Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

Should: Darkrai, Shaymin & Arecus be banned from being traded?

  • Yes, as there's no event's in english for them...yet.

    Votes: 110 43.7%
  • No, coz you can just hack (or use the Japanese Glitch) for them

    Votes: 144 57.1%

  • Total voters
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RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

julian99janssen said:
I,ll have to wait until my dad,s back he is back over 3 days

It's ok.
I can wait until Monday.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

RE: Event + Colosseum pokémon for trade. Pichu, Regigigas, Ho-oh and more!

Aura Mew, Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi, Alamos (Target~Australia) Darkrai, Ranger 2 Darkrai/Riolu
Mistsurin Celebi, 10th Aniv Celebi, 10th Zard, Navel Rocks Lugia & Ho-Oh & Birth Is. Deoxys

Feel free to bargin.


Done! Name a time and date (other than tonight UK time) and i'll be there :D
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

I will trade you a UT TRU Regigiggias from March 21st holding a splash plate for your shiny Feraligatr.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

AlecDuff said:
RE: Event + Colosseum pokémon for trade. Pichu, Regigigas, Ho-oh and more!

Aura Mew, Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi, Alamos (Target~Australia) Darkrai, Ranger 2 Darkrai/Riolu
Mistsurin Celebi, 10th Aniv Celebi, 10th Zard, Navel Rocks Lugia & Ho-Oh & Birth Is. Deoxys

Feel free to bargin.


Done! Name a time and date (other than tonight UK time) and I'll be there :D
I'll need to clone them 1st (Mew's already been cloned & ready to be picked up)

Togetic said:
I will trade you a UT TRU Regigiggias from March 21st holding a splash plate for your shiny Feraligatr.
It's still a "Baby" Totodile, is that Ok with you?
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

LV is your Wi-Fi up yet? Did you send your game to Echosong so I can have my events put on for you with her? Thanks.:)
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

I offer my shiny Hadou Mew and MATTLE ho-oh for your pikachu colored pichu.
Oh and do you still need TRU Regigigas cause I will trade you mine on and btw pm me when your wifi is up.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

xxashxx said:
LV is your Wi-Fi up yet? Did you send your game to Echosong so I can have my events put on for you with her? Thanks.:)
Yeah, it's back up (until my bro moves out of home again).
However, I'm getting her something nice next month...so I'll be sending my Jp game then.

ChaoMaster101 said:
I offer my shiny Hadou Mew and MATTLE ho-oh for your pikachu colored pichu.
Oh and do you still need TRU Regigigas cause I will trade you mine on and btw pm me when your wifi is up.
*I'll just give you a random Pokémon for the Ho-Oh*

Yeah, but it also depends on the date & nature.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Ugh LV hold on let me get through my first trade with pcp then I am getting yours I want 2 so my friend can get one for his SoulSilver.
Edit: Done with the trade alright LV I am ready.
Oh btw Regigigas was on the 16th of Mar.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

ChaoMaster101 said:
Ugh LV hold on let me get through my first trade with pcp then I am getting yours I want 2 so my friend can get one for his SoulSilver.
Edit: Done with the trade alright LV I am ready.
Oh btw Regigigas was on the 16th of Mar.

Ah, that's ok.
Sure...my 2x Shokoton Pichu's for your Gigigas & Ho-Oh.
Edit: See you on Wi-Fi.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

3 remember you want my mew to right or you can give me a crappy pokemon if you want.
Edit: Inside Wi-Fi Room I created the room join it when you get inside. And FC is 4253-9365-9317
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

ChaoMaster101 said:
3 remember you want my mew to right or you can give me a crappy pokemon if you want.
Edit: Inside Wi-Fi Room I created the room join it when you get inside.

I'm waiting for you.
*You need to go to the room down stairs for Wi-Fi tradeing*
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

I don't see you.
Which are you playing Platinum or diamond or pearl.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

ChaoMaster101 said:
I don't see you.
Which are you playing Platinum or diamond or pearl.

I always use Daimond for Tradeing/Battles....guess I forgot to say that.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

ChaoMaster101 said:
4253-9365-9317 CM is my name.

Do what you like with the Trapinch~I got it in a 2 for 1 trade last night from SPPF.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

hey lv if you want i can get you a riolu with earthquake and blaze kick so when you breed it you can get one any nature you want

btw do you still want to do the trade
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Thanks LV now time to host a tournament on a website with lots of players besides here and compete for a pcp.
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