Pokemon Playing Pokemon

Do you tell your friends that you play?

  • Yes, I do tell

    Votes: 59 67.0%
  • No, I keep it a secret

    Votes: 29 33.0%

  • Total voters
I play video games I like. I've been playing Pokemon since day one. Well, that is once it got out in the US. ;) I don't care if anyone else likes it or not. I don't play to make other people happy; rather to have fun. I enjoy certain series of games and don't mind telling people when asked. Stuff like Pokemon, Digimon, Final Fantasy, Yugioh, etc. Love them all. Just for info for anyone who doesn't know, I'm 31 years old. It surprises younger kids when I can talk about Pokes and Yugi and such and I like that. It shows "kids" (anyone under the age of 18 for this instance) that "adults" (anyone over 18 for sure) can understand what they like to do and even have fun with it too.
Oh, I flat out tell people. I have a Pokemon card as a bookmark. Sometimes people comment about it.

I've recently 'gotten back into it' as an adult. As a middle school student, I was a big fan, and it got me a lot of ridicule from bullies. People would try to get a rise out of me by poking fun at my hobby. Eventually, I came to dislike Pokemon, partially because of the way that my peers treated me. It was a good scapegoat at the time. I packed all of my Pokemon things away in my parents' attic.

Then Diamond and Pearl came out.

The time came to purchase a DS early last summer. My first game, for nostalgia's sake, was Pokemon Diamond. My friends were quick to follow suit, and all the sudden, we were playing through the game we'd all enjoyed as children together. In no time, we were playing the card tournaments again at my friend's anime and hobby shop, discussing deck strategies and whatnot. With kids.

I once whispered to a friend while there, "I was a Pokemon fan before these kids were even BORN." It's funny how old you feel when you realize that your age bracket puts you in the "master" division during weekly tournaments.

Nowadays, my boyfriend and I will share an ideal evening after classes watching M*A*S*H and playing Pokemon. It's all shameless. We're 'big kids' now! It's great to find that common thread with your buddies again.
(I know Arch IRL, our stories are likely similar)

I too have recently gotten back into Pokemon as a young adult. In middle school, Pokemon was my real introduction to anime and most things like it. I played Blue and Yellow. I watched the anime. I spend afternoons over at Arch's playing in the woods trying to catch "wild" Pokemon with the toy Pokeballs we got at Burger King. We'd walk to the local comic store to by The Electric Tale of Pikachu manga. We'd go to the original Pokemon league at Toys'R'Us. We traveled out of state to get Mew back in the day.

I got out of it for the same reasons as Arch. Maybe not being into Pokemon would make me more likable? It never changed things, but I still don't hide it today.

I remember the weekend Diamond and Pearl came out in the US. The Gamestop in Boston was swarmed with people buying the game. Come summer, my friend started running the Pokemon league at her anime and gaming store. A good friend of mine still had cards. We started going up every weekend and actively started playing again.

Yes, a good majority of the kids at said hobby shop are 10. They weren't even born when I first got into it.

Nonetheless, I still love the game. And I will proudly wear my WA shirt that claims:

My Pokemanz: Let Me Show You Them.
I only tell my close friends, since they used to be in to it too. My prents know, and don't really care. My brother likes it too. I keep it secret from everyone else, since people will look down on you if they know. My friends are actually friends so they don't care.
I tell it to my friends who also are playing Pokemon. For the rest it's an secret except you guys, but you are my friends now too... :cool:
^ Same here, I wonder what would happen if I told my girlfriend about my pokemon playing addiction.
?man said:
I only tell my close friends, since they used to be in to it too. My prents know, and don't really care. My brother likes it too. I keep it secret from everyone else, since people will look down on you if they know. My friends are actually friends so they don't care.

I do the exact same thing....only few people know.
I tell you all this. Most of the people who play pokemon seriously are older kids maybe 13 and above. I've played pokemon my entire life and never did I realised how fun it was till I was 13. Because I've finally learned how to play as a pro, made a lot new friends along the way, and made up some deck strategies.

Now most of the people in school who think cards are nerdy probably didn't understand all of the above when they were young. Ergo, they think, and still do, cards are mindlessly buying cardboard with imaginary characters on them. They don't understand throughly.

I've told everyone I knew that I played cards. When I first entered my present school, I asked every single person ''Who has windstorm?''. Then I met so many of my friends that I wouldn't have met if it weren't for Pokemon. Many started playing cards again.

Now I pity you all who kept your cards a secret.

I know I'm talking like Adolf Hitler when he started the World War 2 revolution but at least I'm knocking some sense to you all.
I'll tell you, I didn't understand the actual rules of tcg at all. I remember trying it with my friend one time when I was much much younger, my dad read us the rules, then he went upstairs and we just started putting out cards amd attacking. I remember I had out blastoise and he had out Scyther I think. Anyway we ended up getting bored and wrestiling around pretending I was blastoise and he was scyther:p

But yes, most people just don't understand, simple as that.
Well don't be so influenced of what I wrote.

I've seen 9 year old genius players beat me like a pulp at a tourney and they really do understand their cards.

A couple of my friends started cards a year ago and quit. The reason is because
''Mom, can I have some money?''
''Oh, here you go son...''
''Ah, gardevoir lv.x, I like that.''
''It's only RM85, Ok I'll buy it for you.''
Next week he got bored of his gardevoir and traded it for 5 boosters.

They get their cards so easily. So they probably could get a gallantry deck done in a 30 minute shopping spree. While most of us painstakingly trade slowly, buy slowly...
I never cared about Pokémon until I was 11. Then I got my First game, Firered, and I just started loving it. I suck at the TCG however, but hey who cares? Most of my friends know I like Pokémon, and a couple of them play it by themself, although not as serious as I do. I don't keep it a secret, if someone asks if I play, i'll tell him, but I'm not going to stand on a roof and scream it out. I just don't try to hide it.

People who say Pokémon is stupid probably never played it, or have only seen the animé. My father's one of them too: I don't even try to explain he game to him cause he won't listen anyway. Oh well, the point is, don't care about what other people think, you are able decide for yourself. You're old and stupid enough :)
Wow.. Pokemon for me just kept coming and going, I actually have played every single game of Pokemon. But havent really stayed with Pokemon TCG the whole way. I think I played the TCG from Base to about one of the Neo sets. There I started losing interest only because I didn't understand the game. Then, in about the third grade, I started collecting the cards from Sandstorm to about Hidden Legends/FRLG(Whichever came last). Then I came to a phase where I thought Pokemon was the dumbest game ever(Besides Yu-Gi-Oh). My no Pokemon streak lasted till about Summer of 2007. I was in Target and I observed one of the World Championship packages and the Plusle/Minun Trainer Kit. From then on, I've been hooked ever since the release of Power Keepers:)
That was a good story....I haven't been a few for an extremely long time, so I haven't actually been through one of those "phases".
I have been a pokemon fan since...I don't know, probably since it came out. My older brother, when we were younger got the first pack and in Israel where I grew up there were these cool kind if Chip things (not Potato Chips :p) that you play with. As my brother played with friends, I was like 3 or 4 and then I started watching how they play and all and I was fascinated. Then I have been a devoted Pokemon player since about 1999, I think thats when it came out. Good times, good times...

Even though my brother is not a fan anymore, I still play and he still knows stuff about it. But only like Kanto stuff and the anime stuff.