Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

My favorites...those would be Lapras, Stunky, Skuntank, and the Eeveelutions set (particularly Espeon, Leafeon, and Glaceon)...

The coolest, in my opinion...they would be Latias, Latios, Giratina, and Sceptile...
1. Wartortle :D
2. Sandslash
3. Victreebel
4. Jolteon
5. Alakazam
6. Dragonite

In case you were wondering, this is my entire team from blue when I played as a kid. No legends. No new pokemon. Just memories...
Arceus2072 said:
I'd say Sceptile because it is the only 2 legged Starter Evolution, and also it's strong and fast. =D

You're waaaay off.


All bipedal throughout their stages.

Anywho, it's tough for me to decide, but I guess i'll go with heracross.
During the years I played Pokémon were this the Pokémon I always wanted :

1. Politoed
2. Sealeo/Walrein (Because of Sealeo's moustache, but later on I prefered Walrein)
I really like Ampharos. Idk how it evolved from a sheep, but I think it's one of the coolest looking pokemon out there.
1. Zoroark
2. Umbreon
3. Skarmory
4. Floatzel
5. Honchkrow

Zoroark is my new all time favorite pokemon
Here is an updated version of my list:
1. Charmander
2. Arceus
3. Zorua
4. Articuno
5. Floatzel
If it isn't already obvious, Grass Pokemon. Namely, Sceptile. He's pretty cool looking. I also like Tangrowth, Roserade, and Leafeon too.
Another update on my list :p:
1. Charmander
2. Arceus
3. Zekrom
4. Reshiram
5. Articuno
6. Zorua
7. Dialga
8. Staraptor
9. Floatzel
10. Gengar
Even though my favorite type is Ice, my favorite Pokemon is Ho-Oh. Nowadays I don't use legendaries, but back before I got into competitive play, Ho-Oh was my main Pokemon. It originally became my favorite Pokemon because I used it to beat my cousin who has awesome video game skills who I had never beaten before (at any game). He was using legendaries as well (like Mewtwo). However, when I later got into mythology, the phoenix became my favorite mythological creature which added to Ho-Oh (Houou, or Fenghuang, aka Chinese Phoenix) being my favorite.

Here's a rough list of my top 10 favorites: Ho-Oh, Mew, Wartortle, Meowth, Dunsparce, Froslass, Vaporeon, Leafeon, Lickitung, Sneasel

Favorite Pokemon of each type (no repeats): Shedinja (Bug), Sneasel (Dark), Dragonair (Dragon), Raikou (Electric), Lucario (Fighting), Ho-Oh (Fire), Articuno (Flying), Froslass (Ghost), Leafeon (Grass), Sandshrew (Ground), Lapras (Ice), Meowth (Normal), Nidoran Male (Poison), Mew (Psychic), Shuckle (Rock), Skarmory (Steel), Wartortle (Water)

Of course, some of this will probably change when all the Gen. 5 Pokemon are revealed.
I liked Nekoban Ryo's idea, so...

Yanmega (Bug),
Umbreon (Dark),
Dragonite (Dragon),
Raichu (Electric),
Lucario (Fighting),
Arcanine (Fire),
Pidgeot (Flying),
Dusknoir (Ghost),
Meganium (Grass),
Flygon (Ground),
Lapras (Ice),
Zangoose (Normal),
Crobat (Poison),
Espeon (Psychic),
Aerodactyl (Rock),
Metagross (Steel),
Relicanth (Water)

I would have to say Eevee and Arcanine are my favorite pokemon. Eevee was the first pokemon I had ever seen, so its my favorite, and I think Arcanine is just awesome :D. I also really like Absol and Furret.
Lucario!!!!!!! cause he's awesome: the movie shows how/why. (yes I mean THE Lucario [not just the species], which is obviously male) xD He is my favorite pokemon and always will be no matter what! :)

Some other faves are:

(yeah I sorta have a thing for middle-stage starters lol)