BW/BW2 New types of pokeballs

imsocool4321 said:
Once upon atime there was a young boy, he drempt of a Pokeball one that had a 100% catch rate. Then as he grew old and after endless numbers of great balls, ultra balls, and every other type of pokeball he caught wind of a new ball, that caught all pokemon, it was called.... The MASTER BALL! We don't need anymore pokeballs, the only important one is the masterball, and ultraballs. nuff said

You do realize the difference in catch rate between an Ultra Ball and, say... A Dive Ball (under certain conditions)?
Tarazuma said:
Yeah, the net ball is the only type specific one so far. But the lure ball and dive ball are only good for catching water types as well. so that's like 3 for water types alone :/

^What she said (no pun intended).
My ideas and descriptions of Pokeballs.

Magma Ball - A Pokeball made by hardened and heated Magma. It works best on Fire, Ground, and Rock types.
Tech Ball - A Pokeball made of strange futuristic material. It works best on Electric and Steel types.
Bio Ball - A Pokeball made of soothing wood. It works best on Bug and Grass types.
Psi Ball - A Pokeball containing telekinetic powers and is untouchable. It works best on Psychic, Dark, and Ghost types.
Champ Ball - A Pokeball made from rock by fist. It works best on Rock and Fighting types.
Final Ball - A Pokeball that has a higher catch rate when your Pokemon are low on HP.
Giga Ball - A Pokeball that catches Pokemon easier if their size is bigger than your Pokemon.
Gen Ball - A Pokeball that works best on a Pokemon in the same generation as your Pokemon.
Grande Ball - A Pokeball that works best on Pokemon in which only one exists (One-Off Pokemon and Legendaries)
Hellion said:
You do realize the difference in catch rate between an Ultra Ball and, say... A Dive Ball (under certain conditions)?
it doesnt matter, all you need are ultra balls and masterballs. the rest of the pokeballs just suck balls.
imsocool4321 said:
it doesnt matter, all you need are ultra balls and masterballs. the rest of the pokeballs just suck balls.
True but at the beginning you wouldn't have money to buy ultra balls.
PokeBeach Bum said:
True but at the beginning you wouldn't have money to buy ultra balls.
ya but you usually get like 5 pokeballs for free, so that enough to start your team.
Instead of seals they could just have pokeballs that open as if they do have seals like a fire ball or bubble ball.
PokeBeach Bum said:
Instead of seals they could just have pokeballs that open as if they do have seals like a fire ball or bubble ball.

Or they could have seals that you COULD put in the box, not being able to put Pokemon in the box was irritating.
imsocool4321 said:
it doesnt matter, all you need are ultra balls and masterballs. the rest of the pokeballs just suck balls.
Dusk Balls and Quick Balls (to some extent) would like to have a word with you.

I like PokeBeach Bum's idea about the seals. No, I LOVE the idea. There could be certain seals that specifically alter the properties of a group of Pokéballs you have. For example, there could be a seal that, when applied to a Pokéball, heightens the catch rate if the Pokémon isn't affected by a status condition. There could also be a feature on that net link thingie that lets you upload your seal patterns to the internet for people to download. That way, when you're customizing your Pokéballs and find a good combination for catching certain Pokémon, you could just put it up for everyone to use. Or you could just be lazy and download the creations to your game. Or keep it to yourself. >=D
Some of my ideas:

- Anti Balls ~ Increased catch rate for Pokemon your Pokemon is not very effective against.
- Compromise Balls ~ Very high catch rate on Pokemon that evolve by happiness (8x) but resets happiness to 0
- Status Balls ~ Similar to the above, high catch rate but inflicts a random status ailment on the Pokemon when it comes into battle. Best used for Pokemon you want for your Dex but not in your team.
- Exp Balls ~ Same catch rate as Great Balls, but gives your existing Pokemon Exp after the battle.

In the PokeShifter pics that have been released already it seems there is a new Pokeball on the sling thing - as far as I saw it was deep blue. I wouldn't be surprised if its just the equivelant of Park Balls however.
Ghostice said:
- Compromise Balls ~ Very high catch rate on Pokemon that evolve by happiness (8x) but resets happiness to 0

You would have to change its name because PokeBalls are only 6 characters long.
Playerking95 said:
Compro ball is a good compromise. What about a ball that catches a Pokemon if it has a similar ability.

Reflex Ball? Like you're Pokemon has good reflexes and knowledge when it comes to the other Pokemon's ability?
Compro ball it is :)
I'm sure in one of the videos I saw (of catching a Dream World Pikachu) after the Pokeball was thrown it only shook once before closing. Will we only need one shake now or was it just so that viewers don't have to wait through all three shakes?
Ghostice said:
Compro ball it is :)
I'm sure in one of the videos I saw (of catching a Dream World Pikachu) after the Pokeball was thrown it only shook once before closing. Will we only need one shake now or was it just so that viewers don't have to wait through all three shakes?

Maybe the Dream World is like Pal Park, you only have a limited number of balls, but they all have 100% catch rate.

The only reason I'm not saying that balls only shake once was because an Oha Suta reveal showed a battle against Zoroark in which someone threw a PokeBall at it and it shook three times and then clicked.
i propose a sand ball. it is a ball made from the sands of a dessert. it works best on ground and rock types
I'd like it if they made a "steal ball" where you could steal your opponent's pokemon :D jk. On a serious note, I would like to see a Spring Ball, Summer Ball, Autumn Ball and Winter Ball that could boost the catch rate based on the seasons.