BW/BW2 New Evolutions for Generation 5

kangaskhan said:
skarmory doesn't need one

but persian, arbok, ariados, kricketune, pinsir & heracross

should all get one

That's true. I would love to see all of those get evolutions. Not to mention I would'nt mind a Cacturne, Carnevine, Pachirisu, Chatot, and (maybe?) more eeveelutions.
Dugtrio evo (ground/steel)
Ponyta prevo/Rapidash evo (fire, fire/flying)
Farfetch'd prevo & Farfetch'd evo (normal/flying, fighting/flying)
Electrode evo (electric/fire)
Lickitung prevo (normal)
Kangaskhan prevo (normal), Kangaskhan evo (normal/dark or fighting)
Mr. Mime evo (psychic/dark)
Scyther prevo (bug or bug/flying)
Jynx evo (ice/psychic)
Pinsir&Heracross prevo (bug)
Tauros&Miltank prevo (normal)
Tauros evo (normal/fighting)
Lapras prevo (water or water/ice)
Eevee evo (dragon or ghost or steel or poison or ground)
Aerodactyl prevo (normal/flying)
Ledian evo (bug/fighting)
Skiploom split evo (grass/flying)
Girafarig prevo (normal)
Dunsparce evo (normal/ground or normal/dragon or normal/flying)
Qwilfish evo (water/poison)
Shuckle evo (bug/rock)
Sneasel prevo (dark)
Teddiursa split-evo (normal/ice)
Slugma split-evo (fire/ice)
Corsola prevo (water), Corsola evo (water/rock)
Delibird prevo (ice/flying), Delibird evo (ice/flying)
Skarmory prevo (normal/flying)
Stantler prevo (normal)
Smeargle prevo (normal), Smeargle evo (normal)
Miltank evo (normal)
Shroomish split-evo (grass/poison)
Vigoroth split-evo (normal/fight)
Makuhita prevo (fighting)
Sableye evo (dark/psychic)
Mawile evo (steel/dark)
Volbeat&Illumise prevo (bug)
Carvanha split-evo (water/dark or water/steel)
Torkoal evo (fire/rock)
Trapinch split-evo (ground/bug) which then evolves into a bug/dragon Pokémon
Zangoose evo (normal/dark)
Seviper evo (poison/dark)
Lunatone&Solrock prevo (rock)
Feebas split-evo (water/dark)
Kecleon prevo (normal), Kecleon evo (normal/poison)
Tropius prevo (grass)
Absol prevo (normal/dark)
Luvdisc evo (water/flying)
Combee split-evo (bug/fighting)
Pachirisu evo (electric/flying)
Chatot evo (normal/flying)
Carnivine prevo (grass), Carnivine evo (grass/poison or grass/dark)
Lumineon evo (water/flying)
Phione evo (water/psychic)

No, not all of them lol.
I've got my money on a new Eeveelution or two. Personally, I'm hoping for a Ghost one, but I think it's more likely for a Flying or Poison one to pop up.
A Banette evo might be coming up, but I dunno. It seems like it's been needing one.
I just really hope they don't mess with the earlier gens too much, at least not the good standalones. There's already something that looks like it could be a Luvdisc evolution... which was totally unnecessary D:
We need a list of feminine and masculine pokemon(such as they did last year be making a masculine version of gardevoir, gallade)

I say smoochum needs a male evolution, perhaps ice/fighting
Also, a girl machop evo chain (girl machoke? psssh)
mr.619 said:
Ditto evolution. Anyone else agree with me?

ditto is a gimmick mon, itll never get an evo, it doesnt need one. what would it even do anyway? ditto can already exactly copy another pokemon

i think banette and jynx were left out, theyre counterparts got evos in gen4( magmortar& electivire for jynx and dusknoir for banette) i would like to see a male version of jynx and a shuckle prevo that can also evolve into a reverse shuckle (high offensive stats, low defensive stats) there are still more but i dont want to have to spend five minutes goin through the pokedex

for eeveelutions im thinking a dragon type to go with the whole special attack theme going on and hopefully a flying evo for the fans who want an entire eevee team
Shining Rotom said:
Dugtrio evo (ground/steel)
Ponyta prevo/Rapidash evo (fire, fire/flying)
Farfetch'd prevo & Farfetch'd evo (normal/flying, fighting/flying)
Electrode evo (electric/fire)
Lickitung prevo (normal)
Kangaskhan prevo (normal), Kangaskhan evo (normal/dark or fighting)
Mr. Mime evo (psychic/dark)
Scyther prevo (bug or bug/flying)
Jynx evo (ice/psychic)
Pinsir&Heracross prevo (bug)
Tauros&Miltank prevo (normal)
Tauros evo (normal/fighting)
Lapras prevo (water or water/ice)
Eevee evo (dragon or ghost or steel or poison or ground)
Aerodactyl prevo (normal/flying)
Ledian evo (bug/fighting)
Skiploom split evo (grass/flying)
Girafarig prevo (normal)
Dunsparce evo (normal/ground or normal/dragon or normal/flying)
Qwilfish evo (water/poison)
Shuckle evo (bug/rock)
Sneasel prevo (dark)
Teddiursa split-evo (normal/ice)
Slugma split-evo (fire/ice)
Corsola prevo (water), Corsola evo (water/rock)
Delibird prevo (ice/flying), Delibird evo (ice/flying)
Skarmory prevo (normal/flying)
Stantler prevo (normal)
Smeargle prevo (normal), Smeargle evo (normal)
Miltank evo (normal)
Shroomish split-evo (grass/poison)
Vigoroth split-evo (normal/fight)
Makuhita prevo (fighting)
Sableye evo (dark/psychic)
Mawile evo (steel/dark)
Volbeat&Illumise prevo (bug)
Carvanha split-evo (water/dark or water/steel)
Torkoal evo (fire/rock)
Trapinch split-evo (ground/bug) which then evolves into a bug/dragon Pokémon
Zangoose evo (normal/dark)
Seviper evo (poison/dark)
Lunatone&Solrock prevo (rock)
Feebas split-evo (water/dark)
Kecleon prevo (normal), Kecleon evo (normal/poison)
Tropius prevo (grass)
Absol prevo (normal/dark)
Luvdisc evo (water/flying)
Combee split-evo (bug/fighting)
Pachirisu evo (electric/flying)
Chatot evo (normal/flying)
Carnivine prevo (grass), Carnivine evo (grass/poison or grass/dark)
Lumineon evo (water/flying)
Phione evo (water/psychic)

No, not all of them lol.

i liked most of them but here are the ones i dont:shuckle cuz its defenses are way too high to ever get an evo, slugma i dont like because of the typing: i dont see fire/ice ever happening, smeargle and chatot cuz theyre gimmick mons even tho they NEED evos, pachirisu should get one but i doubt electric flying but i dont understand because of the flying squirrel, and last but not least phione, it comes from manaphy so shouldnt it evolve into manaphy
Shining Rotom said:
Dugtrio evo (ground/steel)
Ponyta prevo/Rapidash evo (fire, fire/flying)
Farfetch'd prevo & Farfetch'd evo (normal/flying, fighting/flying)
Electrode evo (electric/fire)
Lickitung prevo (normal)
Kangaskhan prevo (normal), Kangaskhan evo (normal/dark or fighting)
Mr. Mime evo (psychic/dark)
Scyther prevo (bug or bug/flying)
Jynx evo (ice/psychic)
Pinsir&Heracross prevo (bug)
Tauros&Miltank prevo (normal)
Tauros evo (normal/fighting)
Lapras prevo (water or water/ice)
Eevee evo (dragon or ghost or steel or poison or ground)
Aerodactyl prevo (normal/flying)
Ledian evo (bug/fighting)
Skiploom split evo (grass/flying)
Girafarig prevo (normal)
Dunsparce evo (normal/ground or normal/dragon or normal/flying)
Qwilfish evo (water/poison)
Shuckle evo (bug/rock)
Sneasel prevo (dark)
Teddiursa split-evo (normal/ice)
Slugma split-evo (fire/ice)
Corsola prevo (water), Corsola evo (water/rock)
Delibird prevo (ice/flying), Delibird evo (ice/flying)
Skarmory prevo (normal/flying)
Stantler prevo (normal)
Smeargle prevo (normal), Smeargle evo (normal)
Miltank evo (normal)
Shroomish split-evo (grass/poison)
Vigoroth split-evo (normal/fight)
Makuhita prevo (fighting)
Sableye evo (dark/psychic)
Mawile evo (steel/dark)
Volbeat&Illumise prevo (bug)
Carvanha split-evo (water/dark or water/steel)
Torkoal evo (fire/rock)
Trapinch split-evo (ground/bug) which then evolves into a bug/dragon Pokémon
Zangoose evo (normal/dark)
Seviper evo (poison/dark)
Lunatone&Solrock prevo (rock)
Feebas split-evo (water/dark)
Kecleon prevo (normal), Kecleon evo (normal/poison)
Tropius prevo (grass)
Absol prevo (normal/dark)
Luvdisc evo (water/flying)
Combee split-evo (bug/fighting)
Pachirisu evo (electric/flying)
Chatot evo (normal/flying)
Carnivine prevo (grass), Carnivine evo (grass/poison or grass/dark)
Lumineon evo (water/flying)
Phione evo (water/psychic)

No, not all of them lol.

Could Lucario be made more powerful with an evo? Or would that just be unfair because it has good attack, special attack and speed... even though it's defenses could use a lil work...

And something like Muk maybe because I'm tired of that purple pile of crap evolving from grimer and then that's it. it's jus a giant overweight grimer. They need to make one that looks similar but still looks creative and like they put some thought into it.
Evolving zangoose and/or seviper would almost kind of defeat the purpose of the two of them natural rivals as a mongoose and snake if they changed them too much...
Evolve Gyarados into something more badass has always been something I want too, but get rid of it's stupid flying for dragon or something because it's pathetic I can use a pikachu's thundershock and kill gyarados in one hit. Sableye needs one really bad.
Farfetch'd, pinsir, heracross, and pachirisu need one, and maybe absol(thought it is mildly strong now). Tauros&Miltank branch preevolution would be cool, like it evolves depending on male or female but don't evolve Tauros because it's attack power is good enough on it's own, and Miltank's defense is of that of a...well a tank.
The Creamed Corn Cheron said:
I'd say Lapras some lockness monster or something

It is based off the Lochness monster. :F

dmaster out.
Shining Rotom said:
Dugtrio evo (ground/steel)
Rapidash evo (fire, fire/flying)
Farfetch'd evo (normal/flying, fighting/flying)
Pinsir evo (bug)
Heracross evo (bug)
Miltank evo (normal)
Tauros evo (normal/fighting)
Lapras prevo (water or water/ice)
Eevee evo (dragon or ghost or steel or poison or ground or flying)
Ledian evo (bug/fighting)
Girafarig prevo (normal)
Dunsparce evo (normal/ground or normal/dragon or normal/flying)
Qwilfish evo (water/poison)
Corsola evo (water/rock)
Delibird evo (ice/flying)
Stantler evo (normal)
Smeargle prevo (normal), Smeargle evo (normal)
Makuhita prevo (fighting)
Sableye evo (dark/psychic)
Mawile evo (steel/dark)
Volbeat&Illumise prevo (bug)
Carvanha split-evo (water/dark or water/steel)
Torkoal evo (fire/rock)
Zangoose evo (normal/dark)
Seviper evo (poison/dark)
Lunatone&Solrock prevo (rock)
Feebas split-evo (water/dark)
Kecleon prevo (normal), Kecleon evo (normal/poison)
Tropius prevo (grass)
Absol prevo (normal/dark), Absol evo (dark/fighting)
Luvdisc evo (water/flying)
Combee split-evo (bug/fighting)
Pachirisu evo (electric/flying)
Chatot evo (normal/flying)
Carnivine prevo (grass), Carnivine evo (grass/poison or grass/dark)
Lumineon evo (water/flying)

No, not all of them lol.

I removed/added some to show my opinion.