Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

Bug: Venemoth (Awesum)
Dark: Sharpedo (Others look horrible, Sharpedo has a brilliant design)
Dragon: Dratini (In Fire Red I searched far across the lands and finally got one, EDIT: cwutez)
Electric: Magnemite (When I was younger I loved this Pokemon to bits, not many electrics are as cool as this)
Fighting: Mankey (Big ball of fluff, fuzzy :3)
Fire: Torkoal (My first ever shiny and kind of cute, I guess)
Flying: Farfetch'd (lol, leeks)
Ghost: Banette (freaky dolls)
Grass: Meganium (never really liked grass typese as such, Meganium has always seemed nice though :])
Ground: Diglett (how cute is this thing? :3)
Ice: Swinub (^)
Normal: Lickitung (Got me into Pokemon again <3)
Poison: Muk (My brother's favourite and has a special connection between us)
Psychic: Abra (Always wanted one in Blue/Red days, kept on fleeing. Dang!
Rock: Relicanth (always loved this sexy beast)
Steel: Steelix (When I first saw this in Gold/Silver I was like, O.O)
Water: Lapras (I am not a big fan on waters)
Seeing as everyone else is i figured i may as well

Bug: Beedrill (cos hes ugly and no one else will love him)
Dark: Sharpedo (Scary)
Dragon: Dragonair (Because its pwitifull)
Electric: Flaafy (Shes one of my flock)
Fighting: Hitmonchan (Just plain awesome)
Fire: Camerupt (Another one of my flock, yes my flock consists of sheep and burning camels)
Flying: Mantine (flying fish)
Ghost: Gengar (Scary)
Grass: Meganium (leader of my flock)
Ground: Whooper (Scary)
Ice: Jynx (My first lvl 100 that i got off that creepy guy in vermilion)
Normal: Wigglytuff (Balloons go pop)
Poison: Weezing (Pollution)
Psychic: Mime jr (Used to be my fav)
Rock: Corsola (cos its a rock)
Steel: Skarmory (strong)
Water: Spheal (cwute)
My favorite is Caterpie, the best, strongest pokemon ever. My real favorite is Toxicroak, I think he looks awesome.
I would say Articuno, Arceus, Charmander, Salamance, Flygon, and much more.
My absolutely most favorite (xD) Pokemon is Leafeon !
There are some other cool Pokemon but the one I like most is Leafeon =)
My favorites are..
and Torterra
Charizard ftw!
But I also like Lugia, Tyranitar, Giratina & Salamence... Basically, I like most dragon-like pokémon...
I think that all Pokemon are awesome, but my three favorites in order are Darkrai, Garchomp, and Salamence. I basically like all the Dark and Dragon types. Psychic is cool too.
I love Furret, Mew, Ninetails, and Arcanine.
But I've started warming up to Raichu...
2. Raichu
3. Shaymin
4. Lugia
5. Chansey
6. Pachirisu :p
7. Igglybuff :p
8. Giratina
9. Dialga
10. Dratini