RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!
Wiseman. said:
Yata: Hmm...I need that! I have questions:
-Have shaymin X IFDS by any chance?
-Will you trade it if you do?
-Do you buy?
-If so how much can you pay?
2 Magnezone SF {E}
1 Tyranitar SF
1 Bronzong SF
1 Lickilicky SW
Garchomp X
I only have what I am OFFERING and I am NOT BUYING.
Your offer is ridiculous man!
those 6 rares barely add up 10$ value and Garchomp Lv. X easil goes for ~20$.
Here is my (read: fair) offer.
1 Garchomp LV X
2 Garchomp MT
3 Dragonite LA (!!!!!)
1 Magnezone LV X JPN
1 Rayquaza LA
I need your:
Uxie Lv. X JPN - equals to JPN Zone Lv. X + Rayquaza LA
Dusknoir Lv. X - equals to Garchomp Lv. X + 2 Garchomp MT
2 Sableye SF - 1 LA Dragonite
1 Tyranitar SF - 1 LA Dragonite
1 Salamence SF - 1 LA Dragonite
1 'stinky' Phione MD - THROW in (0.5$ value)
1 Lickilicky SW - THROW in (0.5$ value)
This is, what we call, detailed information... so LMK if we can work something out.
And, if you dare to call yourself "a smartest member around here", don't make such dumb offers. (no hard feelings, just an advice mate)
Furthermore, I haven't received cards from our previous trade yet... when have you sent them?
LMK about the possible trade and about an ongoing one, thanks in advance.