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PkB's trade thread! Playmats Sleves SR's Lv.X's Primes Binders! COME AND LOOK!

RE: Want Arceus and Lv.X. Have Luxray GL Lv.X Infernape 4 Lv.X Garchomp C Lv.X

CML for Lux X and Gallade X
RE: Want Arceus and Lv.X. Have Luxray GL Lv.X Infernape 4 Lv.X Garchomp C Lv.X

I am interested in Luxray Lv.X
I have Cresselia X among others. Including a Gardevoir Lv.X (in case you want an extra, I can throw that in) I also have a Gardevoir SW and 4 Kirla SW. Along with 4 PT Ralts.
Also, CML for more throw ins if interested.
RE: Want Arceus and Lv.X. Have Luxray GL Lv.X Infernape 4 Lv.X Garchomp C Lv.X

Do you have any arceus, Arceus Lv.X or their trainers?

YourP1MP said:
I am interested in Luxray Lv.X
I have Cresselia X among others. Including a Gardevoir Lv.X (in case you want an extra, I can throw that in) I also have a Gardevoir SW and 4 Kirla SW. Along with 4 PT Ralts.
Also, CML for more throw ins if interested.

I only really need the Gardy SW now. SO if there is something just for that I would love to trade.
RE: Want Arceus and Lv.X. Have Luxray GL Lv.X Infernape 4 Lv.X Garchomp C Lv.X

Sorry no
RE: Want Arceus and Lv.X. Have Luxray GL Lv.X Infernape 4 Lv.X Garchomp C Lv.X

PokeKid Brandon said:
Will you be getting anytime soon?

No I didnt get the chance to go to any PRs this season. I will be when AoA comes to stores.
RE: Want Sceptile GE and SF and grovyle GE.

Would a Cresselia Lv.X, Sceptile GE and SF, a Gardevoir SW and a Grovyle SF
be able to get me Luxray X
RE: Want Sceptile GE and SF and grovyle GE.

Would only be interested in SallyX, Gengar X, LuxX, FlyX, or Leafeon X.
RE: PkB's trade thread Re-Opened and Re-Stocked. Have tons of stuff, want tons of stuff. Come take a look!

Please cml for your Greatball mat, thanks!
RE: PkB's trade thread Re-Opened and Re-Stocked. Have tons of stuff, want tons of stuff. Come take a look!

Would you be intreasted in buying it?
RE: PkB's trade thread Re-Opened and Re-Stocked. Have tons of stuff, want tons of stuff. Come take a look!

My 2 steelix prime.

800 commons/uncommons any set no energy
RE: PkB's trade thread Re-Opened and Re-Stocked. Have tons of stuff, want tons of stuff. Come take a look!

konter_j8902 said:
My 2 steelix prime.

800 commons/uncommons any set no energy

No thanks. It's quite hard to ship 800 cards and I don't value steelix that high.
RE: PkB's trade thread Re-Opened and Re-Stocked. Have tons of stuff, want tons of stuff. Come take a look!

I'm interested in your great ball mat, could you CML and let me know. Feel free to give me a free bump as well ;). Thanks!