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Which deck should I play for City Championships?

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RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! JUST in: Cities Playmat! { Need }: Garchomp + Chomp X and TONS (I mean tons) more!

I am sorry, I will not confirm. I got a better trade PRIOR to yours.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

2 googleeane

Need surfing pikachu figure
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

CML for Uxie Lv.X and Cities Playmat.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

Billy: Only selling. Pending for $10...

TSL: Money for the Uxix X only, and I could sell the playmat or I need Charizard SF.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

How much for Uxie Lv.X?
Charizard for what?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

You still didn't respond to me about our ongoing trade... when have you sent the cards? LMK.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

TWLIGHTSHAYLVR: Uxie X...is now $32 shipped.

I actually would trade the cities mat (MAYBE, must ask my bro) for the charizard SF.



I sent the cards...

Like 5 days ago?

I can't remember, but it was before friday and after monday. (of last week)


RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

I need money? Can you buy it?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

1 Luxury Ball

I have some other stuff to.

I am interested in atleast 1 Claydol.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

DUDE! I love you signature, quite intriguing in fact! :D

Anyways. I only need 1 roserade as I have not updated my wants.

I have 2 roserrade and need 1 more.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

x1 Torterra DP
x1 Garchomp MT
x1 Infernape MD
x1 Luxury Ball RH
x1 Roserade SF
x1 Stark Mountain LA
x2 Cherrim SF
I have all those. So pick what you may want for atleast one Claydol if not for both.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

Do you still need these?

Garchomp LV X
2 Garchomp MT

RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

for your UxieLVX i would do
2 Garchomp MT
1 Luxary ball
1 Cherim SF

2 Garchomp MT
1 Luxary ball
1 Cherim SF
2 roserade SF

Pokeball mat
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

I would like to trade for these from you:

Dusknoir LV X

ERROR TSD. INSANELY RARE, but it is not near mint... Could I see a picture of this error?

Uxie LV X

I got:
Garchomp LV X
2 Garchomp MT

2 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball
2 Cherrim SF

Medium wants:
Magnezone LV X
1 {M} Magnezone SF
1 Torterra DP

Look at my list to see if you need anything else.
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.

Charizard: I really only need the cherrim, unless you have LV Xs...claydol will be hard to get.

SoTH: Yes. Not a huge want but yes.

DE: No thanks. I could get more for it.

Suser: How much are you willing to buy each of those cards for?
RE: Wiseman and Co's Card FOUNDUE! Updating will take place soon. Still open for trades.


Guys, I have every card in modified format for sale! You can buy here right now!

The things on my list are for sale/trade. Make offers!

RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

I need 1/2 Claydol and 1 Sableye SF.

I have these from your new wants list.
2 Infernape MD
1 Rayquaza LA RH
2 Scizor SF
1 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball
2 Absol SW
1 Raichu SF (incoming, should be getting from trade very soon)

LMK if we can work something out.
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

How about 3 Cherrims? 2 RH for one claydol?
RE: HUGE update. Have all LV X's up to BTET for sale! Come on in and buy, trade, or do whatever floats your boat! 6 Clay

How much for Floatzel Lv.X? Lmk.
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