Pokemon Playing Pokemon

Do you tell your friends that you play?

  • Yes, I do tell

    Votes: 59 67.0%
  • No, I keep it a secret

    Votes: 29 33.0%

  • Total voters
shaymingiratina8717 said:
umbreondude, your friend is wrong. You usually get made fun of, unless you are in elementary school.

Finally, MK63, you told somebody!

I think I'll be going to a GE prerelease, too.

ok my friend won't lie to me and i ahve amny friends that know i play pokemno and heck they paly it too and i have many that don't . sorry you just made mad ,but i'm over it now. yeah prereleases are fun ,make sure to bring a extra 20 for the booster draft ,it's just so much fun! i've been to 5 , df,dp,mt,sw,sw, . and i hope either ge,ge or ge,ge,ge . but that's up to my dad . so good luck at the prerelease
I'm not saying your friend is lying. I was just saying that in most Jr./Sr. High schools you get made fun of. It may be different at your school, but at our's (MK63, LE, myself, and others.) it is made fun of.

Prereleases are fun!
Shaymin speaks the truth! I don't think it is brought up that often, but I know it will be made fun of!

Gah now I'm super exited for the pre-release!
I really hope I get good cards at the pre-release. Also, MK63, I encourage you to join a league, if one is nearby. (Unlike me, where the nearest is 100 miles away..grrrr.)

Anyway, again, it depends on the kind of people at your school. Some don't care, while others will make fun of you until you turn into a cheesestick, lol.
Hmm a League, I'll look into one!

Ya I can imagine some of the people that would bug the crap out of me and some that would be like huh, oh well! You just have to be careful of who knows!
Exactly. Some you can trust, some you can't trust. If you know a friend will not leave because you like Pokemon, then you can tell them. Otherwise, it is best to keep at a secret.

That was shaymingiratina8717 preaching to you about if you should tell or Shouldn't tell!
Moneyking63 said:
Shaymin speaks the truth! I don't think it is brought up that often, but I know it will be made fun of!

Gah now I'm super exited for the pre-release!
so what! those people are jerks if you friends make fun of you they are not your real friends
shaymingiratina8717 said:
Exactly. Some you can trust, some you can't trust. If you know a friend will not leave because you like Pokemon, then you can tell them. Otherwise, it is best to keep at a secret.

That was shaymingiratina8717 preaching to you about if you should tell or Shouldn't tell!

no you're wrong if they make fun of you they are jerks . people these days are so mean . you can like any tihng you want and if you can't tell people about it because you are scared of what they say , then you really don't like it [pokemon] , if you can' share you like it with every one you know
neviak462 said:

WHOO!! I always liked this thread.

@umbreondude: Hmmmm...would I rather tell everyone and be beat into a cheese stick or would I rather not tell and still have my face?

You decide....
Sweet we(Participants in this thread) won! Do we get a prize or anything! Thanks!

Like always I agree with shaymin! You may think that umbreondude, but overall wouldn't you prefer not to get harrased and made fun of and just have fun with your friends, and then do pokemon things either on your own or with your pokemon friends. Why mix two groups?!
I hope wet get a prize, lol.

Anyway, at least you understand MK63. This also starts kicking in as you get older. They are also many other factors that depend, such as personality, and who is at your school.
True it does depend on what kind of people are at your school. I go to an all boys school (Bleh, I hate it, my parents stuck me in it, don't ask. LONG STORY!) so anyway there is alot of fighting and stuff since its all boys. Of course alot of verbal stuff to. Anyway my point is some people will think you are a complete nerd with no life and all you do is obsess over little paper cards! Now we all know there wrong, I have a life, probably because no one knows. And I just don't want to risk losing some friends, and being ridiculed for maybe someone who also likes pokemon. I just don't think its worth it.
Uggh...an all boys school? I could not survive....primarily due to the fact that most of them are just stupid. Plain out stupid. (At my school, any how.)

Oh yeah, I read on post #105, that you said you have a way to hide tins when you buy them. How do you do it, MK63?

Anyway, lately, cashiers have been saying stuff betwenn me and cards at the cash register.....
Ouch cashiers are saying stuff? Where do you get your cards and stuff?
Well if you must know how I would buy big things like tins without my parents know I will tell you. It's very well thought out and kinda devious. Anyway here it is.

1. My mom usually takes me shoping, to a place like target. Well before hand, you see my dad has keys to moms car and my mom keys to his car. I would take my dad's key to Moms car, take it off the ring and put it in my pocket. Without him knowing of course. Well we would get to target, I would wait a while, make sure my mom was in a different place then I was. Quickly go buy the tin and run to the parking lot to my moms car. Unlock the door with my dads key. And stuff the tin under the seat so it can't be seen. then go back in the store, if my mom sees me coming in (never happened) I tell her I got a cell phone call and could only get reception out side. Then leave with my mom and get the tin when I have a chance at home.

Well there it was, now I have to go do my homework but there it is. Hope you understood it!
Moneyking63 said:
Ouch cashiers are saying stuff? Where do you get your cards and stuff?
Well if you must know how I would buy big things like tins without my parents know I will tell you. It's very well thought out and kinda devious. Anyway here it is.

1. My mom usually takes me shoping, to a place like target. Well before hand, you see my dad has keys to moms car and my mom keys to his car. I would take my dad's key to Moms car, take it off the ring and put it in my pocket. Without him knowing of course. Well we would get to target, I would wait a while, make sure my mom was in a different place then I was. Quickly go buy the tin and run to the parking lot to my moms car. Unlock the door with my dads key. And stuff the tin under the seat so it can't be seen. then go back in the store, if my mom sees me coming in (never happened) I tell her I got a cell phone call and could only get reception out side. Then leave with my mom and get the tin when I have a chance at home.

Well there it was, now I have to go do my homework but there it is. Hope you understood it!
LOL! Well this is my first time to this thread and to let everybody know I don't let anybody except people that told me they like pokemon and my family know that I like pokemon because yu-gi-oh, pokemon, naruto, and almost all of those are on the geek-nerd list.
well, my friend who likes pokemon yells everything out so i told him something he yelled it out, and only one kid heard me... luckily. Embaressment!
umbreondude said:
my friend ,he's a master . he also goes to my church . he said he tells everyone he plays it and they don't care . well expect for one person ,but he just ingores him[or is it a her?]. he says you think people will make fun of you . just tell them and they will wither not care, say they do it do, be friendly , or make fun of you [it will happen only .1% of the time]

This guy's friend speaks the truth. If you hang out with REAL cool kids, you will not be made of fun of because they won't care. Cool kids are cool because they do a lot of NOT CARING. I mean yah, they'll study enough to get high C-High B grades so they can get into decent colleges and make an honest living, but thats about it! They don't care about anything. When I hang with my buddies and I say like "I like Pokémon" and they'll be like "Dude, Pokémon's stupid."
and I'll say "Dude, Pokémon's awesome!" and they'll just be like "Whatever man." That's what COOL kids would do anyway.

People who make fun of you are selfish immature people. THEY are the ones with no life. No do be hurt by their words, it helps when you know that they're saying because they have no real friends of their own and are taking it out on you.
So ILP you are saying you want freinds that not only openly call pokemon stupid, but also disregard you for it? I know that may be an exageration, and I also know we have different views on this but that can't make you feel good when they say pokemon is stupid. I'm sure its a good thing they dont care about you liking pokemon and that they don't spread it around but what do they do after they say whatever? That seems way to...iffy, I wouldn't think well of those kids, degrating you right in front of you! Now I don't know the whole situation and I might be blowing this way out of porportion but who knows.

However I do agree with this, people that make fun of you are not only immature, but are making up for all of their problems just because they think you are inferior to them in multiple areas. And you probably arn't inferior to them, they just think that. Sorry I'm just thinking of this one kid that makes fun of me for every single little thing! And the worst part is that he is popular in our "group" and who knows they probably like him much better then me. I can't imagine what he would do if he found out I like pokemon. He would probably announce it over the intercom. I can hear this kid now "Hey why dont you go play with your little pokemon friends! We don't need you here, just leave! He drives me off the wall! Ok sorry for my little rant there.
Moneyking63 said:
So ILP you are saying you want freinds that not only openly call pokemon stupid, but also disregard you for it? I know that may be an exageration, and I also know we have different views on this but that can't make you feel good when they say pokemon is stupid. I'm sure its a good thing they dont care about you liking pokemon and that they don't spread it around but what do they do after they say whatever? That seems way to...iffy, I wouldn't think well of those kids, degrating you right in front of you! Now I don't know the whole situation and I might be blowing this way out of porportion but who knows.

However I do agree with this, people that make fun of you are not only immature, but are making up for all of their problems just because they think you are inferior to them in multiple areas. And you probably arn't inferior to them, they just think that. Sorry I'm just thinking of this one kid that makes fun of me for every single little thing! And the worst part is that he is popular in our "group" and who knows they probably like him much better then me. I can't imagine what he would do if he found out I like pokemon. He would probably announce it over the intercom. I can hear this kid now "Hey why dont you go play with your little pokemon friends! We don't need you here, just leave! He drives me off the wall! Ok sorry for my little rant there.

All the people at my school are like that. I can't think of one kid that openly expresses his feelings about Pokemon. Immedeatly after you say the word Pokemon evrybody just laughs and says that is a nerds game. I just want to punch them in the face SO MUCH!!!! :F
neviak462 said:

YES!!! I started the greatest thread!!!!

(What do I win...??)