Pokemon Playing Pokemon

Do you tell your friends that you play?

  • Yes, I do tell

    Votes: 59 67.0%
  • No, I keep it a secret

    Votes: 29 33.0%

  • Total voters
I don't really get bullied (like hard core bulling) made fun of a little, but I wouldn't want to be the tattle tale that turned in the kid. If he is constantly beating you up and physically hurting you non stop! Then I would consider it, sorry Im not one to turn anyone in!
Yeah, parents and adults are you last resort!

Didn't say that you did, just saying you might, especially when you go to an all boys school.
shaymingiratina8717 said:
Yeah, parents and adults are you last resort!

Didn't say that you did, just saying you might, especially when you go to an all boys school.
Yes they are definetly the last resort

Oh ya I know!
I would hate an all boys school...I wouldn't survive....

And, no, I don't get beat up. But, I sort of am the Social Reject, frown.
Trust me 6th grade year was hell! Going from a public Co-ed school to a private all boys school, the curriculam was completely different, I knew NO one! Ya not fun! 8th grade and I still hate it, but I still see all my other freinds from elementary school at least once a week (no time after school, tons of homework) But I have learned to deal with the every day struggles of no girls!

No I'm sure your not the social reject Shaymin! You said you had some close friends! I wouldn't say I was the social reject (at my current school, all my other friends from co-ed school call me all the time and I call them ect) but I'm not high on the list. Like I said no best friend but some close friends.
I did....hmmm...well, I have some people that are sort of my friends, but i'm not sure...and I face isolation on a daily basis.....


Well, everybody knows me, but not know me as a friend....

Like in the hall, (It was yesterday) I was trying to go around this one girl, and then she started saying, "Ew!Ew!Ew!Ew!" I'm like shut the ---- up.

I don't know why, especially when she smoked once at a dance...

Anyway, I face isloation. It's not fun....
Well unless they absolutely say they don't like you, I'm sure they do, just make a little bit of an effort.

Well as long as people know you exist.

As for the girl thing, they can be an entirely different species. I don't think that would be good if she said that to you, you shouldn't want her. If it helps I don't have much luck with girls either. Well not with some of them, everyone wanted me to ask this one girl out (lets just say I don't like her that way) and I didnt want to because I liked another girl who was going out with someone else. So now like 2 weeks ago I find out the girl I like broke up with her boy friend and the girl that liked me is going out with someone else so it turned in my favor. Now I have good chemistry with this girl, I have known her since kindergarden and in 1st through 3rd grade we were best friends! So I have know Idea what to do. (and to stay on topic here) If she found out I like pokemon, I actually don't think she would care that much!

By the way if she smoked at a dance chances are it may become a habit and she is going to get WAY uglier!

And you facing isolation is not a good thing, i have to say that. But if it helps you have friends here! When ever I feel like I don't have any friends there is a place I ride my bike to. We have this park, and there is alittle island with a bridge to it, we call it turtle island because there are huge metal turtles on it. I go there and I sit on a turtle and watch the world around me, sometimes listen to my i-pod. You kind of get your self in this mood that is...uplifting! I suggest u find a place like that! It really helps me when I'm feeling down!

By the way I had some huge friend problems around 3 months ago, when to of my good friends were fighting over a girl. So they hung out with a different set of friends then they usually do and now there a little better. Not as good though! And I was left all alone! I know how you feel, it sucks!
Moneyking63 said:
Well unless they absolutely say they don't like you, I'm sure they do, just make a little bit of an effort.

Well as long as people know you exist.

As for the girl thing, they can be an entirely different species. I don't think that would be good if she said that to you, you shouldn't want her. If it helps I don't have much luck with girls either. Well not with some of them, everyone wanted me to ask this one girl out (lets just say I don't like her that way) and I didnt want to because I liked another girl who was going out with someone else. So now like 2 weeks ago I find out the girl I like broke up with her boy friend and the girl that liked me is going out with someone else so it turned in my favor. Now I have good chemistry with this girl, I have known her since kindergarden and in 1st through 3rd grade we were best friends! So I have know Idea what to do. (and to stay on topic here) If she found out I like pokemon, I actually don't think she would care that much!

By the way if she smoked at a dance chances are it may become a habit and she is going to get WAY uglier!

And you facing isolation is not a good thing, i have to say that. But if it helps you have friends here! When ever I feel like I don't have any friends there is a place I ride my bike to. We have this park, and there is alittle island with a bridge to it, we call it turtle island because there are huge metal turtles on it. I go there and I sit on a turtle and watch the world around me, sometimes listen to my i-pod. You kind of get your self in this mood that is...uplifting! I suggest u find a place like that! It really helps me when I'm feeling down!

By the way I had some huge friend problems around 3 months ago, when to of my good friends were fighting over a girl. So they hung out with a different set of friends then they usually do and now there a little better. Not as good though! And I was left all alone! I know how you feel, it sucks!

Just to get something straight, I don't really want to go out with her, UGGHHH! She nasty and "Ew!" herself, and I dislike her. In fact, I don't really want to go out with anybody right now.

Yeah, at least they know I exsist.

I'll edit more later.
I'm trapped in my home, and my school is a construction site, and I don't have a bike, so finding a place like this going to be hard....

And again, I do not really have good friends, thanks to Jr. High sepreation....
Yeah, she hangs out with another friend that smokes, too. At least her friend is nicer...

And, anyway, I don't really want to go out with someone. I just don't think I have found "the One".
I know what you mean, I have never had a girlfriend, just cause I wanted the right one. Now I just don't know how to ask her out. I don't know if she is ready or if she likes me ect.

I'm sure there will be someone!
My Bffs birthday was the next day and she called me up and said she was coming over NOW to take my sleeping bag and clothes and stuff.So I said ok in a cool laid back voice.As soon as the phone hung up I panicked and rushed to my bedroom and ripped down all my pokemon stuff and threw all of it into my youger niece's room.When my Bff came over it was a VERY close call.Now when ever i buy pokemon stuff I say it is for my niece alexia or it is for my friend down the block-whatever my brain thinks of at the moment.I wasnt afraid to
tell anyone that I liked pokemon in 5th grade but thats when HE came.:l.The pokemon feak that ruined the whole reputation of it.So if you liked pokemon you were a freak along with HIM.he acted weird and every thing until one day he just blurted out in class "its not my fault I have ADHD!"i was like OMG this makes it worse.So if you like pokemon you decaeded to his level which then completly screwed up my plan to become popular when I moved to that school in 5th grade.This was not posted to make fun of ADHD people in anyway...its just the he acts at school.me now being in 8th grade lets no one know I like pokemon.Just my real friend that is in the other class.my niece and her friend know.wowzers long post.I wish that i could jusy blurt it out but that would mean another 5 months of pain in the heart from those people at school.-_-stuck in the middle my friends.
WoW chatot close call, I know when a friend comes over I have to make sure all my stuff is not anywhere to be seen.
Wow, I can't believe that you guys hide Pokemon from your friends. I would rather be myself, even if I am considered "nerdy". I don't even look like a nerd! Who is to judge what is popular or not? Popularity and "status quo" are just perceptions.

I rarely have friends visit my house (because I have so few...). But when they do come over, why should I bother waisting time hiding everything related to Pokemon? If my friends do not like or accept it, then tough luck for them.
Yeah, the first sentence in the second paragraph is true for me, also.

Anyway, if someone were to come over to my house, I could not hide it, primarily due to the fact that I have two brothers that also play (and you can't keep secrets with one of them...) and my house is littered in Pokemon stuff.
Well I don't hide it, I mean all my pokemon stuff is in a box under my ping pong table so unless they snoop around while im in the bathroom or something. I don't have friends over often, but I do every now and then. I go other places with my friends, not a whole lot to do at my house=P Well I had completely forgotten the pre-release im going to is in a mall so I'm a little worried that someone is going to spot me, its a far away mall but im still kinda *gulp* nervous.
Moneyking63 said:
Well I don't hide it, I mean all my pokemon stuff is in a box under my ping pong table so unless they snoop around while im in the bathroom or something. I don't have friends over often, but I do every now and then. I go other places with my friends, not a whole lot to do at my house=P Well I had completely forgotten the pre-release im going to is in a mall so I'm a little worried that someone is going to spot me, its a far away mall but im still kinda *gulp* nervous.

Hmmm, good luck. Might I suggest a ski mask?

*Oh crap someone might think you are a burgular* :F

Ya, I asked my mom about going to a Prerelease, she said no:(. Whenever my friends come over, I have to pretend to think Pokemon is stupid and tell them my cards are my brothers. Sad, I know.
It's not said Lt. Empoleon, its just how you cope, I see nothing wrong with that at all!

I don't think anyone will see me but then again who really knows?