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Which deck should I play for City Championships?

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RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

I can do. Do you have Scizor SF? Or anything from my wants list? If so what would you want for them?
EDIT: I also need your x2 Magnezone {E} SF.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

Well...do you have any Claydol GE?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

I have some but there NFT. I also need your Magnezone x2 Electric. LMK what you need. I have stuff that are not on my list like:
Rhyperior and Bellossom if you need them.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

I know they are NFT but is there any way possible to trade them for Uxie X and others?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

Not unless I get 2 more. But are you good witht he current deal? Will I pass rule #3 if I'm from the Philippines? If you are PM me to confirm, but I won't be sending out until... 2 days cause post office is closed.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

Yeah, you would pass the rule.

I will CYL later as I have to go, because Gardevoir X is a low want of mine...I currently have 2.

Have any rare candy? For trade...
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

Wiseman. said:
Yata: I am not backing out. Read the private messages I have sent you. You just reply with :)

I told you that if I did not get the cards by the tournament date, I would send your cards back. Which is what I am doing. Unless you can find proof that otherwise neglects what I said, I will send them back.

At first that was the deal and that was why I rushed that same day to the post office and sent with priority... but then, when I sent you said that you don't need cards within 8 days then in 15 days because it turned out your CC was taking place a week later (on Friday).
So, since this proves that you DID eventually get your cards on time and therefore send mine ASAP, thank you.
Here's a prove:
Wiseman. said:
I got it all planned out! My cities is not until the next Friday! SO, if you could send how you were going to send, that would be fine! Thanks!
So, please send your part of the trade ASAP along with the 7$ I paid extra for the shipping... (was also a part of the deal).
To remind you of a deal, it was this.
2 Claydol JPN (GE)
Mesprit Lv. X (english)

For my:
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Rare candy
1 Dusknoir #1 JPN (SF)

So, do send your end of the trade because I need it A.S.A.P. and the holidays are just slowing down everything so if you send them now I would receive them delayed anyway.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

No, I actually did not get my cards on time and trevorispro can tell you that. I was panicking at cities trying to get them. I got them, and I have not use for your cards. Also, I bet if you quote every message of mine, you will see where I explicitly said that if I did not get them, then I would send back.

Last thing. And let me make this very clear. BECAUSE you got ME MY CARDS late, I DO NOT care if you get yours late as well. This does not make things even.

Since your cards which you payed "$10" got here a week late, and I traded for all those at cities, your cards are worthless. I think I will be sending them back as I promised. There is absolutly no reason I should not send them back. 3 weeks for $10? Yeah right. Bull crud. I send to Croatia with $.94 and guess what? :0 I get them there in a week - week and a half.

So, I am going to send them back as I said. I am usually a patient person but the fact that you pick and choose what to quote out of my PM's is not correct. You must quote every PM in a PM to me to get me convinced.

PS: I have all the PM's so don't try to send bogus.

******TO EVERYONE******

Since Yata took 3 weeks to ship my cards...and I had to trade for all the cards, is it not fair I send them back as I do not need duplicates? I already had the agony of 3 weeks, but duplicates and take away other valuable cards to me is wrong.

(((***(((***)))***))) MODS:

PM me to resolve this.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

Wiseman. said:
Yeah, you would pass the rule.

I will CYL later as I have to go, because Gardevoir X is a low want of mine...I currently have 2.

Have any rare candy? For trade...

None. I can throw in the other cards I offered a few posts back if you want.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

When will the pics. be ready?

I need them soon.

RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

15 min. Tops, 20min. Thank YOU SO MUCH for your patience.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m


Can you PM me them when you're done?

And you're welcome! :)
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

Hey, it would be easier for me to email them to you. I will PM you when I have emailed you.

RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

I sent you the email, so, when you get them tell me which ones you liked and we can work out a deal here. Thanks!
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

So are we good with the deal?? PM me to finalize.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

Sorry Machamp master, I am out of it with winter break and all. Umm...what was our deal again?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

I think it was:
Gardevoir Lv.X
Mewtwo star
x1 Bebe's search
x1 Dragonite LA
x1 Magnezone #5
(If you still want them)
For your:
Uxie Lv.X and if you have, RH Machoke x2. LMK :D
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

Sorry. No Gardy X. I know that was going to be the deal, I have 2 already. Can't use anymore.

Hmmm...Heatran X is good...

I will update my Wants later like at 4 PM EST and LMK if you have any of my new wants, thanks!
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Huge update with new cards and figures! N: CC cards like, Claydol, AMU, Trainers, & m

CML for Claydol and Gardy X
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