New Ban Policy - PokeBeach Forum Jail

This seems very fair. It could help some members rethink how they behave on the forums and make for a better community overall. I like it. Though I do see some problems arising with traders.
This system has potential to change members, but making all bans permanent means members have to light on their toes and try their hardest not to get banned.

So, it may change members without them even getting banned.


I actually feel that this is a really good, I do feel uneasy about every ban is a perma, but that just teaches people to be careful ;)

Holy Star is coming too :O
The more I think about it, the more fair this seems and it has the potential to change old members and it could keep this place more safer, but, I wonder if the old banned members will change for the better, I sure hope so.
Pokebeach has a legal system!!! 8D

Back in all seriousness, I think this is a good idea, but may have a few problems. It really makes those rule-breakers think about what they did. It gives everyone a chance at reflecting and righting their mistakes. I definitely think that this will make the forum much more organized and clean.

legendhunter32 said:
Though I do see some problems arising with traders.
I agree with this, too. Do the rules not apply to bans applying to traders? Because what if someone get's banned for ripping? They get a chance at coming back and doing it again?
I am guessing there are stricter rules for traders who have been banned for ripping. Or, they aren't even allowed back at all.
This is pretty interesting. I think it's healthy for the forum that all moderators are able to see explicitly the reasons behind each ban fairly easily. It will also cut back on unfair bans, hopefully.

Probably the key question that makes or breaks this system though: How are unbans decided? You say "we" a lot but the meaning behind this is unclear. Is it a majority vote, a super mods only thing, etc?

As an aside, will banned members be able to read through appeal threads other than their own?

I guess this means that if I ever get up to a 60% warning level, no more posting from me for a bit.

I'm horrible at explaining what I did wrong and what-not.
Well damn, looks like I'll have to actually..... read the rules o_O

I like this system, I just hope I dont get thrown into jail soon =p
This seems a little harsh, I mean I can understand that it takes quite a bit to get banned, but a perma ban for something like say like off topic warnings, and something else along the lines? Ehh that would better off being a seven day ban max, not a perma. Then again, it can help clean Pokebeach up the scrubs (not many of them)
bacon said:

If there's going to be lawyers we need prosecutors as well. As a follow up question I would like to ask, CAN I BE A POKEBEACH LAWYER OR A POKEBEACH PROSECUTOR? I'VE PLAYED ENOUGH PHEONIX WRIGHT/MILES EDGEWORTH TO BE GOOD AT IT! :D But in all seriousnes this is a good and bad thing for the forums, the good thing is members can reflect on the bad stuff they did and become better members but, the bad thing is truely bad members can lie, cause trouble and take up the mods and WPM's time. (Though hopefully we won't have to deal with any of that.)
bacon said:
As an aside, will banned members be able to read through appeal threads other than their own?

I've heard from a banned member that he is only able to see his thread, and none of the other appeals threads.
I personally like this new system. It makes people actually go read the rules so they don't go to jail and for those law offenders who win their trials, they might actually not break the rules again. I just hope I don't go to jail anytime soon.

the aura is with me8 said:
If there's going to be lawyers we need prosecutors as well. As a follow up question I would like to ask, CAN I BE A POKEBEACH LAWYER OR A POKEBEACH PROSECUTOR? I'VE PLAYED ENOUGH PHEONIX WRIGHT/MILES EDGEWORTH TO BE GOOD AT IT! :D But in all seriousnes this is a good and bad thing for the forums, the good thing is members can reflect on the bad stuff they did and become better members but, the bad thing is truely bad members can lie, cause trouble and take up the mods and WPM's time. (Though hopefully we won't have to deal with any of that.)

I wanna be a lawyer as well! :D

None of you people have enough experience to be lawyers! Not only do you not have a classy epic hairdo or a stylish outfit, but you're also unable to point your finger in a truly condescending fashion!

Take that!!

(In all seriousness, if this new system actually spurs the members to read the rules, it will be worth it; and I've played through all five of the Ace Attorney games in English at least 3 times, so not many of you have played the series more than me.)
Afro should be a lawyer.

He has an epic "do"


But yeah, this will definetely make people look over the rules again.

/me runs to reference rules

Don't worry I've got this. Lawyers would be cool, but I really doubt WPM would allow it.

(On the subject of seeing other threads, banned members can only see their own. It is completely private)