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RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

Yeah man, I still might be... But it would take a very big amount of RH's for it, if you dont mind
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

BlastBurn said:
Yeah man, I still might be... But it would take a very big amount of RH's for it, if you don't mind

I agree :) Plus I have some harder to find RH like zekrom and reshiram. Let me know.
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

Ok cool, those dont sound too bad! ;D

BTW, NARCOTIC HOBO, can I still get that Complete Red collection JPN? Is it for trade? Ill trade for some of that as well
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

BlastBurn said:
Ok cool, those don't sound too bad! ;D

BTW, NARCOTIC HOBO, can I still get that Complete Red collection JPN? Is it for trade? Ill trade for some of that as well

The red collection is actually up for sale on ebay, if you follow the link in my signature. I would consider trading it for a very good offer though, I'm trying to make money from it so I can get some new japanese cards imported :)

Let's definitely work something out for platinum though, that's the last of the games I'm looking to get :)
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

How much total? I saw it was up for $40, but dont know your max value! :D
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

BlastBurn said:
How much total? I saw it was up for $40, but don't know your max value! :D

Well you can probably get it on ebay for cheaper, cause I'd like at least $45-50 worth of cards if I was going to trade it. I really would rather get the money...
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

I see... any other JPN cards/sets? I like the holos! :D
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

BlastBurn said:
I see... any other JPN cards/sets? I like the holos! :D

I have a Cincinno from BW3, klingklang, serperior, samurott, and exadrill holos from BW1 available too. I should have moltres/articuno/zapdos coming in from bw3 soon but I don't have yet.

Other than that I have a TON of common/uncommon from bw1/bw2/bw3. Let me know :) Also have a whole block of RH from English BW and EP.
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

Yeah, those sound ok! I like any holo's! :D And do you have any good artwork cards in the JPN? Evo lines specifically?
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

BlastBurn said:
Yeah, those sound ok! I like any holo's! :D And do you have any good artwork cards in the JPN? Evo lines specifically?

EDIT: got it.. I probably have klingklang, serperior, samurott, and exadrill/cincinno evo lines.
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

Gotcha! Cool, sounds good! If you compile me a list/offer, we can start there! :D
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

Please CML for
Machamp Prime x1 (TR)
Typhlosian Prime x1 (HGSS Promo)
Steelix Prime x1 (UL)
Blissey Prime x2 (HGSS)
Absol Prime x1 (TR)

FA Tornadus x1
FA Thundurus x1

CoL Shinings:
Deoxys SL1 x1
Dialga SL2 x1
Entei SL3 x1
Groudon SL4 x1
Ho-Oh SL5 x1
Kyogre SL6 x1
Lugia SL7 x1
Palkia SL8 x1
Raikou SL9 x1
Rayquaza SL10 x1
Suicune SL11 x1

I have League DCE and 2 Pokemon Collector unlisted.
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

I'd like 3-4 Junk arms
All Litho's (1,2, and 4)
2x Collectors... Offer?
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

Do you happen to have any NV yet?
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

None, though I wish I do... I have a NV RH Tympole incoming lol
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

Do you have any non-1st edition cards from jungle/fossil that I'm missing? If so we could do this:

1x Complete Set BW2 Red collection

Reverse Holo BW:
RH Serperior 5/114
RH Servine 3/114
RH Switch 104/114
RH Simisear 22/114
RH Scrafty 69/114
RH Klink 74/114
RH Unfezant 86/114
RH Zebstrika 43/114
RH Zekrom
RH Reshiram
RH Cincinno
RH Darumaka 24
RH Pignite 18
RH Dewott 30
RH Venipede 52
RH Liepard

Reverse holo EP:
Sewaddle 3/98
deerling 15
Simisear 19/98
Simipour 23
Swanna 27/98
sandile 60
Ferrothorn 72
Klang 75/98
Watchog 79/98
Rufflet 86
Great ball 93

for your (in order of what I value most):

Pokemon Platinum

Whole bunch of cards I'm missing from jungle/fossil. (if you don't have these I'm willing to just take some tradeable cards or another game or something, we can work it out:)

Emerging powers:
RH Liligant
RH Whilripede
RH Thundurus
RE: BlastBurn [H]Meta, SL's, and more! W: Boxtopper, RH BW/EP stuff

Im sure I could; Lemme check and see what you need/have: How many non-1st edition cards you need?
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