Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

Should: Darkrai, Shaymin & Arecus be banned from being traded?

  • Yes, as there's no event's in english for them...yet.

    Votes: 110 43.7%
  • No, coz you can just hack (or use the Japanese Glitch) for them

    Votes: 144 57.1%

  • Total voters
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RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

I'll trade you a Shiny you need or a Event for the Pika-Color Pichu.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Shadow_Blitz said:
hey lv if you want I can get you a riolu with earthquake and blaze kick so when you breed it you can get one any nature you want

btw do you still want to do the trade
I can get "EarthKicking" (E'quake/Blaze Kick) Riolu's anytime I like...as my "FlareNinja" (Lucario) already has those moves.
Yeah, I still need to do more cloneing before I can trade.

ChaoMaster101 said:
Thanks LV now time to host a tournament on a website with lots of players besides here and compete for a pcp.
Your Welcome.
*If any are also PokéBeach Forums members, can you get them to give me a rep. point plz*

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
I'll trade you a Shiny you need or a Event for the Pika-Color Pichu.
I'll go & have a look @ your list/s.
Which I can't find....can you make one please?
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

I closed it down...I can give you a list of my shinys for trade and look at the date for my Shaymin.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
I closed it down...I can give you a list of my shinys for trade and look at the date for my Shaymin.

Yeah, that'll help me out also.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

My Shaymin is 11th, so that won't do. But I do have a March 14th Regigigas.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
My Shaymin is 11th, so that won't do. But I do have a March 14th Regigigas.

Well, it dosen't matter about the dates...I was doing it for Ginji of SPPF.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Hmm...I can give the Regigigas and a shiny....
I don't see a shiny Skarmory on your list, so do you need that?
PS: Do you have a shiny Eevee with Curse?
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Hmm...I can give the Regigigas and a shiny....
I don't see a shiny Skarmory on your list, so do you need that?
PS: Do you have a shiny Eevee with Curse?

I forgot to put Skarmory on my list.
As for the Eevee, I can breed one for you...but it won't be shiny...
Hang on, I'll go & see what I've got.
Edit: I've looked.....but I'll need to breed it for you.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Hmm...Then I don't have any shinies you don't have... Can we just do the Regigigas for the Pichu?
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

I have 1 extra plushie for trade.

I would like:

Shiny Gastly(Naive)
Shokatan Pichu(Jolly)
Shiny Swinub(Naughty)
Shiny Kingdra(Rash)
Shiny Suicune 10ANNIVw/ PokeRus and Lefovers(Bold)
Shiny Milotic VGC 09(Timid)
Shiny Bagon(Timid)
Shiny Salamence(Adamant)
Shiny Giratina(Adamant)
Worlds08 Lucario(Adamant)

Would you do that for a Chatot plush? I could add another one if you want.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

I can Trade you my Space C Deoxys for Shiny Budew
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Hmm...Then I don't have any shinies you don't have... Can we just do the Regigigas for the Pichu?

Brawler said:
I have 1 extra plushie for trade.

I would like:

Shiny Gastly(Naive)
Shokatan Pichu(Jolly)
Shiny Swinub(Naughty)
Shiny Kingdra(Rash)
Shiny Suicune 10ANNIVw/ PokeRus and Lefovers(Bold)
Shiny Milotic VGC 09(Timid)
Shiny Bagon(Timid)
Shiny Salamence(Adamant)
Shiny Giratina(Adamant)
Worlds08 Lucario(Adamant)

Would you do that for a Chatot plush? I could add another one if you want.
What Chatot plush is it? (1st line is Line A, 2nd line is Line B)

Octisnow257 said:
I can Trade you my Space C Deoxys for Shiny Budew
I'll need to clone it 1st~is that ok with you?
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Light Venusaur said:
xxashxx said:
LV is your Wi-Fi up yet? Did you send your game to Echosong so I can have my events put on for you with her? Thanks.:)
Yeah, it's back up (until my bro moves out of home again).
However, I'm getting her something nice next month...so I'll be sending my Jp game then.

ChaoMaster101 said:
I offer my shiny Hadou Mew and MATTLE ho-oh for your pikachu colored pichu.
Oh and do you still need TRU Regigigas cause I will trade you mine on and btw pm me when your wifi is up.
*I'll just give you a random Pokémon for the Ho-Oh*

Yeah, but it also depends on the date & nature.

I hope you let her know that. I will let her know if you have not yet.:)
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Light Venusaur said:
AlecDuff said:
RE: Event + Colosseum pokémon for trade. Pichu, Regigigas, Ho-oh and more!

Aura Mew, Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi, Alamos (Target~Australia) Darkrai, Ranger 2 Darkrai/Riolu
Mistsurin Celebi, 10th Aniv Celebi, 10th Zard, Navel Rocks Lugia & Ho-Oh & Birth Is. Deoxys

Feel free to bargin.


Done! Name a time and date (other than tonight UK time) and I'll be there :D
I'll need to clone them 1st (Mew's already been cloned & ready to be picked up)

Togetic said:
I will trade you a UT TRU Regigiggias from March 21st holding a splash plate for your shiny Feraligatr.
It's still a "Baby" Totodile, is that Ok with you?
Yes, I prefer it that way, but I have to make sure the date is March 21st, although I am 99% sure, I need to check.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Line A, one on the red sheets. The Jakks one.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Brawler said:
Line A, one on the red sheets. The Jakks one.

I'll need to have a major think about it....as I'm mainly after "Pokedoll" one's.
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Darkrai said:
Who should I give you for the cloned Darkrai and Shaymin?

What do you have that I might shed an intrest in?
RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has Shokotan Pichu/Pika-Color Pichu)

Togetic said:
Light Venusaur said:
AlecDuff said:
RE: Event + Colosseum pokémon for trade. Pichu, Regigigas, Ho-oh and more!

Aura Mew, Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi, Alamos (Target~Australia) Darkrai, Ranger 2 Darkrai/Riolu
Mistsurin Celebi, 10th Aniv Celebi, 10th Zard, Navel Rocks Lugia & Ho-Oh & Birth Is. Deoxys

Feel free to bargin.


Done! Name a time and date (other than tonight UK time) and I'll be there :D
I'll need to clone them 1st (Mew's already been cloned & ready to be picked up)

Togetic said:
I will trade you a UT TRU Regigiggias from March 21st holding a splash plate for your shiny Feraligatr.
It's still a "Baby" Totodile, is that Ok with you?
Yes, I prefer it that way, but I have to make sure the date is March 21st, although I am 99% sure, I need to check.
It is actually March 19th, is that okay or do you not want it? I still need it cloned.

Togetic said:
Light Venusaur said:
AlecDuff said:
RE: Event + Colosseum pokémon for trade. Pichu, Regigigas, Ho-oh and more!

Aura Mew, Shiny Wishmkr Jirachi, Alamos (Target~Australia) Darkrai, Ranger 2 Darkrai/Riolu
Mistsurin Celebi, 10th Aniv Celebi, 10th Zard, Navel Rocks Lugia & Ho-Oh & Birth Is. Deoxys

Feel free to bargin.


Done! Name a time and date (other than tonight UK time) and I'll be there :D
I'll need to clone them 1st (Mew's already been cloned & ready to be picked up)

Togetic said:
I will trade you a UT TRU Regigiggias from March 21st holding a splash plate for your shiny Feraligatr.
It's still a "Baby" Totodile, is that Ok with you?
Yes, I prefer it that way, but I have to make sure the date is March 21st, although I am 99% sure, I need to check.
It is actually March 19th, is that okay or do you not want it? I still need it cloned.
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