Pokemon Playing Pokemon

Do you tell your friends that you play?

  • Yes, I do tell

    Votes: 59 67.0%
  • No, I keep it a secret

    Votes: 29 33.0%

  • Total voters
Now that I think back on it, it was a perfect oppritunity.:p But then again there was another kid there that I'm not super good friends with and if he found out, within an hour the whole school would know.
You could just ask them to not tell. And if you care about how everyone thinks about you, even outside of Pokemon, you won't have too good of a life. :p
as i said in my last post... you don´t need to go around screaming "I LIKE POKEMON...HOW CUTE IS SHAYMIN DON´T YOU THINK?"... but if someone asks... tell them... i mean, you do like other games right? and if you enjoy them what would you say? "i don´t play anything? or would you say: "yeah, i just beat Twilight Princess" or whatever the game is that you like... Pokemon happens to be a nice game... fully enjoyable... and i´m proud to say i´ve made some nice friends here... people who enjoys the game just like me (some even more but i doubt it)... if you´re afraid of sitting alone in the school table´, then other reasons are in your head other than people cussing you for playing pokemon... like, being afraid of being called names and things like that... that´s ok, but if people cuss you because of a game... then you´re hanging around with the wrong crowd.
Moneyking63 said:
Ccloud you are right they have absolutely no right to judge you! But they do anyway and that can't be stopped. I have to say I wish I had your attitude on this. For some reason I care what others think of me, I dont know why I just do. I think it may be because of the mass amount of cliques at my school. Its crazy! I just don't want to be that one kid who sits at his own table alone in the cafeteria. Simple I need to change how I think. Easier said then done -__-

Amt that is true and as I think about it at my school its very possible. Around 8 months ago Pokemon was actually pretty popular, the games not the tcg. Maybe some people stayed with it like me(Well I actually liked it before that but o well :F)

One of my freinds actually found something related to pokemon at my house. He was own my computer trying to get to a game website, he clicked on recent sites and pokemon.com was on the list. He shot me a "You go to pokemon.com? why?" I off course freaked out a little and said "O no that was my cousin who was on my computer the other day" he belived it and that was done with that.

But I'm just not convinced its neccasary to tell my freinds RIGHT NOW, or if it will turn in my favor.

Naturally. Don't think of yourself as weak or stupid because you care about what others think. This is natural human behavior, to be accepted by your peers. In other words, you have quite a dilemma on your hands. To be accepted or take a risk, that's the fork in the road.

Shawn out.
True, but for me there is a HUGE life outside of pokemon, even if I did tell them there would still be a huge world for me outside of Pokemon. As alot of people know Jr. High can be extremely unfair and cruel. Now I havn't really expierenced much of that and to be honest I dont want too. Like I said before its not like I strive to be cool or anything of that sort, so I do believe I have real friends. But I just don't think its nessecary for them to know right now. I may tell them later if I get a sense they may share the same interest in it as me. But I don't want to lose a ton of friends just because I like pokemon to gain a few freinds that also like Pokemon. With my current friends I share multiple interest with them, Sports such as baseball and soccer, alot of video games, roller coasters all fun things I do with them. Now I realize if they shunned me just because I like a childish game there not exactly good friends but still. Right now things are fine the way they are.

Well thank you Ccloud for understnading that, I do certainly have a fork in the road for sure, and I dont know which road to take.
echobreach said:
I thought that I was the only one also! I do not tell much people, but my mom and dad always tell everyone sooo yeah.

Lol thats kinda funny. And no I dont keep it a secret. To me I dont care what anyone thinks of me so if it comes up I will tell them I play pokemon. I dont really care if people know I play it or not.
Moneyking63 said:
True, but for me there is a HUGE life outside of pokemon, even if I did tell them there would still be a huge world for me outside of Pokemon. As alot of people know Jr. High can be extremely unfair and cruel. Now I havn't really expierenced much of that and to be honest I dont want too. Like I said before its not like I strive to be cool or anything of that sort, so I do believe I have real friends. But I just don't think its nessecary for them to know right now. I may tell them later if I get a sense they may share the same interest in it as me. But I don't want to lose a ton of friends just because I like pokemon to gain a few freinds that also like Pokemon. With my current friends I share multiple interest with them, Sports such as baseball and soccer, alot of video games, roller coasters all fun things I do with them. Now I realize if they shunned me just because I like a childish game there not exactly good friends but still. Right now things are fine the way they are.

Well thank you Ccloud for understnading that, I do certainly have a fork in the road for sure, and I dont know which road to take.

Im not trying to double post, but if you told your friends that you did like it, and they did not like you anymore, then their not really your friends. And yes im sure Jr. High is probally cruel but you cant let others tell you what you are. If they called you a dork or nerd does that mean you are one? No. If you dont want to tell your friends that fine but you never know, they could play pokemon too. And if you did lose them as friends you would be able to make other.
True then they wouldn't be friends would they. Dork, Nerd those are the kinds of words I was trying to use but I couldn't think of. Ya I guess they can call me whatever they want but that doesn't mean I am what they say. This thread and it's recent posts have started to convince me to tell people. Not to bring it up but if it comes up to admit it. Whether I will or not I dont know but I might be leaning more toward telling than not telling. Thank you everyone. I also think that if Pokemon was a bigger part of my life then I would tell, if I was more into the tcg and when to cities ect. Then it would be easier to admit. But I don't know how long I will be liking pokemon, granted I have liked it for a constant year so far but I don't know. I'm still deciding which path to travel on that fork in the road.
I tell them to my friends and i have made them to play too but it doesn't matter if someone finds out i would be ok
Well today I told my mom that I liked Pokemon, she wasn't exactly enthused but she wasn't mad. She is really proud of me for writing my fan fic, she thinks that that is really creative! Yet she is not so happy of me spending money on it, but I convinced her I was responsible with money spending for the last year, and will continue to be responsible. And she has agreed to take me to a GE pre-release! Thank you everyone for giving me the confidence to bring it up! Thank you!

P.S 10 days since the last post, I'm pretty sure thats not reviving right?
Moneyking63 said:
NO ONE KNOWS I LIKE POKEMON!! Not even my parents, cousins, aunts NO ONE!! trust me its not just you! I thought it was only me. but then i came to this site and i realized it wasnt just me!

Aahhh....is that why you only have an Emerald version? That makes sense.
Hey, guys I don't want to flame or mini-mod, but can you guys discuss your selling/buying agreements via PM? I just don't want to get this thread locked.

Lt. Empoleon
my friend ,he's a master . he also goes to my church . he said he tells everyone he plays it and they don't care . well expect for one person ,but he just ingores him[or is it a her?]. he says you think people will make fun of you . just tell them and they will wither not care, say they do it do, be friendly , or make fun of you [it will happen only .1% of the time]
umbreondude, your friend is wrong. You usually get made fun of, unless you are in elementary school.

Finally, MK63, you told somebody!

I think I'll be going to a GE prerelease, too.
Ya I'm not sure how I feel about it though, my mom is woried about me spending alot on the cards so I dont know how that's going to work! I hope the pre-release is worth telling! I've never been to one! I hope its fun! Even though I wont know anyone there!
It depends on what cards you get...get good stuuf its good. Get nothing but Magikarp...

This will be my 2nd prerelease. I went to an SW one.

Yeah, my mom feels the same way. Except, ha, I do sometimes get a little out of control with buying...
Lt. Empoleon said:
furroshi man said:
yeah. i guess i want to too. if only after 2nd grade pokemon didn't become "uncool"

Dude for my school Pokemon became "uncool" in first grade. 2nd grade was the era of Yu-Gi-Oh. Stupid Yu-Gi-Oh
