. Neo was always my favorite series, so I took it upon myself to revive it.

Rest assured, I have no intentions on stopping -- and Eeveelutions will come, don't worry! I might even have to dedicate the Espeon to you! Haha.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

Not yet...what I have posted is everything I've completed.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

Cmp Have I Seen You Before?
Your cards look familiar to me...
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

I post my cards on a multitude of different forums, so probably :p
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

Wow! These cards are absolutely SUPERB!

I was browsing through some of the cards, and my brother came by and asked me "Is that a new set?!"

I love these cards so much! If this was an actual set, I would buy several Booster Boxes to complete the Set.

I would recommend you add some Shinings, though. Also, the Link to the Pikachu Card links to the Raichu Card. Other than that, absolutely AMAZING!

I actually have a request...Since I am an avid Squirtle collector and Fan, could you maybe print out the Squirtle card, on some paper that is very close to the actuall material used on the real cards, and we could do a trade for it?

If not, I completely understand, mate!

Once again, this is absolutely AMAZING!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

Thanks, Quedus!

I've actually already completed a Shining, listed under the promos. I don't plan on doing many more (if any), simply because Shining Gyarados is the quintessential Shining Pokémon throughout the series. If I were to do another, it'd probably be Noctowl as Ash has one in the animé.

Thanks for pointing out the Pikachu -- right now, I'm in the process of "updating" older cards, and I figured I'd just leave the error alone until it was time to fix the Pikachu card.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

could you do a english pikachu m and m lv.x?
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

Sorry, but this isn't a request thread, tyranitar77. And I actually only fake using Neo blanks, so to do a LV. X would be impossible.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update: Johto invasion!

is up!

Thanks to Alvin for help with attacks.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update (finally!): Porygon!

Loving the attack names ;) You picked some smexy artwork too, I love a good Porygon. Good card CMPer ;)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update (finally!): Porygon!

Hey CMP, nice job with the Porygon card. Both the attack and the artwork are looking great. Keep up the hard work, and I can't wait to see more of your work soon.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update (finally!): Porygon!

Thanks's another.

RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update (finally!): Porygon!

Sweet new cards, Matrix Bunny! I especially like that Porygon. I wasn't even completely sure what vector meant until I started taking computer graphics classes a year ago.
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update (finally!): Porygon!

Nice Porygon, CMP, and what amazing attacks ^-^ lol. Can we expect the Porygon2 and Porygon-Z too?
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update (finally!): Porygon!

Thanks, guys!

Porygon2 and Porygon-Z will come when I get good artwork! :)
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update (finally!): Porygon!

I'm not quite sure where this is on CMP's priorities, but he and I have been organizing Reshiram and Zekrom cards to commemorate the release of Black and White! Look forward to them!
RE: CMP Presents...Neo Redux. Update (finally!): Porygon!

Nice Houndour, Reckless Bark is a good Hound-style attack ;) Good card mate, looks accurate to me.