XY New Abilities and effects?

GoldenDP said:
FloodBadge said:
Neutrality: Moves that effect pokemon depending on gender can now effect any target, regardless of gender.

That would upset a lot of parents; because a male Pokémon could use Attract on a male Pokémon, or a female Pokémon could use Attract on a female Pokémon. And that would in some parents eyes be "prompting" homosexuality, and that is ofcourse "bad".

Parents today. eh.

Its 2013. some parents could grow up : )
Tsukeo said:
FloodBadge said:
Neutrality: Moves that effect pokemon depending on gender can now effect any target, regardless of gender.

That would upset a lot of parents; because a male Pokémon could use Attract on a male Pokémon, or a female Pokémon could use Attract on a female Pokémon. And that would in some parents eyes be "prompting" homosexuality, and that is ofcourse "bad".

Parents today. eh.

I don't think it would be any worse than a male pokemon using Sweet Kiss on another male
Wind Shear-Flying-type version of Stealth Rock, except it's an ability, not a move.

Clear Skies-Clear all weathers and hazards. It also increase flying-type moves.

Shield Aura-Exclusive to fairy-types; it randomly increase the user defense or special defense stat at the end of each turn.

Power Aura-Again exclusive to fairy-types; randomly increase the user attack or special attack stat at the end of each turn.
Matty said:
Wind Shear-Flying-type version of Stealth Rock, except it's an ability, not a move.

Clear Skies-Clear all weathers and hazards. It also increase flying-type moves.

Shield Aura-Exclusive to fairy-types; it randomly increase the user defense or special defense stat at the end of each turn.

Power Aura-Again exclusive to fairy-types; randomly increase the user attack or special attack stat at the end of each turn.

Stealth Rocks are hazards not a move. Unless that it gets the hazard when switching in.

Clear Skies is actually very good but there is no need to boost Flying-type moves.

Too good. Download only boosts once. Speed Boost does boost consistently but it won't make it a tank very difficult to KO.

The same just that it isn't as broken. A lot superior than Download (it could be done the same way of Download though).

The first 2 could be very good and the 4th could get a very good in a sweeper. Shield Aura would be crazy if you can just use protect and recover moves.
Some of these are completely OP. While it may be fun to add new abilities, just remember, some of these would render about half the current metagame completely useless (such as rapid spinners). jussayin
Woo abilities:

Corruption: If the user is in red HP it gains the dark type until its healed past red or dies.

For the technology Pokemon, Porygon line and Klink line, could be very hindering to those to but could be useful maybe, not really but taste wise it works very well especially with the Porygon line.

Faint Heart: If hit by a dark, bug or ghost move the Pokemon switches out.

Like Rattled and U-turn combined.

Hopeful Heart: Dark moves have a 20% decrease in accuracy.

Maybe a bit broken but I can imagine Gardevoir having this for some reason.

Bulletproof: Grants immunity to multiple strike moves such as Rock Blast.

Probably most fit to steel types even though they resist most multi-hit moves, but it could be cool.

Just some random ideas...
Radioactive561 said:
Bulletproof: Grants immunity to multiple strike moves such as Rock Blast.

Probably most fit to steel types even though they resist most multi-hit moves, but it could be cool.

Ooo. I like this one a lot for some reason. Would make some Substitute users a real pain to deal with. Throw on a hypothetical new item that prevents them from getting switched out by the likes of Roar and Whirlwind and you better be praying for some critical hits.
Flys Gone 2071 said:
Matty said:
Wind Shear-Flying-type version of Stealth Rock, except it's an ability, not a move.

Clear Skies-Clear all weathers and hazards. It also increase flying-type moves.

Shield Aura-Exclusive to fairy-types; it randomly increase the user defense or special defense stat at the end of each turn.

Power Aura-Again exclusive to fairy-types; randomly increase the user attack or special attack stat at the end of each turn.

Stealth Rocks are hazards not a move. Unless that it gets the hazard when switching in.

Clear Skies is actually very good but there is no need to boost Flying-type moves.

Too good. Download only boosts once. Speed Boost does boost consistently but it won't make it a tank very difficult to KO.

The same just that it isn't as broken. A lot superior than Download (it could be done the same way of Download though).

The first 2 could be very good and the 4th could get a very good in a sweeper. Shield Aura would be crazy if you can just use protect and recover moves.

...What? Stealth Rock is a move that activate an entry hazard in the battle. I was trying to explain that Wind Shear is an ability, not a move so it wouldn't be overpowered and abuse it like they did with Stealth Rock.

I felt Clear Skies should increase flying-type moves because it's a clear, sunny sky. No distraction like rain, hail, or sandstorm, they can fly freely and focus on their full strength. Besides, what's wrong with the benefits?

Granted, Shield Aura and Power Aura could be overpowered, but not always. It's depends on their stats, abilities, and weaknesses.
Matty said:
Flys Gone 2071 said:
Stealth Rocks are hazards not a move. Unless that it gets the hazard when switching in.

Clear Skies is actually very good but there is no need to boost Flying-type moves.

Too good. Download only boosts once. Speed Boost does boost consistently but it won't make it a tank very difficult to KO.

The same just that it isn't as broken. A lot superior than Download (it could be done the same way of Download though).

The first 2 could be very good and the 4th could get a very good in a sweeper. Shield Aura would be crazy if you can just use protect and recover moves.

...What? Stealth Rock is a move that activate an entry hazard in the battle. I was trying to explain that Wind Shear is an ability, not a move so it wouldn't be overpowered and abuse it like they did with Stealth Rock.

I felt Clear Skies should increase flying-type moves because it's a clear, sunny sky. No distraction like rain, hail, or sandstorm, they can fly freely and focus on their full strength. Besides, what's wrong with the benefits?

Granted, Shield Aura and Power Aura could be overpowered, but not always. It's depends on their stats, abilities, and weaknesses.

I do get why Clear Skies would help Flying but it would become terribly good with some Pokemon. Also, would the hazards be moved before or after the Pokemon takes damage?

On Wind Shear I meant if it was supposed to put the hazards once it enters battle or if it is suppose to work as long as the Pokemon is active.

The problem would actually be with those bulky Pokemon that can use protect and can easily recover. Making them excellent walls every turn being more difficult to take out.
Flys Gone 2071 said:
Matty said:
...What? Stealth Rock is a move that activate an entry hazard in the battle. I was trying to explain that Wind Shear is an ability, not a move so it wouldn't be overpowered and abuse it like they did with Stealth Rock.

I felt Clear Skies should increase flying-type moves because it's a clear, sunny sky. No distraction like rain, hail, or sandstorm, they can fly freely and focus on their full strength. Besides, what's wrong with the benefits?

Granted, Shield Aura and Power Aura could be overpowered, but not always. It's depends on their stats, abilities, and weaknesses.

I do get why Clear Skies would help Flying but it would become terribly good with some Pokemon. Also, would the hazards be moved before or after the Pokemon takes damage?

On Wind Shear I meant if it was supposed to put the hazards once it enters battle or if it is suppose to work as long as the Pokemon is active.

The problem would actually be with those bulky Pokemon that can use protect and can easily recover. Making them excellent walls every turn being more difficult to take out.

Ah, I see what you mean, once the Wind Shear ability activiates, it would be there permanently...until the end of the pokemon battle. (Not just the user)
I'd like to see somthing along the lines of this...

Dragon Force: Powers up Dragon-type moves in a pinch
Frost Body: Contact with the Pokémon may cause freezing
Cheetah: Evasion and Speed are raised by 1 stage each upon entering battle
Evaporate: Evasion is raised by 1 stage if hit by a Physical move
Scarred: Physical contact made with the Pokémon may leave the target petrified (new status ailment I made)

I'll edit this when I can think of new ones...
Here are my thoughts for new abilities to help grass pokemon:

Sharp Leaf: Not effective damage is now normal damage. Increases critical hit by 1 stage.
Leaf Guard: Super Effective Damage is halved.
Energy Leech: Boosts Damage of those moves by 30% and Boost Health returned to user by 25%
Chorophyll: Should also heal HP by 1/8 per turn.

Other Abilities:
Illness: Increases the duration of status effects or aliments by 1-2 turns.

Abilities activated by contact should be activated 75 or 100% of the time.
talking about "helping grass pokemon"... they are defensively very weak in general (thank the type chart), a few fancy abilities are cool, but how about something bigger?

I'm thinking...what if the battle location played a role?
For example, battling on a green field would give Grass types some kind of buffs, and other types depending on the location.
Since there is lots of places with grass in any region, it would help them the most. (for competitive battles, this would be random, but then hopefully biased towards grass types somehow).
OR....maybe it would be more common due to fields being a combination of "floor-type" and an optional "cover-type".

What kind of effects could these "field buffs" cause?
And what location would buff what types?


Heres what I've come up with so far

-cave (Rock buff)
-desert (Ground buff)
-forest (Grass buff)
-water (Water buff)
-mountain (Steel buff)

-none 15%
-overgrown (Grass buff) 60%
-snow (Ice buff) 10%
-rocks (Rock buff) 5%
-ponds (Water buff) 10%

the buffs could be things like gaining new immunities, having improved defenses etc..
Like Water gaining an Electric immunity in swamp xDDDd
Puppeteer: Has a 10% chance of summoning a substitute after being hit by an attack.
Dormancy: Raises a random stat +2 if it cannot attack due to freeze, sleep, paralysis, or flinch.
Graviton: For Double Battles, all multi-damaging (EQ, Surf, etc) attacks hit only this Pokemon.
Afterhaze: After this Pokemon is Knocked Out the other Pokemon's stats return to normal.
Velocity: Strength of attacks increases by 2.5% for each successive use of the same attack.

I also really liked the Radioactivity and Bulletproof abilities above.
Mitja said:
talking about "helping grass pokemon"... they are defensively very weak in general (thank the type chart), a few fancy abilities are cool, but how about something bigger?

I'm thinking...what if the battle location played a role?
For example, battling on a green field would give Grass types some kind of buffs, and other types depending on the location.
Since there is lots of places with grass in any region, it would help them the most. (for competitive battles, this would be random, but then hopefully biased towards grass types somehow).
OR....maybe it would be more common due to fields being a combination of "floor-type" and an optional "cover-type".

What kind of effects could these "field buffs" cause?
And what location would buff what types?


Heres what I've come up with so far

-cave (Rock buff)
-swamp(Poison buff)
-desert (Ground buff)
-forest (Grass buff)
-water (Water buff)
-mountain (Steel buff)
-urban (Normal)

-none 15%
-overgrown (Grass buff) 60%
-snow (Ice buff) 10%
-rocks (Rock buff) 5%
-ponds (Water buff) 10%

the buffs could be things like gaining new immunities, having improved defenses etc..
Like Water gaining an Electric immunity in swamp xDDDd

Added a couple. I dont really think Water needs any sort of buff though. If anything Electric should gain a buff from battling on or around water.
Skill Lock: Disables all skills, minus Skill Lock... Mewtwo's unique ability...
White Hot/Glacier: Solid Rock clones for Fire and Ice types, respectively...
Precognitive: Pokemon is immune to Entry Hazards...
J.D. said:
Precognitive: Pokemon is immune to Entry Hazards...

something similar::

Precognition (for all the pokemon that can see the future, IE gardevoir, espeon, xatu, absol, gothitelle)
the pokemon gains one/two evasion boosts upon entry.
Upload: The Pokemon gains a boost in 1 of its Defenses according to the Pokemon's highest Attack stat.

Because Download boosts attack, Upload boosts Defense.
I think some of the TCG abilities would be cool if they could be given an approximation in game.

Fight Song: Taken from Altaria but I could see this being a number of things, either like Flower Gift boosting itself and an ally in Attack and Special Attack and the trigger could be a dragon type move being used. Or it could be like a dragon type Blaze and Overgrow.

Flare Navigate: Like Victory Star but specific to Fire type moves of the user, a toned down version but maybe with a slightly better accuracy increase like 15% to make up for it only affecting fire type moves.

Weak Barrier: (Taken from the Elgyem Promo) The first attack that hits this Pokemon in battle does 50% less damage, would that be very problematic? I suppose its easy to work around so no.

Power Connect: Basically Metronome the item but as an ability.

Night Sight: I feel this would be like No Guard but with a new name for a new spread of Pokemon.

Cursed Shadow: If this Pokemon is knocked out the the Pokemon that knocked it out loses an 1/8th of its HP after it attacks.

There's probably a few more but I was only looking at recent sets that have abilities that could be used in game,