Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

I like Water Pokémon in general but number 1 would be ... Croconaw.
Then comes Magikarp lolz
Lucario and Mewtwo are my favorites. Which is why the new Mystery Dungeon games annoy me.
Blaziken pwns. End o' story.

1000th post. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-HHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!11111!!!1ONE!!!11ELEVEN2.
Chatot Brains said:
sneaselflygon said:
SPinda. Every single one has a different spot pattern!!

really I didnt know that anyways my favorite is leafeon

Yes. Even in the games the sprites are different. THats why on sprite sites they just show a blank spinda.
I don't know, that's tough! I really like Cresselia, Manaphy, Piplup, Chimchar, and Pikachu!
And the Eveelutions, they are cool too.