Percy Jackson and the olypians Lighting Thief

RE: Movie; 2012

True, but you only say that because its the most "logical" answer.

As people, we assume truth from the most logical possiblities. If somthing seems more likely then another thing, we tend to agree with the more realistic choice.

However, when it comes to history, how much do we really know? Sure we studied artifacts and fossils and other things like that, but that only gives us SOME information. We cant study that and say we know everything now.

Every year, scientists seem to have a new theory or discovery about the dinosaurs. It changes every year.

My point is, just because it seems Unlikely, doesnt mean its not possible.
So in other words, just because the Mayans were wiped out, doesnt mean that was the reason the calandar ended.
RE: Movie; 2012

Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
Seriously. This will most likely end up like the Y2K virus. Everyone will get all edgy and crazy. Then the date rolls around and over and nothing happens.

Honestly, the Mayans could have been bored making a calendar (they started back in the early millennium [1000]), or they stopped because they got wiped out/conquered.

Ever think of that?

Ok, very logical point you bring up by comparing it to the Y2K virus. But who ever started saying Y2K was real? I can't think of anyone that even believed in it. Now for 2012, you have the Mayans, Nostradamus, as well as the Free Masons. All of whom were highly intelligent. Now Nostradamus has also predicted that before the world ends we will enter a world war 3. It seems very likely due to how he predicts it will happen. US and Russia getting into over Middle East conflicts and it all starts. And when you watch the news, its scary to think of how close we are getting to another world war. Korea as well as middle east working on Nuclear weapons. Its a scary thought.
RE: Movie; 2012

well actually of happening hahaha, it's gonna take more then that to keep me down, i'm crazy all-round, wise I do enjoy John Cusack as an actor plus it was alright. cya
Summer Movies

What movies have you seen this summer at the theaters? Was it good? Was it bad? Why? Post your rating for any movie you saw this summer and why, so other people know whether to see it or not.

RE: Summer Movies

You know we have a Movies thread..right?

dmaster out.
RE: james and the giant peach

mewtwopokemonmaster said:
best movie ever am i right?
Not really, Twilight was way better. *Sarcasm*

This is in the wrong spot so I reported it to the mods so they can move it.
Super 8

So I heard it was the prequel to cloverfield and the trailer looks pretty cool imo.

My opinion on the first movie was that it was good, and I liked the plot and what not.

Do any of you think Super 8 is going to be better than Cloverfield? Give me your opinions.​
RE: Super 8

I've heard about this movie,and I've seen the trailer,it looks cool.
where did you here that it was going to be a Prequel?
well,anyway,I don't think its going to be better then Cloverfield.
cause Cloverfield was awesome.
RE: Super 8

JJ Abrams said that the movie is completely unrelated to Cloverfield.
RE: Super 8

Ryo said:
JJ Abrams said that the movie is completely unrelated to Cloverfield.

Thank. The. Lord.

When I came in here, I almost had a heart attack.

Now, it's all good. I'm excited for the movie even though it was a Super Teaser (lol).

dmaster out.
RE: Super 8

dmaster said:
Thank. The. Lord.

Lol, yeah, as much as I liked the story of Cloverfield (didn't like the fact that it was "from a handycam"'s viewpoint though...), after Star Trek, I wanted to see as many new and different ideas this man has to offer on the big screen.
RE: Super 8

Bippa201 said:
I thought this thread was about the hotel *facepalm*

I probably won't see Super 8, because I wasn't a Cloverfield fan.

HA, that's the first thing I thought about when looking at the title also!

I MAY see it, but I'm obviously going to see what the critics say about it first.
RE: Super 8

Well I have not seen this movie but one of my friend has seen that and was saying that this is not better it is to be one those pathetic bad movies where you watch then entire film the camera ever since first baleri with project movie supposedly. And he also advice me not to watch that and waste my time. But I am confused that should I watch them or not.

In this thread we should have a spoiler filled discussion about this awesome movie. I went and saw it last night. I was on the hype train big time for this movie and was not disappointed. It was a combination of The Matrix (my favorite movie of all time), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (another awesome, if not well known movie) and 007 (which everyone loves). The compexity of the dreaming levels and plot combined with the philisophical messages about realities and the mind as well as the action and special effects make this movie one of the best films I have ever seen. I plan on going to see it again as I feel like it will take more than one viewing to full grasp everything it has to offer. What did you guys think?
The Crazies (No Spoilers)

Hey everyone! On Friday I will be watching the movie The Crazies with some friends. I am just curious to know if the movie is any good, and how scary is it? Please avoid all spoilers, and feel free to discuss the movie with others (although it may be hard, please keep all spoilers out of this thread!). Thanks everyone!