Pokemon Playing Pokemon

Do you tell your friends that you play?

  • Yes, I do tell

    Votes: 59 67.0%
  • No, I keep it a secret

    Votes: 29 33.0%

  • Total voters
All boys school? Wow if I was sent to one I would do anything to break out. I could NOT take an all boys school. I don't find the game very facinating anmore but it's still good. That's why I don't get involved in all the battling stuff. There isn't much point in doing it for me.
I like Pokeymanz said:
People make fun of you not because you play pokemon itself, but because when they mention it it makes you feel shameful and hurt. If you openly express your liking of Pokémon and, they wont make fun of you because you won't have any hurt reaction. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If your already popular, it wont affect your status because you are already into popular stuff. If you aren't popular, then their not gonna care if you like Pokémon along with the other unpopular stuff you do. Even if you are made fun of for liking Pokémon, just grin and bear it and eventually they'll stop because it has no effect.

Actually, this really doesn't work. If people tease you and you do nothing, they will tease you until you couldn't take it anymore, but if you do react, they will annoy you again as they see it that you get paranoid (ah, the nature of lowlives :p) . The point is that you either choose who will you trust that will hide your secret (Never your friends but your parents actually). NOTE: All this was personal experience [excaggurate] More or less about DELTA_STORM! [/excaggurate]
Silver said:
All boys school? Wow if I was sent to one I would do anything to break out. I could NOT take an all boys school. I don't find the game very facinating anmore but it's still good. That's why I don't get involved in all the battling stuff. There isn't much point in doing it for me.

Ya trust me its not fun! Luckily I still have ALOT of contact with friends from my old, co-ed, school! Ho-oh Master you seem to feel the way I feel! I think if you go up to someone and say "Hey! I like Pokemon!" If there not a close friend its going to get out and your going to get made fun of! Now I realize you wouldnt go up to someone and say that but if it gets out its not pretty. But also like MUCKSTER said in ten years its not going to matter but it could be 5 years of being miserable!

Blazetom your lucky!!
malikhisyam said:
Only my closest friend knows about it. My parents know, and they have no problem about it.:cool:

I'm in a similar situation.
Moneyking63 said:
I think of one of my fears of not telling anyone is this. I dont really have a best friend, I have 25 or so just good friends. So of course I'm afraid if they find out I like Pokemon they are going to think I'm a total loser and then be done with me. Boom no friends! That can't be fun! But then there not my friends in the first place. But thats just a theory, theres a kid that I'm pretty good freinds with, more recently, and I think he could keep a secret but like I said, I dont want to rush into anything and do something I will regret:p
I knid of live in a situation with no really good friends, (curse Jr. High sepreation.)and it's not fun. So I think you're making the right decision.
If you never tell your friends, imagine how bad it'll be if one of them finds out, and shares it with the rest of the school, whilst you could've just told that one person, and they might've kept it a secret. >.>
Amt said:
If you never tell your friends, imagine how bad it'll be if one of them finds out, and shares it with the rest of the school, whilst you could've just told that one person, and they might've kept it a secret. >.>

It would be horrible. Everyone would look at you like you had a disease or something. But, I would have to have a ton of faith and trust in that friend. That's impossible at my school sadly, since almost everything spreads like wildfire.
If you tell a friend, they probably won't tell. And if they do, then start a rumor about them the next week, you'll find some friends later on in life who don't care what you like.
Amt said:
If you tell a friend, they probably won't tell. And if they do, then start a rumor about them the next week, you'll find some friends later on in life who don't care what you like.

Yeah, but I don't really have many good friends I can trust yet.

BTW: lol about what you crossed out.
Amt said:
If you tell a friend, they probably won't tell. And if they do, then start a rumor about them the next week, you'll find some friends later on in life who don't care what you like.

Lol nice view on that! As shaymin said i don't really have anyone I can really trust right now.
What if you never find a friend that you think you can trust? Then you've hidden a whole secret part of your life, where as you could've made maybe even some friends that like it.
Well I guess thats life, making choices whether they be right or wrong. But I do have to agree with you, you can't let fear take over your life. But then again you dont want over confidence in something to ruin part of your life.

Wheter I tell someone soon or not, I honestly don't know. If spontinatity brings me to tell someone then thats how it will work out. If I decide to tell someone then I dont know what would happen. I don't think I'm doing anything soon though.
Who cares what others think? If they think you're childish for liking a "child's" game (no, I'm not saying it is -- somebody is bound to ignorantly think so, however), then they're really the ones with a childish mindset. No one, NO ONE has the right to judge you by the way you walk, talk, or do anything. That's what makes people unique. The same is applied for what you do. That's your business. Maybe you'll get lucky and find someone who shares your values.

Shawn out.
But think about this. What if you tell your friend, and it turns out they like it to? And, you'll probably find out a lot more people than you know like it. <.<
That's what I'm talking about -- tell someone. It doesn't even have to be directly and verbally. But, what I'm saying is, if people judge you for it, then you're better off without them. Someone is bound to come along and like what you like, too. Amt and I are proof of that. You're not alone.

Shawn out.
i´m 24, so you can figure how embarrasing it could be if any of my friends knew i like pokemon right? well, guess again... since i´ve been a fan from ´96... it´s no wonder i would still be a fan of the franchise right? now, it´s not like i go around yelling i like pokemon , but neither i deny it... like, when a friend asks me what game i enjoy the most, i tell them "pokemon" of course (then i say KH, Zelda Series, and some other FF´s) ...so... if i´m 24 and i don´t get bullied by my Adult Friends... why should you´re kiddie/teen friends would?
And to add on to one of these posts, - Think about it. Would you rather have a friend who doesn't like Pokemon, or a friend that you made by telling you liked Pokemon, who also likes Pokemon. <.<
If that doesn't make sense, then, =(
Ccloud you are right they have absolutely no right to judge you! But they do anyway and that can't be stopped. I have to say I wish I had your attitude on this. For some reason I care what others think of me, I dont know why I just do. I think it may be because of the mass amount of cliques at my school. Its crazy! I just don't want to be that one kid who sits at his own table alone in the cafeteria. Simple I need to change how I think. Easier said then done -__-

Amt that is true and as I think about it at my school its very possible. Around 8 months ago Pokemon was actually pretty popular, the games not the tcg. Maybe some people stayed with it like me(Well I actually liked it before that but o well :F)

One of my freinds actually found something related to pokemon at my house. He was own my computer trying to get to a game website, he clicked on recent sites and pokemon.com was on the list. He shot me a "You go to pokemon.com? why?" I off course freaked out a little and said "O no that was my cousin who was on my computer the other day" he belived it and that was done with that.

But I'm just not convinced its neccasary to tell my freinds RIGHT NOW, or if it will turn in my favor.