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Which deck should I play for City Championships?

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RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Would you do all that for Dusknoir if not I understand but I can add in more cards also.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TO

Wiseman. said:
PF4000: The cards (sabeleye + Gastrodon), for your Luxury ball and Torterra MD? LMK!
That sounds good.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

How about buying? I can sell them all.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! 12/29 Mega Update! Need: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Insayne Flame: No sorry. Lately I have traded rares for LV X's and I have like 6 LV X's only now, which I will update...but sorry...I need a LV X as the deal.

PF4000: Just got the cards this weekend :( Have any other cards on my wants for sabelye and others?

Magma: Depends on how much you want.

RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Yes. Look at my post on the top of this page or CML.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

I have:

1 Garchomp MT
2 Dragonite LA
1 Magnezone SF ( Metal )
2 Roserade SF
1 Luxury Ball

I can trade all those for an Uxie X... LMK, there's also other stuff I want if you don't want to trade that...
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

I would do the 2 infernape for them.

Ampha: Sorry, the Uxie X is gone. I will update SOON.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

How about Dusknoir X, then?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Wiseman. said:
I would do the 2 infernape for them.
I'll think about it.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

I would prefer not to trade rares for a LV X...but can you buy the noir X?

PF4000: Okay, I will wait.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Why didn't you reply to my pm?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Hmm... I don't Know if I can buy, but I have other Lv.X's I can give you if you want.... Heatran X, Maybe? I have Tin and Pack versions. LMK
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Hmm...Well, Heatran X I do need...but I need to hang onto Noir X more than I need Heatran. If you can buy LMk.

CHANMAN: What did it say?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Offer please.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Wiseman. said:
Yata: Hmm...I need that! I have questions:

-Have shaymin X IFDS by any chance?
-Will you trade it if you do?
-Do you buy?
-If so how much can you pay?



2 Magnezone SF {E}
1 Tyranitar SF
1 Bronzong SF
1 Lickilicky SW


Garchomp X


I only have what I am OFFERING and I am NOT BUYING.

Your offer is ridiculous man!
those 6 rares barely add up 10$ value and Garchomp Lv. X easil goes for ~20$.
Here is my (read: fair) offer.
1 Garchomp LV X
2 Garchomp MT
3 Dragonite LA (!!!!!)
1 Magnezone LV X JPN
1 Rayquaza LA

I need your:
Uxie Lv. X JPN - equals to JPN Zone Lv. X + Rayquaza LA
Dusknoir Lv. X - equals to Garchomp Lv. X + 2 Garchomp MT
2 Sableye SF - 1 LA Dragonite
1 Tyranitar SF - 1 LA Dragonite
1 Salamence SF - 1 LA Dragonite
1 'stinky' Phione MD - THROW in (0.5$ value)
1 Lickilicky SW - THROW in (0.5$ value)

This is, what we call, detailed information... so LMK if we can work something out.
And, if you dare to call yourself "a smartest member around here", don't make such dumb offers. (no hard feelings, just an advice mate)
Furthermore, I haven't received cards from our previous trade yet... when have you sent them?

LMK about the possible trade and about an ongoing one, thanks in advance.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Hey, Wiseman. I was wondering how much you wanted for noir X? I MIGHT buy it.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Magma: $5? I mean you are the seller dude.

Yata: Okay. Sorry. Chill.

Anyways, I will NOT trade Noir for Garchomp as part of any trade that is not involving MONEY. Dusky X is valuable to me. Garchomp is for fun. I can use G-Chomp, but I will not trade Uxie X, or Dusky X for it as they are useable more so than Chomp X.

AmphaPWN: Umm...$30 sound good?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Hmm.. Wow that's a lot. I'll have to think about that one.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Okay, I can go down to $28 but that is it as Dusky X is played in almost every noir deck.

Do you have Pay Pal?

If you need Machamp X, I can also sell that to you for $19
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

Wiseman. said:
Hmm...Well, Heatran X I do need...but I need to hang onto Noir X more than I need Heatran. If you can buy LMk.

CHANMAN: What did it say?

We made a deal for my Garchomp Lv X and other stuff for TSD

chanman45 said:
Garchomp LV X
1 Roseanne
2 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball


Wiseman. said:
No thanks Sots...:(

Panda: Are you serious? Would you trade your $20 for my $7? I didn't think so. What I mean is, you need to learn the values of the cards. I would do Clay for Garchomp X.

PF4000: The cards (sabeleye + Gastrodon), for your Luxury ball and Torterra MD? LMK!

IF: CML for something you want! :p

Chanman: Deal! PM me for details.

Magma: Sorry. I am getting most of those and as for the shadowless cards...I only trade legal for legal.
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