OLD: The Fake Card Resources and Help Thread

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RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Anyone know what font is used on the apostrophe for the classic cards (Gym *) ?

aka Blaine--->'<---s Moltres, I don't seem to have any font that reproduces the character and am avoiding cutting one out from a card scan :)
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Hmm...I thought it'd be the same font as the name (Gill Sans Condensed Bold), but evidently it's not. Give me a couple minutes, asche, and I'll see if I can work it out! Expect an edit soon. =)

EDIT: It is Gill Sans Condensed Bold. :p
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

I have that font on the text already CMP, the apostrophe isn't like the ones on the cards, its more of a line really. :(

gz on super mod btw!
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

It works for me, asche. I'm not sure why it isn't working for you...let me know what size/percent width you need it and I can make it a PNG for ya!

Thanks, BTW. =)
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Tis ok ta, I've cheated, ripped the apostrophe and placed the layer behind the text. Both seemingly merge as if they were one, sorted :D
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Hey everyone, I have a treat for you all.

So, I recently spoke to Fangking Omega about a few things recently, and, with his permission, he let me upload and distribute his DPt blanks. This includes SP, Lv.X, Trainer, Special Energy, and even those Classic DPt blanks! The downloads are here:

Regular Blanks
SP Blanks
Expanded Blanks
Classic Blanks
Trainer Blanks

Enjoy, and in case someone does, DO NOT credit me for creating these blanks. Fangking Omega should.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Awesome, Glis. Thanks! And a very special thanks to Fang! I'll update the original post when .I'm on my computer.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

That's what I want to. EX-EX-EX!

Random Poem
Sometimes, people can be stubborn, and when that happens, a flower of truth will die, and a seed will sprout its roots, thus the Lord has called you, to love and to hate, the world is not for taking . . .
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

There are ex blanks, which can be found by looking around here (and a ton of other blanks as well).
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

GoobieDoob said:
They don't work when you select transparent selection.

Because there is no transparency on those blanks; you have to remove the white yourself.
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Hey guys, do any of you know where I could find a TRR trainer blank? You know with the orange "R" on the bottom left? Also what font should I use when I add in "Supporter" to the blank?
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Has anyone got the BW reverse holo sheets yet? I saw Futachimaru had some on his cards, but are they available for public use yet?
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

I just cba to make them atm tbh Alvin, I might do them when the English EX cards appear, as an "all in one" kinda thing.

Will have to see what time I have next year :)
RE: Fake Card Resources and Help

Cris said:
Hey guys, do any of you know where I could find a TRR trainer blank? You know with the orange "R" on the bottom left? Also what font should I use when I add in "Supporter" to the blank?

Whipped this one up for ya Cris...

The "Supporter," "Stadium," and "Rocket's Secret Machine" on these blanks should be Futura LT Medium 14.5 (with the boldness removed in the Photoshop character window) at 10pt tracking and 110% width, 109% width, and 112% width, respectively. The right edge of the words should be 14 pixels to the right from where the gray area starts (right of the yellow card border).

If you can't get the font to work, I can put up a PNG! =)

EDIT: Just in case...here's the PNG:
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