RE: Fake Card Resources and Help (Ask questions, post blanks, etc.)
No probs, glad to see it works
No probs, glad to see it works
HGSS Font Guide
NAME FONT: This is the Pokémon’s name. As in, Bulbasaur or something. On a Basic Pokémon, this should be 8px up from the ‘Basic’ tab and 23px to the right of the edge of the card border – but if you are making an evolution card, you’ll still want to be 8px up, just put the text 4px to the right of the white edge of the evo circle. The font you want here is Gill Sans (Std) Bold, size 28.04 at 88% width.
HP FONT: The number part should be Futura (Std) Heavy, size 24.04 at 100% width. This should be just 2px to the left of the type symbol. As for the ‘HP’ text itself, this should be 2px to the left of the number. Make sure it’s Gill Sans MT Bold, size 12 at 68% width.
‘EVOLVES FROM’ TEXT: Frutiger LT (Std) Bold Italic, size 8, 100% width. The text should be 4px up from the bottom of the tab, and the left of the ‘E’ should roughly line up with the little curvy part from the Stage tab.
STATS [this part: NO. ### (Nickname) Pokémon HT: 0’00” WT: 0.0 lbs.]: This should be Frutiger LT (Std) Roman, size 9, 101% width. From a horizontal view this will need to be centred. From a vertical view it should be 4px up from the bottom of the bar.
Now the fun parts. Maybe.
POKÉPOWER/POKÉBODIES: The symbol should be 19px to the right of the card border. The name should be another 19px to the right of the symbol, and should be Gill Sans Condensed Bold, size 24.04, with 92% width. As for colour, if it is a power use #98230f whereas if it is a body use #24662d.
ATTACK SYMBOLS: The leftmost symbol needs to be placed 19px to the right of the card border. Any additional symbols should be placed 3px to the right of the previous symbol.
ATTACK NAME + DAMAGE: The attack name should be Gill Sans Condensed Bold, size 25, 91% width. Now here’s the really fun part. If you want to ignore this and guesstimate the positions then fair enough, but here are the actual placements. If the attack has between 1 and 3 energy symbols, it should be 98px to the right of the border. If there are four energy symbols, it needs to be 124px to the right of the border. If it is a 5-energy attack, it should be 142px to the right of the border’s edge. Fun.
ATTACK/POWER/BODY DESCRIPTION: Gill Sans (Std) Regular, 105% width. As for the size, anything between 12 and 16 should be fine, adjust the size depending on how much text you have to fit in. The spacing between lines should be whatever the size is +1, so if your text size is 13.5, the line spacing should be 14.5. If your software allows it, justify the text in a text box. The text should start at 19px to the right of the card border.
FLAVOUR TEXT: Sanvito Pro Bold, size 10.5, 101% width. 3px down from the little line thing.
ILLUS. TEXT: You MUST put this on the card. 2px up from the bottom of the tab. This is Futura (Std) Medium Oblique (or Italic) at size 9 at 102% width.
- Weakness: Try to line the symbol up with the ‘akn’ part of the word weakness. The symbol should be 3px down from the text. The ‘x2’ text should be Futura (Std) size 14, 100% width. This should go 3px to the right of the symbol.
- Resistance: Try to line the symbol up with the ‘sta’ part of the word resistance. This symbol should go 3px down from the text and the ‘-??’ text shoul again be Futura (Std) size 14, 100% width. Put it 3px to the right of the symbol.
- RC: I can’t really explain this one properly, just try to make it look as centred as possible, 3px down from the text.
COPYRIGHT TEXT: Put this in the middle, 3px up from the card border. The font is Gill Sans (Std) Regular, size 10, 100% width.
RARITY: The symbol should be 3px up from the card border edge, and should allow enough space to fit in your set symbol. The text should be Futura (Std) Heavy Oblique (or Bold Italic), size 9, width 102%. Plonk this 3px up from the card border and about 3px to the left of your rarity symbol.
Enjoy faking HGSS cards!