Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/1

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RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

No one here is telling those kind of jokes to be racist. They're telling the jokes because they are somewhat comedic not to attack someone. You're taking this a little to personally, no one else really seems to think they're that bad because no one else has complained, not even Mods or staff members. If you don't like this thread don't read it simple as that *shrugs*
RE: Non-Pokemon Jokes Thread! (12/13+)

penny power said:
OK, these racist jokes need to stop. They really are offensive. I don't care if they're just jokes.
And @ DeoxysUnknownForme, my dad is a very intelligent Frenchman and he hates being stereotyped. He would never do what the Frenchman in your joke did, and while he knows that, he would still take offense reading your cruel joke.
Now to everyone posting this racism in the form of humor, you could be hurting you pokebeach friends, so please stop.
If one cannot make fun of him self, he can not critisize others. These jokes are not ment to offend, but to entertain based on common stereotypes. I do think it has gone a little far, but a mature person should be able to handle it. I'm not saying your not mature, but I think that you think we truly think these things, and we don't (at least I don't). These are many stereotypes for many races:

Europeans are snotty
mexicans are poor
asians are nerds
americans are fat, dumb and lazy.

^ I don't belive any of those, but many people will make jokes like that.

If someone said "X group of people are stupid" than that would be bad.
I'm sorry that you feel this way, but I think you should try looking at the situation in a different prospective.
@ the last three posts: It actually wasn't offending ME, and I understand that they weren't posted seriously. But that wasn't clear, and a few jokes just went too far, I believe. For example: The 1st, 3rd, and 4th jokes of Post: #38 were a bit much. Keep in mind, it's RACISM, no matter how mature the reader is, racism is just mean.
Come on guys these are jokes, there aren't ment to offend they should be humourous. There is such a thing as going too far but I don't believe any of these jokes have. I thinnk going too far is when you use actual language that has a good reason for being harsh. I would give an example but you know, obviously I can't.

Staraptor said:
You need to relax a little and learn to laugh at yourself sometimes.
I'm a Scot. There are stereotypes about us that say we're all ginger, wear kilts, and chase haggis in hills. xD

The jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously, or cause any offence I'm sure. ;]

I completey agree with you. Relax people. I'm irish and I've gotten all the drinking and leprochaune etc jokes at me before but I just laugh because they're funny and not true, well at least for me xD
Gamefreak734 said:
Come on guys these are jokes, there aren't ment to offend they should be humourous. There is such a thing as going too far but I don't believe any of these jokes have. I thinnk going too far is when you use actual language that has a good reason for being harsh. I would give an example but you know, obviously I can't.

Staraptor said:
You need to relax a little and learn to laugh at yourself sometimes.
I'm a Scot. There are stereotypes about us that say we're all ginger, wear kilts, and chase haggis in hills. xD

The jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously, or cause any offence I'm sure. ;]

I completey agree with you. Relax people. I'm irish and I've gotten all the drinking and leprochaune etc jokes at me before but I just laugh because they're funny and not true, well at least for me xD
No, I understand that they weren't MEANT to be taken seriously, but that wasn't clear. I, personally, wasn't offended, but I know that some people easily can be offended. I just thought some people went a little too far, and didn't make it clear that they weren't racist.
To penny power:

Since we can't keep ourselves from making racist or sexual jokes on a board intended for a younger audience, we'll have to lock this.
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