'Phantom Gate' Scans and Translations! [9/10]

I'm liking this Night March gimmick. It reminds me of the Round deck. Might actually end up being something in the future (depending on how many more Night Marchers we get).
pokedan24 said:
I'm liking this Night March gimmick. It reminds me of the Round deck. Might actually end up being something in the future (depending on how many more Night Marchers we get).

there are already enough to hit 140 base
Based on Phantom Gate alone, Phantom Forces is EASILY going to be my favorite XY set so far. <3

Also if my spreadsheet counts are right, we'll have 577 Pokemon in the BCX-on rotation when Forces comes out. Possibly more depending on promos or what's in the Metal deck that will be absorbed into Phantom Forces along with Phantom Gate.

One glaring omission from this set: Zygarde is still at large from the TCG.
So glad I updated my avatar for Lysandre's fancy tech outfit. Lysandre's Last Resort is amazing. Not just for gameplay, but it's beautiful! I need the full-art version.

Envoyofduels said:
Awww I wanted a tool that you equip to your opponent's active to negate their ability *cross fingers*
I don't mean to brag but... screw it, I'm bragging. I made a thing:

I made that in July 2013 woops

That Flare Substitute Robot is kinda fun and cute, I like it.

Target Whistle... Colress is still in format, right? Target Whistle is going to be handy.

Xerosic is going to come in handy. I think it'll become a staple real fast.

Also, I totally called the full-metal Dialga-EX being a copycat of the golden Reshiram/Zekrom cards from LT. Shame they didn't make the card's bars full-metal, it looks weird without that.
All the Pokemon with the Night March attack are pretty interesting. Having a good chuckle thinking about a 30HP Joltik being able to OHKO Yveltal-EX with a little bit of setup.
Joltik has it too? Wow. Interesting to note that none of the night marchers are final stages.

While probably not very good, that Chansey could be fun to build a deck around (Chansey/Delphox?)
So what does AZ do?

BTW where are the "Team Flare" logos they mentioned?
Also I noticed on some of the Pokemon used by Team Flare (like Pyroar), they have a very shiny border.
Ohman, those full arts are so gorgeous, especially Malamar. <3


EricDent said:
So what does AZ do?

BTW where are the "Team Flare" logos they mentioned?
Also I noticed on some of the Pokemon used by Team Flare (like Pyroar), they have a very shiny border.

AZ's effect is on the front page:

WPM said:
AZ - Trainer

Choose 1 of your Pokemon and return that Pokemon and its attached pre-evolutions to your hand. (Discard all other cards attached to that Pokemon.)

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).

Also, we don't have scans of the Team Flare cards yet, I think. The difference in the shininess of the holo borders of some of the Pokémon is just because of the lighting/flash of some of the photos.

Actually, it seems like there are some that are marked as "Tame Flare Gear"; maybe they didn't end up doing the logos or special border thing after all, or maybe it's just for some of the cards that we haven't seen yet and the "Team Flare Gear" thing is different, dunno.
Yes, Japanese holo cards also have a holo border. I do wish they'd do this with the international sets, too, as it makes the card look much fancier.
I am sooo happy to see that 5ban Graphics has not drawn the 99% of the artworks like the other sets!! Even the legendaries like Regigigas and Heatmore are not drawn by him/them, yeah!! And overall, I FREAKING LOVE Mitsuhiro Arita's old style drawing!!! His artworks are pure beauty, like they were in the Base Set and so on!!!!

And this set is awesome, there are lots of interesting cards, lots of control like "your opponent can't play Items", "can't attach Energy cards", or "your opponent's weakness is this over that" etc etc! And yeah, that Team Flare's Substitute is pure crazyness! It's the Clefairy Doll of 2014 and I like it!! Can't wait to buy lots of booster boxes of this set!!! :D
So there seems to be an extra card in the set. The second hyper gear doesn't fit anywhere... unless they are both secret rare items and we are still missing a trainer?

001 Venonat
002 Venomoth
003 Yanma
004 Yanmega
005 Seawaddle
006 Swadloon
007 Levanny
008 Karrablast
009 Fletchinder
010 Talonflame
011 Litleo
012 Pyroar
013 Krabby
014 Kingler
015 Totodile
016 Croconaw
017 Feraligatr
018 Finneon
019 Lumineon
020 Frillish
021 Jellicent
022 Alomomola
023 Manectric EX
024 Mega Manectric EX
025 Pachirisu
026 Joltik
027 Galvantula
028 Helioptile
029 Heliolisk
030 Zubat
031 Golbat
032 Crobat
033 Gengar EX
034 Mega Gengar EX
035 Wobbuffet
036 Gulpin
037 Swalot
038 Munna
039 Musharna
040 Litwick
041 Lampent
042 Chandelure
043 Pumpkaboo
044 Gourgeist
045 Gligar
046 Gliscor
047 Roggenrola
048 Boldore
049 Gigalith
050 Murkrow
051 Honchkrow
052 Poochyena
053 Mightyena
054 Spiritomb
055 Purrloin
056 Liepard
057 Malamar EX
058 Heatran
059 Escavalier
060 Florges EX
061 Swirlix
062 Slurpuff
063 Deino
064 Zweilous
065 Hydreigon
066 Spearow
067 Fearow
068 Chansey
069 Blissey
070 Girafarig
071 Whismur
072 Loudred
073 Exploud
074 Regigigas
075 Bunnelby
076 Diggersby
077 Fletchling
078 Target Whistle
079 Battle Compressor
080 Substitute Robot
081 Manectric Spirit Link
082 Gengar Spirit Link
083 Head Noiser
084 AZ
085 Xerosic
086 Lysandre's Last Resort
087 Dimensional Valley
088 Mystery Energy
089 Manectric EX FA
090 Gengar EX FA
091 Malamar EX FA
092 Florges EX FA
093 AZ FA
094 Xerosic FA
095 Lysandre's Last Resort FA
096 Mega Manectric EX Gold
097 Mega Gengar EX Gold

Seems odd no?
Rozureido said:
So there seems to be an extra card in the set. The second hyper gear doesn't fit anywhere... unless they are both secret rare items and we are still missing a trainer?
Is it possible the second hyper gear is part of the Hyper Metal Chain add-on?
Oh man, that Jamming Net is going to be fun. I'm loving Team Flare in the TCG so much!
Almost all scans are now up, so I, again, would like to let out my opininos on some cards.

  • Venomoth: Vertigo Wind seems cool; a bit shame, it doesn't do any damage. It potentially destroys all trainer cards, if opponent has no luck in coin flips.
  • Yanmega: It's good, we now get non-EX Tornadus with “full power” (meaning: drawing the same amount of cards like original Windfall)
  • Pyroar: Why the hell they so hate the female one? I want female Pyroar and male Meowstic! >:O
  • Talonflame: up to 90 damage for [R] is good…
  • Although Kingler's line does nothing special, I'm glad for those 'mons; but, really: Kingler's retreat is too much for this low HP. I expected at least 120-130.
  • It seems fine to be able to search for both basics AND evolutions, but it still doesn't Lumineon worth much, because 1) it does not any damege 2)the damaging attack damages for too low – but I'm also happy for those cards!
  • Jellicent may work with plasma Leafeon… or the old Electivire from Triumphant (depends on attachment of those energies)
  • That Alomomola… just bad: too high retreat, too expensive attack…
  • Like the others, I like Manectric EX. It seems like best EX in last time… the onlky thing, that hurts, is the (typical) [F] weakness, as wer got M Lucario in last set; and M Manectric's retreat for 0! Cool.
  • Joltik, Lampent, Pumpkaboo – lightning version of Round with changed effect. With Battle Compressor even Joltik can destroy some EXs (Yveltal…)
  • Helioptile has a bad translation. It's not 10 times the head coin flips, but 10 + maybe 20.
  • Wobbuffet – someone mentioned it already, but if it blocks only Abilities in hand and discard pile, it is worth only for Prehistoric call, Rebirth, Propagation and Busybody…
  • Shame, they didn't do a [G] version of Pumpkaboo line (the same is true for Phantump) – maybe in future, if… but Gourgeist's Ability make it worth almost an Mega EX without the prize penalty! :D
  • Gliscor might be a thing, but not against evoluiton-able Pokémon or Pokémon with a free retreat…
  • Liepard's first attack had to be a little stronger (30 damage would be enought to break even through a resistance/Bouffer), but seems OK to reduce 60…
  • I don't really understand the Heatran's weakness. It is partially [R], so why that so-bad-typical weakness (for [M] 'mons)? Why the heck they're so affraid of putting non-standard weaknesses (e.g. [W] to [P] Litwick-line or [R] to Pumpkaboo-line)?
  • Escavalier seems like the [M] version of [F] Meloetta (with its second attack)
  • Florges seems actually better than expected, especially with its HP.
  • Though they have no-so-good cards, I like Spearow and esp. Fearow's artwork; seems like I predict more than 3 lines I was expecting in this set.
  • Chansey is actually better then its evolution; man, they didn't introduce any new healing moves or abilities of this line?!
  • Xerosic is now replacment for both Enhanced Hammer and Tool Scrapper. Good to see, that you still can remove Tools forcingly attached to your Pokémon. Combine with Elesa or Leavanny from this set to say your opponent's Flare Tools a no-no…
  • And finally – Lysandre's (Giovanni's? :D) Last Resort! It may help your opponent (as well), but I think, it might be good opportunity to play professors again and again :D
  • One special at the end: I so badly want those MALAMARs!
Next set have to contents Tentacool-line! I want all my jellyfish-like 'mons in 1 deck!
NotSeen said:
[*]I don't really understand the Heatran's weakness. It is partially [R], so why that so-bad-typical weakness (for [M] 'mons)? Why the heck they're so affraid of putting non-standard weaknesses (e.g. [W] to [P] Litwick-line or [R] to Pumpkaboo-line)?
Yeah, it's really weird they gave him fire weakness, both because of his fire typing and because his in-game ability absorbs fire.
I'll be very honest and say that there's not much in this set that I really like. When I heard this set was going to focus on Psychic I was really hoping for an Alakazam... but no. :( It doesn't feature any Pokémon that I would consider my favourites or anything. Manectric EX is just another bull**** EX that gets freebie KOs on basic Pokémon turn 2. Looks like I'll be largely skipping this one.
Yep , im going to do my minireview of relevants cards (IMO).

-Leavanny, if it was a stage 1 the first attack would be cool.
-Pyroar, Its cool, very cool , a lysandre for 1 Fire energy is preety cool, and its only stage one, i can see it at 1-2 in pyroars decks simply for having "free" lysandre if they waste the supporter in blacksmith or draw.
-Feraligatr, if only the second attack was: WWC or even WWW
-Manectric Ex, cool, semi landorus ex for a C energy, and the second attack is basically 120 damage for LC 80% of the time.
-M Manectric Ex, Virizion ex + baby landorus/yveltal on stereoids.
-Galvantula, if it atleast inflict some damage to the new active....
-Heliolisk, i can see some dumb decks in expanded with heliolisk + silver bangle knocking out 180hp exs for 5 energies with eelektric or whatever the name is
-Gengar Ex and M, it was already know,no any comments.
-Crobat line, like gengar, it can be cool in some spread damage decks.
-Musharna, super rod + pal pad in pokemon stage 1, not bad at all.
-Chandelure , like crobar and gengar.
-Gourgeist, interesting atleast, its a 200hp pokemon, with the stadium it can hit with only PG, and with silverbangle can do decent damage.
-Spiritomb, epic art
-Malamar Ex, long distance hypnosis munna on stereoids, wtf, Looks op for me, thanks god it dosnt have 180hp, with fliptini it can be a strong deck i think.
-Florges Ex. a bit meh, i expected more, and also wtf why only 160hp.
-Slurpuff, not sure at all, im going to give it a try, maybe 2-2 slurpuff line with 1 of the virizion ex eff and the second this slurpuff.
-Hydreigon, im sure someone is going to find a way to make this card broken, it can work with the old one.
-Target Whistle: maybe for spread damage decks... but meh
-Battle Compressor: set up baby landorus/yveltal, dark patch(in expanded),mega manectric,bronzong,hydreigon.... even faster, can combo with VS seeker
-Substitute Robot i have a bit of confusion with this card, can you play it whenever you want? turn 2 play it switch it with your active? If its how it works i think is very interesting atleast.
-Manectric Spirit Link. cool, but i was hoping for older Megas spirits
-jamming net, not so op like head noiser but bad interaction and shit mechanics for the game
-Head noiser, i talked about this card in other thread, no comments.
-Az: semi super scoop up in supporter.
-Xerosic, depending on the meta decks can see play, not sure at all.
-Lysandre’s Last Resort, not bad, i can see some decks playing it
-Dimensional valley and M energy , like gengar and other, already saw it.
The best full art for me is Gengar , (even if i usually dont like full art pokemons)
-The ability of Bronzong must be renamed to :Metal op
-VS Seeker, welcome to a new 99% decks staple.
-Steel Shelter, staple in metal decks

Edit for new scans:
-Gigalith: Cool ability, meeeh attack
Nice, though I am disappointed in the TCG for treating Zygarde like Kadabra, both of whom are long overdue a card.