Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

Should: Darkrai, Shaymin & Arecus be banned from being traded?

  • Yes, as there's no event's in english for them...yet.

    Votes: 110 43.7%
  • No, coz you can just hack (or use the Japanese Glitch) for them

    Votes: 144 57.1%

  • Total voters
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RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

xxashxx said:
Light Venusaur said:
xxashxx said:
LV is your Wi-Fi up yet? Did you send your game to Echosong so I can have my events put on for you with her? Thanks.:)
Yeah, it's back up (until my bro moves out of home again).
However, I'm getting her something nice next month...so I'll be sending my Jp game then.

ChaoMaster101 said:
I offer my shiny Hadou Mew and MATTLE ho-oh for your pikachu colored pichu.
Oh and do you still need TRU Regigigas cause I will trade you mine on and btw pm me when your wifi is up.
*I'll just give you a random Pokémon for the Ho-Oh*

Yeah, but it also depends on the date & nature.

I hope you let her know that. I will let her know if you have not yet.:)
I already traded with her and besides now that I have 3 pcp's I can give one to my friend who doesn't get many event pokemon but who cares LV if you need a pokemon and nobody on here has it I will look for one on serebii.net
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Shiny's that I'm looking for:




RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

Hey, Light venasaur.

I have the Movie Event Arceus you want. Will you trade your SHiny Heatran and Aerodactyl for it???
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

shadoworganoid said:
Hey, Light venasaur.

I have the Movie Event Arceus you want. Will you trade your SHiny Heatran and Aerodactyl for it?

Pick one or the other....as I don't do 2 for 1 trades.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

Dang. Lol, sorry, i tried. How about the Shiny Heatran?
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

shadoworganoid said:
Dang. Lol, sorry, I tried. How about the Shiny Heatran?

Sure, I'll need to clone it 1st.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

If you still have TRU Gigas(or a clone) i'll trade you a shiny weavile (one of the originals w/ a rare candy)
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

EmoPikachu said:
If you still have TRU Gigas(or a clone) I'll trade you a shiny weavile (one of the originals w/ a rare candy)
I already have one:
  • My Shinies:
    All Starters (& Eevee's) are in Pokeballs~unless stated
    001 Bulbasaur~Gentle
    002 Ivysaur~Lax
    003 Venusaur~unsure
    004 Charmander~Lonely
    005 Charmeleon~Lonley*
    006 Charizard~Lonely
    007 Squirtle~Mild
    008 Wartortle~Hardy
    009 Blastoise~Bashful
    010 Caterpie~Mild
    011 Metapod~Sassy
    012 Butterfree~Timid (Caught in a Dusk Ball)
    019 Rattata~Bold (Caught in a Pokeball)
    020 Raticate~Sassy (Caught in an Ultra Ball)
    021 Spearow~Gentle (Caught in a Pokeball)
    022 Fearow~Relaxed (Caught in a Master Ball, Lv.100)
    023 Ekans~Bold (Bred)
    024 Arbok~Calm (Bred & has Pokerus)
    025 Pikachu~Timid (From Hoenn, bred to have the egg move of: Metronome)
    026 Raichu~Timid (From Hoenn, bred to have the egg move of: Metronome-Cloned)
    030 Nidorina~Naive (Cought in a Master Ball)
    031 Nidoqueen~Lax (Cought in a Master Ball)
    032 Nidoran (male)~Quirky (Cought in a Repeat Ball, got it as a clone-has "Horn Drill")
    033 Nidorino~Quirky (Cought in a Repeat Ball, got it as a clone & will be cloned)
    034 Nidoking~Serious (Cought in a Sarfari Ball)
    035 Clefairy
    041 Zubat~Quirky (Cought in a Pokeball) & Careful (Cought in a Premier Ball)
    042 Golbat~Unsure of yet
    043 Oddish~Coming Soon
    044 Gloom~Modest (Cought in a Master Ball)
    045 Vileplume~Modest (Cought in a Master Ball-cloned from Gloom)
    047 Parasect~Timid (Cought in a Safari Ball-NN: Heidi (I can't change it))
    051 Dugtrio~Sassy (cought in a Master Ball)
    054 Psyduck~Serious (Cought in a Master Ball)
    055 Golduck~Timid (cought in a Master Ball)
    058 Growlithe~Careful (Ultra Ball), Naughty (Egg), 3x Calm (egg), Mild (Egg), Impish (egg), Quirky (egg), Bashful (egg-had pokerus).
    063 Abra~Hasty (cought in an Ultra Ball)
    064 Kadabra~Hasty (cought in an Ultra Ball-cloned from Abra)
    065 Alakazam~Gentle (cough in a Premier Ball & has Pokerus)
    066 Machop~Lonely (cought in a Master Ball)
    067 Machoke~Calm (cought in a Timer Ball-holding an everstone)
    069 Bellsprout~Adamant (cought in a Master Ball)
    070 Weepinbell~Serious (cought in a Master Ball)
    074 Geodude~Sassy (cought in a Nest Ball)
    075 Graveler~Sassy (cought in a Nest Ball-Cloned from Geodude)
    076 Golem~Sassy (cought in a Nest Ball-Cloned from Geodude)
    077 Ponyta~Adamant ~Sassy (cought in a Nest Ball) or Timid (egg moves of: Horn Drill, Hypnosis, SolarBeam & Flamethrower)
    078 Rapidash~Timid (egg moves of: Horn Drill, Hypnosis, SolarBeam & Flamethrower) & Timid (egg moves of: Horn Drill, Hypnosis, SolarBeam & Flamethrower-EV'd)
    079 Slowpoke~Quite (egg)
    080 Slowbro~Jolly (cought in a Great Ball)
    092 Ghastly~Navie (cought in a Pokeball-male), Jolly (cought in a Pokeball-female)
    095 Onix~Lonely (cought in a Master Ball)
    102 タマタマ/Exeggcute (Japanese)~Lax (cought in a Safari Ball)
    104 Cubone~Hardy (cought in an Ultra Ball), Naughty (cought in an Ultra Ball)
    105 Marowak~Bashful (cought in a Great Ball)
    110 Weezing~Sassy (cought in a Master Ball)
    111 Rhyhorn~Lax (Has the egg moves: Ice/Fire & Thunder FANGS)
    112 Rhydon~Rash (cought in a Premier Ball)
    113 Chansey~Adamant (cought in a Master Ball)
    116 Horsea~Rash (cought in a Premier Ball)
    117 Seadra~Rash (cought in a Premier Ball-cloned from Horsea)
    118 Goldeen~Mild (cought in a Poke Ball)
    119 Seaking~Mild (cought in a Poke Ball-cloned from Goldeen, has Pokerus)
    122 Mr. Mime~Relaxed (cought in a Premier Ball-has Pokerus)
    123 Scyther~Navie (cought in a Master Ball), 2x Hasty (egg), Quite (cought in a Master Ball)
    129 Magikarp~Mild (cought in a Poke Ball)
    130 Gyarados~Hardy (cought in a Master Ball-male), Impish (cought in a Master Ball-female)
    131 Lapras~Brave (egg-Lv.5), Lonely (egg)
    133/134/135/196/197/470/471 Eeveelutions~All (just ask me)
    138 Omanyte~Quirky (from it's Fossil)
    140 Kabuto~Modest (from it's Fossil)
    142 Aerodactyl~Rash (from it's Fossil/Old Amber)
    147 Dratini~NEW!!!
    150 Mewtwo-Hacked
    151 Mew~Brave (Mystry/Event-Pokeball)
    152 Chikorita~Serious & Relaxed
    153 Bayleef~Rash
    155 Cyndaquil~Lax (female) & Naive (male)
    156 Quilava~Timid
    158 Totodile~Gentle
    169 Crobat~coming soon
    172 Pichu~Docile & Jolly (Shokotan)
    182 Bellossom~Brave (in a Master Ball)
    196 Espeon~Timid
    197 Umbreon~Timid
    201 Unown-Almost all of them
    202 Woobuffet~Naughty (in a Master Ball)
    208 Steelix~Lonely (female-from Kanto) & Gentle (in a Premier Ball)
    215 Sneasel~Mild (egg) & Bold (in a Master Ball)
    220 Swinub~Lonely, Naughty & Quirky (female) (all bred)
    221 Piloswine~Docile (egg)
    222 Corsola~Gentle (in a Master Ball)
    224 Octillery~Quirky (in a Master Ball)
    225 Delibird~Mild (in a Master Ball)
    227 Skarmory~Hardy (in a Master Ball)
    230 Kingdra~Rash (cought in a Premier Ball-a clone from Horsea/Seadra)
    231 Phanpy~Mild (in a Quick Ball)
    232 Donphan~Mild (in a Quick Ball-a clone from Phanpy)
    237 Hitmontop~Gentle (in an Ultra Ball)
    239 Elekid~Bashful (in a Master Ball)
    242 Blissey-Has been EV'd~Hasty (in a Pokeball-Has Pokerus, Lv.100)
    245 Suicune~Jolly (hacked, in a Master Ball) & Bold (10ANNIV-Has Pokerus & holding Leftovers)
    249 ルギア/Lugia~Relaxed (in a Master Ball)
    250 Ho-oh~Impish (Navel Rock?-Lv.100)
    251 Celebi-Hacked
    252 Treecko~Relaxed (has Leaf Storm)
    255 Torchic~Jolly (Lv.22)
    257 Blaziken~Naive (Has ThunderPunch)
    258 Mudkip~Bashful & Mild (Has the Egg Move: Ice Ball)
    261 ポチエナ/Poochyena~Jolly (in an Ultra Ball)
    262 Mightyena~Sassy (NN: Shiny (I can't change it) in a Pokeball)
    265 Wurmple~Hardy (in an Ulta Ball)
    266 Silcoon~Jolly (in an Ultra Ball)
    267 Beautifly~Lonely (in a Dusk Ball)
    278 Wingull~Relaxed (in a Master Ball)
    279 Pelipper~Rash (in a Master Ball)
    280 Ralts~Sassy (male-in an Ultra Ball) & Lax (female-in an Ultra Ball)
    296 Makuhita~Brave
    300 Skitty~Lonely (Lv.43) & Bold
    306 Aggron~Docile & Hardy
    307 Meditite~Bold
    308 Medicham~Relaxed
    310 Manectric~Docile (Lv.100)
    313 Volbeat~Quirky
    314 Illumise~Calm
    315 Roselia~2x Adamant, Hardy
    319 Sharpedo~Quite
    320 Wailmer~Quirky
    321 Wailord~Rash
    322 Numel~Bold
    323 Camerupt~Gentle
    324 Torkoal~Impish
    327 Spinda~Quite
    328 Trapinch~Gentle
    331 Cacnea~Bold
    332 Cacturne~Rash
    333 Swablu~Rash
    344 Claydol~Rash
    345 Lileep~Relaxed
    347 Anorith~Lax
    350 Milotic~Timid (VGC09/Event)
    356 Dusclops~Jolly
    359 Absol~Bashful, Careful & Impish
    366 Clampearl~Modest
    371 Bagon~Hardy (Female), Timid (Male)
    373 Salamence~Adamant
    378 レジアイス/Regice~Mild (Japanese)
    380 Latias~Naive
    381 Latios~Jolly
    382 カイオーガ/Kyogre~Jolly (Japanese)
    383 Groudon~Docile
    384 Rayquaza~Bashful
    385 Jirachi~Serious (WishMaker/Event)
    387 Turtwig~Calm
    396 Starly~Bashful
    397 Staravia~Calm & Docile (Lv.4)
    398 Staraptor~Brave
    399 Bidoof~Quirky
    400 Bibarel~Quite
    401 Kricketot~Docile
    402 Kricketune~Impish
    403 Shinx~Adamant, Lonely
    404 Luxio~Lonely (cloned from Shinx)
    405 Luxray~Lonely (cloned from Shinx)
    406 Budew~Docile
    407 Roserade~Bashful
    408 Cranidos~Impish
    412 Burmy~Hardy (male)
    413 Wormadam~Docile (Trash Cloak), Hasty (Sand Cloak)
    414 Mothim~Hasty
    415 Combee~Bold
    417 Pachirisu~Quite & Naive
    418 Buizel~Relaxed
    419 Floatzel~Timid
    422 Shellos~Timid
    423 Gastrodon~Timid (Pink-cloned from Shellos), Hardy (Blue)
    425 Drifloon~Docile
    426 Drifblim~Docile (cloned from Drifloon)
    431 Glameow~Hardy (Has the egg moves: Fake Out, Quick Attack & Bite)
    434 Stunky~Adamant
    435 Skuntank~Careful
    438 Bonsly~Naive
    439 Mime Jr.~Impish
    442 Spiritomb
    444 Gabite~Hardy (in a Pokeball-from an egg)
    445 Garchomp~Hardy (in a Pokeball-from an egg, cloned from Gabite)
    447 Riolu~Hasty (in a Pokeball-from an egg)
    448 Lucario~Hasty (in a Pokeball-from an egg-a clone from Riolu)
    450 Hippowdon~Sassy (in a Master Ball)
    457 Lumineon~Hardy (in a Master Ball)
    459 Snover~Docile, Bashful & Rash (all in Master Balls)
    461 Weavile
    464 Rhyperior~Rash (in a Premier Ball-cloned from Rhydon)
    470 リーフィア/Leafeon~Navie (used to have Wish-Jp), Brave (knows Wish)
    471 Glaceon~Timid
    472 Gliscor-From Collossum 1~Hasty (in an Ultra Ball)
    473 Mamoswine~Docile
    477 Dusknoir~Jolly (in a Premier Ball)
    480 Uxie~Naive (in a Timer Ball)
    483 Dialga
    484 Palkia-It's French (lucky me)~Docile
    485 Heatran~Relaxed
    486 Regigigas~Hasty
    487 Giratina~Adamant (english)
    488 Cresselia~Modest
    489 Phione-Hacked
    491 Darkrai-I used the Walk-Through-Walls Cheat
    492 Shaymin-I used the Walk-Through-Walls Cheat
    493 Arceus-Hacked~Sassy
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

CMT for Worlds08 Lucario and Gamestop Deoxys please.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

I have the Movie Arceus but it is special request only and I have to contact Forum Shark if you want it after we trade because he is trying to keep the rarity as rare as possible and there are a certain number of members I can give it to under his rarity plan. Let me know if you want it though.:)
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

lucariopulse333 said:
CMT for Worlds08 Lucario and Gamestop Deoxys please.
Sadly you didn't have anything that I need/wanted.

xxashxx said:
I have the Movie Arceus but it is special request only and I have to contact Forum Shark if you want it after we trade because he is trying to keep the rarity as rare as possible and there are a certain number of members I can give it to under his rarity plan. Let me know if you want it though.:)
Yeah, I'm still after it!
*I got busted on SPPF asking for it.*
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

Light Venusaur said:
lucariopulse333 said:
CMT for Worlds08 Lucario and Gamestop Deoxys please.
Sadly you didn't have anything that I need/wanted.

xxashxx said:
I have the Movie Arceus but it is special request only and I have to contact Forum Shark if you want it after we trade because he is trying to keep the rarity as rare as possible and there are a certain number of members I can give it to under his rarity plan. Let me know if you want it though.:)
Yeah, I'm still after it!
*I got busted on SPPF asking for it.*

What? How? How can you get busted for asking for an Arceus? Weird.:)
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

I now have a Lv.100
*Fresh off the GTS.*
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

Whoa LV what's it's stats?
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

ChaoMaster101 said:
Whoa LV what's it's stats?


Nickname: PINECO (male)
OT Gender: Blue
ID: 17307
EVs (if known/estimated):???
IVs (if known/calculated):???
Nature: Adamant
Characteristic: Scatters things often.
Ability: Sturdy
Moves: Bide, Explosion, Spikes & Double-Edge
Current Level: 100
Level Caught at: 100
Location received: Hoenn
Current Stats: 233/172/205/72/76/47
Pokeball caught in: Master Ball
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

Wow you should offer that on serebii people would go nuts for that.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

Sweet May+ said it was a hack.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu~Wants: Movie Arceus)

Since, you are online, would you like your rhyhorn and absol now?
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