• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


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RE: DarkVoid57's Trade Shoppe:BLACK AND WHITE Lux GL/Chat MD, W/ 95 ZORUA'S


I'll PM me you right now for finalization.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trade Shoppe:BLACK AND WHITE Lux GL/Chat MD, W/ 95 ZORUA'S

do you have any hg ss eneries?
RE: DarkVoid57's Trade Shoppe:BLACK AND WHITE Lux GL/Chat MD, W/ 95 ZORUA'S

Yeah, I have 1 Fire
RE: DarkVoid57's Trade Shoppe:BLACK AND WHITE Lux GL/Chat MD, W/ 95 ZORUA'S

my 2 mandibuzz
your 1 juniper, 1 hgss fire energy, 2 junk arm?
RE: DarkVoid57's Trade Shoppe:BLACK AND WHITE Lux GL/Chat MD, W/ 95 ZORUA'S

sure, I can do that.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trade Shoppe:BLACK AND WHITE Lux GL/Chat MD, W/ 95 ZORUA'S

In regards to your trade request, what black star promos do you have?
I'm looking for Dark Persian, Scizor, Entei-Neo, Scyther, Rapidash, Ho-Oh, Aerodactyl, Pichu and Venusaur. LMK if you have any of these. :)
RE: DarkVoid57's Trade Shoppe:BLACK AND WHITE Lux GL/Chat MD, W/ 95 ZORUA'S

Do you mean you want the Entei that was given out as the movie promo?
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/95 ZORUA'S

I have 3x Junk arm and 1x Cincinno. Do you have any BW card codes? If so, CML and make an offer ^^
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/95 ZORUA'S

Whoops, need to update my wants. I don't need Junk Arms anymore, but I indefinetely need Cincinno.

I have 1 Code card thing.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/95 ZORUA'S

My Cincinno for your Card code?
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/95 ZORUA'S

Sure. Can you check my wants to see if you have anything else I need?
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/95 ZORUA'S

I also have one Zorua I could throw in if you throw in an Oshawott or Dewott (Trying to collecto 100 of each of them)
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/95 ZORUA'S

I have one of each Oshawott. Which do you want?

BTW, welcome to the collecting 100 of a card club!
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/95 ZORUA'S

4x Yanma TR
x1 Vullaby
1 Communication

RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/95 ZORUA'S

Please check my list for:
1x Crobat Prime
1x Typhlosion Prime
6x Professor Juniper (Big Want!)
1x Energy Retrieval (RH)

I'm pretty sure I have a few of your wants, but I'm not sure about how many of them I can trade. Let me know what you find and we can work from there. Thank you. =)
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/95 ZORUA'S

I dont care. Whichever one you want to throw in. I'll PM you to confirm trade.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S


Just want to let you know, its not the ability emboar. You ok with that?


Your sig ran away. Link to your thread?
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S

Sorry about that, Here's My Trade Thread. I must have forgotten to include my sig in that last post.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S


Sorry, I really didn't see too much. Unless you have any of my wants unlisted, let me know.

BTW, if you have like any staples HGSS-On, let me know.
RE: DarkVoid57's Trades:BLACK AND WHITE,Good Boufalant and Rev ZekroChat MD, W/92 ZORUA'S

Darkvoid57 said:

Sorry, I really didn't see too much. Unless you have any of my wants unlisted, let me know.

BTW, if you have like any staples HGSS-On, let me know.
I can trade 2x Pokemon Communication BW 1x Vullaby (RH), and maybe 3x PETM depending on the deal.
I would like to get as many Juniper as I can get and a prime if possible.
Let me know.
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