Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/1

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RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

^ Are mexicans supposed to be poor or something?

This probably isn't very appropriate but here it goes:

There is a man in the bar talking to the bar tender. The bar tender gives the man loads of vodka to drink. He then sends him on a mission to make love with a woman and fix a crocodiles tooth.

After dealing with the crocodile, he comes and says 'Wheres the woman with the bad tooth?'
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

^ lol....

"A French man, and German man, and an Irish man walk into a bar."

"I'm Irish."

"And the Irish man wins the joke!"

Friends quote for the win lol....
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

Oh, so that is the real version. Mah friend is a liarz.XD
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

A wife stands in front of a mirror naked next to her husband. She says "I'm fat and ugly, give me a compliment." The husband says "Well you have perfect vision."
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

American jokes then? Jew jokes? What do you want, I got a whole semi-racist repetoire thats meant to be taken with a laugh.
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

heres mine:

Two beautiful girls were walking down St Georges Terrace when they heard a cry for help. They went running to the thesource of a cry and found a frog. The frog cried: "Help me I was once a rich laywer and now I have been turned into a frog". "How can we help you?" said one of the girls. "You must kiss me on the lips and I shall turn back into a rich laywer and you may marry me".
"Orright" said the most beautiful and cunning of the two. She bent down and the frog puckered its lips but as she got close she grabbed him and shoved him in heer pocket. "Why did you do that" said the other.
Thge first said "A talking frogs worth much more than a laywer". And with that she ran off.
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

Okay then, I am terribly sorry to anyone I offended with my joke. I will delete it if it makes you happy.
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

What's the difference between a bad golfer and a bad skydiver?

One goes *whack* Darn!

The other goes "Darn!" *whack*
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

A Florida senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left. "Amazing," he thought as he flew down I-75, pushing the pedal even more. Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a state trooper behind him, blue lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this," and pulled over to wait for the trooper's arrival.
Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette, looked at his watch and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go." The old gentleman paused. Then said, "Years ago, my wife ran off with a Florida State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back."
"Have a good day, sir," replied the trooper.
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

Okay, so this is one of my personal favorite lame-jokes.....enjoy =]

So a guy walks into a bar, right, and sees a girl and a duck. So he goes up to the girl and says "Whats with the chick?" The girl goes "Its a duck, you idiot" and the guy goes "I was talking to the duck."

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

OK, these racist jokes need to stop. They really are offensive. I don't care if they're just jokes.
And @ DeoxysUnknownForme, my dad is a very intelligent Frenchman and he hates being stereotyped. He would never do what the Frenchman in your joke did, and while he knows that, he would still take offense reading your cruel joke.
Now to everyone posting this racism in the form of humor, you could be hurting you pokebeach friends, so please stop.
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

afstandopleren said:
french people also are generally obnoxiously proud and therefor are easily stereo typed. Some offensive jokes do have logic behind them
That is a stereotype though. They are not all obnoxiously proud, and jokes mocking any group as a whole are offensive. Even if you think they are true or funny, face it, and just stop.
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

You need to relax a little and learn to laugh at yourself sometimes.
I'm a Scot. There are stereotypes about us that say we're all ginger, wear kilts, and chase haggis in hills. xD

The jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously, or cause any offence I'm sure. ;]
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

Staraptor said:
You need to relax a little and learn to laugh at yourself sometimes.
I'm a Scot. There are stereotypes about us that say we're all ginger, wear kilts, and chase haggis in hills. xD

The jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously, or cause any offence I'm sure. ;]
I seem to be taking this too seriously, but these jokes can hurt people. Some people have low self-esteem, and some of the jokes on this thread are really quite mean, like the Mexican jokes.
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

Yeah there shouldnt be anything way out that could offend people, little things that wouldnt hurt arent that bad.
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