Percy Jackson and the olypians Lighting Thief


it was an awesome movie. i had a feeling pretty early on about the ending, but even that didn't disappoint me. great concept, great execution.

Yep, this movie was definitely the best so far this year and for good reason. The multi-layered plot, intense action, and moral choices are the best I've seen in a long time in a movie and it was definitely well worth it.

dmaster out.
Despicable Me

Even if I am a teenager I found Despicable Me to be rather enjoyable of a movie this summer break for both young and old alike.Although at first glance Despicable me seemed to be more kid oriented but had some moments not tended for kids.All and all this movie is a must see for anyone who enjoys animated movies much.
You May Discuss Despicable Me here
RE: Despicable Me

Is that last line on "permission to discuss" necessary? We know that we may discuss your topic here -_- Isn't that the point of a forum thread?

I saw this movie with my cousin. I DOUBT he really understood what was really going on, but he liked all the slap-happy humor it had. As for me, I thought it was cute. While I would not recommend it to anyone without a child under the age of 10, I thought it was one of those movies you could live through. Steve Correll did a great job as the lead, even though his accent was near unrecognizable (I think Russian + something else...). While this is no Animaniacs in quality, it did have some adult jokes that kids often overlook. I.e. when he reached out to grab the moon, the tides stopped. I thought it was cute, but in the whole, the movie was a bit too slap-happy for my tastes. You could have erased almost all of the scenes involving the yellow people and you would have gotten a better experience. Even though I say that, I'm sure those people are what my cousin loved most about the movie. As for the animation... it was okay. As an avid anime watcher, I had to adjust to the round character models. The little kids were about a third of the main character's size. Let's do some math here. Let's say the main character was... 6'9" just for argument's sake. That would mean the girls would be about 2'3". I support a shred of realism, but that's asking a lot for an animated series targetting kids.

In summary, this movie was okay. While it was one of the better animated series, I would still not rate it very high. Almost everything was very dumped down to appeal to a younger audience. Even the relationships were kinda dumped down. If anything, I'd recommend seeing Toy Story 3 instead. I would say TS3 is much more worthwhile for children and adults watching.

I'm gonna be the only one to say this, but I didn't love it.

Inception got really confusing for me. It seemed like a special effects-based action flick, so I kinda turned my brain off for this one. Even so, the complicated plot really got me confused. After I decided to actually think about it, I missed most of the important plot points. I don't even know if its worth a rewatch. A movie that you can't understand at all on the first go-through does not deserve a second try.

Eh, bring on the hate. :D Just putting my opinion out there.
RE: The Crazies (No Spoilers)

It's really not that scary compared to other movies. It's really more gore than anything else...

dmaster out.
RE: Despicable Me

I think that this movie could have been super awesome as a PG13/14A movie! In all seriousness, there was one or two bits with some morbid humour (The part with the juicebox) and I think this could have really worked as a dark comedy. I think the movie started out amazing, *potential spoilers* but as Gru started to become more of a "nice guy" (which really he was from the beginning more or less.)
I preferred the "bad guy" Gru. I think more and more people are starting to realize that the villains are the best characters to work with. They tend to be more complex than heroes, and they have a back-story, too! On top of that, (and I think the most note-worthy thing) is that, even though villians to bad and sometimes just plain horrible things, we all connect with them somehow. Take the Dark Knight for example. That was really the Joker's movie when you think about it. And, throughout the film, you realized that even though he was killing people and blowing up hospitals, you wanted to hear what he was saying. Heck, you could even see his point!
Anyway, my point is this: Villains are now in the spotlight, and movie studios shouldn't be afraid to make their villains villainous. I think that Illumination Studios sort of insulted me with the kiddy humour. It's a family movie, not a kids' movie!
RE: The Crazies (No Spoilers)

dmaster said:
It's really not that scary compared to other movies. It's really more gore than anything else...

dmaster out.

I figured ^_^ my family and friends are big on gore and horror (we own Saw I-VI on dvd :D )

Zero said:
I'm gonna be the only one to say this, but I didn't love it.

Inception got really confusing for me. It seemed like a special effects-based action flick, so I kinda turned my brain off for this one. Even so, the complicated plot really got me confused. After I decided to actually think about it, I missed most of the important plot points. I don't even know if its worth a rewatch. A movie that you can't understand at all on the first go-through does not deserve a second try.

Eh, bring on the hate. :D Just putting my opinion out there.

it just means you're stupid and can't understand a movie with more plot to it than die hard.

I agree with Zero on some levels. It was a superb film, but I couldn't help thinking there was something missing. I'm dissapointed they didn't go into too much detail about the actual device and also sometimes in a dream you suddenly end up somewhere completely different to where you were within the same dream.

This movie was actually less difficult to comprehend than most other movies. Maybe because the plot actually made sense and there were no holes in the story.

dmaster out.
RE: The Crazies (No Spoilers)

Yeah, it's more like Saw and less like Paranormal Activity.

dmaster out.

I don't want to give it a huge, long review, but I'll just say that my only problem with this movie was Leonardo Dicaprio. I like him as an actor, but I'm just tired of him playing the same role in every movie that he's in. He does it well, but I'd like to see someone else for a change.

Anyway, this movie was complex, intense, and overall enjoyable to watch. It felt like an experience I as a viewer was having, and I was really sucked into the plot. Funny story, actually. My friend called me two nights before the movie and asked me if I wanted to go see it. I said sure, and a few of my other friends said okay as well. My other friends and this friend of mine were going to go to the movie together and would meet me there later. I always park about one or two spaces next to my friend whenever we go to the movies or somewhere, so I expected nothing different this time. We were supposed to meet at the movies at 5 PM, but I was running late, so I didn't get there until around 5:30. I expected them all to be waiting for me, but as I was pulling into the theater, my friends were right behind me. So I couldn't help but question after seeing that movie, my own existence. I mean, coincidences like that don't happen every day, right? Could this just be another dream? :S Just seemed weird. When a movie makes you think about your own existence, that means it's a pretty good movie.

Maybe we are all dreaming and on the date in 2012 we wake up and that is the change in the human concious predicted ;o

It does make you ask yourself the question, "am I dreaming o_O ?"
RE: Despicable Me

I thought it was a good movie with lots of humor in it especially whenever the minions appear. For me, it catches my attention most whenever they appear in a scene and the way they speak, act and laugh is just plain hilarious. Other than that, I thought the storyline was pretty normal and perhaps rather typical. It doesn't really touch your emotion like how Toy Story 3 did where everything blended in perfectly in the movie. Despicable Me seems to focus more on the humors rather than the storyline itself but overall, I still enjoy watching Despicable Me and some would probably including me like Agnes at first because of the trailer but after watching it, I love the minions! They are so cute and really funny. :D

Inception is the greatest movie that I have seen in a really long time. I love movies that make you think like that, and this one did not disappoint at all. Leo did an amazing job with his performance. I was pleased with Shutter Island, and Inception was even better. The entire cast was amazing, the plot was fantastic, and the ending was spot on using the underlying theme of the movie. Brilliant.
RE: Despicable Me


That's all I've seen so far. I'd love to see the movie, but I rarely go to the cinema. But the trailer looks pretty cool, and all the previews have been awesome. Maybe when it's out on DVD. One more time...
