RE: Pocket Monsters XY Discussion
Chespin's personality is far more malleable than I thought.
Chespin's personality is far more malleable than I thought.
Drohn said:I'm curious what Ash's next Pokémon will be. Any guesses?
Blob55 said:Since when was the Fennekin line Cat-like?
Here is what I think everyone's teams will be at the end of the league:
Frogadier (Like Mudkip, it probably won't evolve until way late into the series)
Talonflame (His Flyer and Fire type)
Pancham (Won't evolve, as Ash won't have access to a Dark type)
Clauncher (Ash always gets the Water Crustacean)
Other (Could be something unexpected like Carbink, or an older Pokémon)
Flabébé (Probably won't evolve due to AZ's Floette and the main characters don't usually get access to Evolution Stones)
Meowstic (Female)
Spritzee (Aromatisse is ugly and on the off chance she does evolve it, she'll probably end up with its counterpart, Slurpuff)
Amaura/Aurorus (It's about time a main character gets a Fossil)
Bunnelby (Probably won't evolve, as Diggersby is uglier)
Quilladin (Chespin is know or being a glutton and Quilladin is very fat looking)
Heliolisk (Picks it up from the Gym after Ash beats him)
Drohn said:I can definitely see Serena end up with Flabébé or maybe even that Espurr! Two feline Psychic-type Pokémon might be a bit much, though. The Fairy-type would be a great addition to the team.
I also hope for Goomy to get get caught by one of the main characters. So far Ash only has fast Pokémon on his current team (his usual style, with some exceptions that do very well too). Goomy would be a nice addition to those.
Do you think Ash will get a Skrelp rather than Clauncher? Skrelp will be difficult to use on land, which is where most battles happen. I think that if he catches one, it won't get as much screen time. Clauncher is more flexible with that. It could be good friends with Kingler and Corphish. I do like Skrelp, however, and Ash catching it would definitely make me happy!
If Ash wants to use a Fairy-type Pokémon he can give his mom a call, instead of prof. Oak. More screen time for Mr. Mime to scare the children (and me!). I would love to see him end up with Klefki.![]()
Leaf_Ranger said:If Ash gets a Pancham I hope it evolves. I am usually agaisnt cliches but I can't stop wishing for this Pangoro to have a Charizard + Snorlax personality.![]()