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Nicholsanddimes trade shop *H: Kyrum, FA's, Primes, Merchandise*

I'll throw in another energy, HOWEVER I will instead make the deal:

Your Fa Victini


Lanturn Prime x1
Grass energy foil setless from 2007 x3 (looks like the DP reverse foils)
Grass Energy foil setless from 2006 x1
Professor Oak's New Theory Professor Stamped x1

Basically you're getting foil grass instead of Lightning.
It's a fair deal, but not quite worth my time. I won't be using any of those cards anytime soon. What're you looking for specifically for your Carnival sleeves?
nothing at the moment.... I have them up to get offers or sway someone over on a trade I need. Two days ago I would have done them for a Magnezone but I got one at cities. I'm set on cards right now.

If the other offer is fair I would love to trade with you.
Well, I did explicitly say||infer that the Carnival sleeves were my highest Want, multiple times. Everything else was just icing on the cake. What's the point of trading for icing if I don't even have a cake to put it on? :p
your original post didn't include anything about wants higher than others, also two post after that where you expressed interests in the sleeves I explained I didn't see anything you had. Its not a big deal just been a lot of negotionations for nothing to come out of it.....hence the lame! maybe next time.

Sorry, only looking for SEALED mats. :-\ I'm interested in these though:

1x Electrode Prime
1x Celebi Prime
1x Terrakion FA
1x Cobalion FA
64ct Pokemon Carnival Sleeves

I also have 2 Blastoise Crystal Guardians deckboxes, both unused / mint / unsealed.
Guys, stop bickering. nicholsanddimes, if he says he doesn't want to trade, then just leave it at that. The "lame" comment was completely unnecessary.

I have reshiram, zekrom, and victini. As for primes, I have celebi, donphan, meganium, machamp, and electrode.
Henery P can you get those sleeves and that deck box for me if so name your price----- I never actually saw what you wanted sorry.

Sparda19- 1 FA for 2 Lanturn prime 2 scizor prime 1 pokemon collector?

Pokemonjoe- Unfortunately, I do not need any of those cards I am sorry. Well- Full Art Reshiram would be nice but not for N.
Kkillax- Your 2 mew primes and a collector for 1 mat your choice.... I messed up the Great Ball matt is a Ultra Ball matt.

SMP- I have not really thought about that.....great question! I don't think I would trade a real card for online codes at the moment.....
nicholsanddimes said:
Henery P can you get those sleeves and that deck box for me if so name your price----- I never actually saw what you wanted sorry.

Can you show me a picture of the sleeves?

I wanted:
Celebi Prime
Victini FA
Virzion FA
Cobalion FA
Terrakion FA
Tornadus FA
Zekrom FA
xx Pokemon Collector(If you have RH I want them)
xx Pokemon Catcher(If you have RH I want them)
xx Rare Candy(If you have RH I want them)
Espeon/Umbreon Deckbox

xX Pokemon Collector
xX Pokemon Catcher

How many of those do you have? Because if you have more than 2 of each I have more wants of yours.
mudkip- you want Pokemon collector, catcher and kyurem for deck box or a collector, catcher, or kyurem?

Also, I have 10 collectors, 10 catchers, 4 kyurems------ I don't want to trade all of them but that's whats there.