Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 2 - Play your opponents!

RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - IF YOU DON'T PLAY THE GAME IN A WEEK YOU'RE GOING TO DIE

That's what I thought, but didn't want to get into a huge argument. I mean that's like saying win one, get one free.
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - IF YOU DON'T PLAY THE GAME IN A WEEK YOU'RE GOING TO DIE

I think I got a problem with my Hamachi. Many people are claiming they see me online. But i rarely see people online. I'll try re-download my Hamachi. The only person i see online is Ariados Guy and Celebii (talked to him once)
RE: Platinum Proxying tournament - Round 1 - IF YOU DON'T PLAY THE GAME IN A WEEK YOU'RE GOING TO DIE

I didn't make zyflair get the bye, it was randomly selected. Okay, I will change that. iKylez has the bye now, because he seems to be having troubles with Hamachi at the moment (sorry we were so harsh on you! lol).

So now... zyflair is paired down and now faces LUNAR WING. DUN DUNNNN.
Because Celebi23 and Pokekid Brandon both can't host (you fail! :p jk) there will be repairings:

Celebi23 now faces Jamtok
Pokekid Brandon now faces Kurama

I will PM these individuals to make sure they know.
I win vs. Jamtok. I forgot we were paired, but we played last night and I won. It may be another week before I get to play her again, we rarely seem to be on at the same time. I'll PM to make sure there are no objections.

EDIT: Oh wait. This is a PT tourney. We didn't use PT cards. _-_ I still sent a PM asking when a good time to battle is.
Yeah. I PM'd Jamtok. She says whenever we're both on next. Doesn't sound too promising. But I know about what time we were both on before. It should be done soon.