News about 11th movie and rumor of a new pokemon.

cute-mew said:
It's racist though!

It is not racist. You just need an American IP to view the episodes. If you can get an American Phone number but live in Canada and IP address as well then you will be able to get it.:)
cute-mew said:
We're not getting an American phone number _-_

Sorry that is the only way you can do it. I don't know any other way unless you want to move. I know it stinks but these are the only ways that I can think of.:)
xxashxx said:
cute-mew said:
We're not getting an American phone number _-_

Sorry that is the only way you can do it. I don't know any other way unless you want to move. I know it stinks but these are the only ways that I can think of.:)

It your PC IP that the computer checks not the phone ... or if you are sooo deep back.. We have modems and ruters now.. we don't need to call and go on the internet :p ...

If you buy a PC from USA it'll do it ... but US PC's are nothing to EU ones hehe :D

(Note* if you buy an American PC you'll automaticly get an USA IP)