TCG Fakes Neo Redux: A Triumphant Return? (Image Based) // Gee, you're big.

RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

Bah! Thanks, DNA. I'll edit it. :p Oddly enough, I have it on my 65-page master document, but it's not on the card. I think it might be because I started on it a while ago and had already pasted the attack down.

Oooh more DNA spoilers would be awesome. =)
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

I like the design alot CMP! Great job! Only one problem: Are you doing promos?
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

I am, LillipupFTW. They're listed in the first post. =)
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

CMP said:
Thanks guys! Yeah, Neo Redux cards would never be printed by TPCi. Nor would I ever sell them myself, as doing so would be illegal. I am printing Shamaschar (one of safariblade's Fakemon) and Dragonite (when I make it) and sending them to safariblade, but it's for free as a gift.

Thanks for that, Nigel. For some reason, the website I used listed that wording for Dark Omanyte -- and I didn't bother to check the scan on PokéBeach. My fault. I'll edit it.

Yeah you're right CMP, selling us fake cards would be illegal but do you know what's not illegal? Selling us empty boxes! Who knows, maybe you could throw in some of your printed fakes as a way of saying "thank you" for buying your boxes. You know what I just noticed? You could also use the box we purchase to ship us our thank you gifts! It's just an idea, but I'm pretty sure a lot of us want to buy some "empty shipping boxes" from you. ;D
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

Can I have some empty shipping boxes?! =D I collect those :D

BTW to keep this from getting spammy, when do you think the set will be finished by?
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

Cris said:
Yeah you're right CMP, selling us fake cards would be illegal but do you know what's not illegal? Selling us empty boxes! Who knows, maybe you could throw in some of your printed fakes as a way of saying "thank you" for buying your boxes. You know what I just noticed? You could also use the box we purchase to ship us our thank you gifts! It's just an idea, but I'm pretty sure a lot of us want to buy some "empty shipping boxes" from you. ;D

That made me laugh and I needed a good chuckle today, Cris ftw!! :)
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

are you selling them i would buy!
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

He doesn't want to go to jail josh, as basically thats where he'd go if he did. We don't want him to go to jail either :D
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

Relax I was jking but if he could legally sell them it would be cool
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

I'll do: Clamperl line, Mothim, Delibird, Purugly, Bibarel, Boldore, Amoongus, and Gurdurr.

Can I see the Gigalith and Conkeldurr spoilers too?
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

Whoa, this is amazing. The addition of new types is weird, but I guess its just cuz I'm not used to them. The cards look very professional, some better than professional.

(The Totodile in the first post lacks HP)
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

@Cris and Rock Wrecker: Loopholes, eh? ;) And Rock Wrecker -- as long as I get the spoilers done in the next week, I could easily see myself finishing in a few months. Spoilers are the hard part for sure. Making the cards is much easier and less time consuming, believe it or not!

@josh: You're more than welcome to print them yourself, though. I can give you tips on how to best print them.

@Bippa: Awesome -- thanks! I don't need spoilers for Amoongus anymore, though. <3

@Johto-Master: Thanks! I also appreciate you catching the error on Totodile. I accidentally moved the wrong layer (so really the HP is floating in space right now haha), and forgot to catch it. The new types are a little weird at first, but like you said, you'll probably get used to them.

New cards coming soon! Sorry for not making any yesterday -- I was busy working on spoilers. Only a handful of monsters to go!
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

CMP said:
@josh: You're more than welcome to print them yourself, though. I can give you tips on how to best print them.
that be great PM me anytime you get the chance, i am thinking of making a deck with them and taking them to my local league it will be very funny i think.
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

joshA11 said:
that be great PM me anytime you get the chance, i am thinking of making a deck with them and taking them to my local league it will be very funny i think.

I wouldn't take them to league right away. If you try to use them, you could possibly get in trouble. I'd talk to your league leader first. Although printing 60 cards the way I do might blow through an ink cartridge quick hahah
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

well i dont think my league manager will mind to much, she is away this week anyway for worlds. and probably wont mind either way
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Grovyle and Munchlax (8/8)!

It's more of the legal aspect of it than the fun aspect that matters, unfortunately. I mean, I'd totally love to build a deck with some of these spoilers, but I also don't want to spark a riot.
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Dragons! (8/11)



Thanks to Nekoban Ryo for the awesome Dragon symbol!
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Dragons! (8/11)

Nice update CMP! I really like Dratini and Dragonair and I can't wait to see Dragonite, I bet it is going to be epic!
RE: Neo Redux: Want to help? I have a to-do list -- see post 1100! UPDATE: Complete Tao Trio! (8/11)

Thanks, Cris!


Special help from Alvin with these.