XY Pokémon Playthrough Questions & Answers

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RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

xxashxx said:
Guys It needs all 5 hearts to evolve otherwise you will get Espeon/Umbreon XD. I tried it.:)

No, you just have max happiness, it needs 2 hearts and a fairy move to evolve, I've tested it, I'm not sure what gets priority, happiness, amie or location

King Arceus said:
Moves either hit one enemy or all. They don't hit 2. Some common attacks that hit multiple Pokemon in game are Struggle Bug, Earthquake, and Surf.

There is a move that just hits 2 pokemon, I remember using it in a horde, i forget which move though
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Spartansn1p3r said:
Ok, so I need a team for my 3rd playthrough of Y, I need help to decide what pokemon should I use.
diggersby (Not sure since golurk is a ground type, need help with this one)
pangoro (Definite keeper, been wanting to use him since I saw him)
vivillon (been wanting to use this pretty butterfly but I might use something else because he is kinda pointless other than filling in my must have flying type)
azumarill (when I saw how good this thing was on shofu's video's, I realised that I have to use one)
goodra (same as azumarill)
golurk (keeper, never really used him and he is my flyer)

I might switch out diggersby for a pyroar or another fire type, not sure about vivillon, maybe ill replace it with something that can mega evolve (Aggron, pinsir or alakazam), give me your thoughts on this

I love Golurk, and have since I picked up my first one back in BW. Definitely a keeper. :)
I would probably replace Diggersby with a Helioptile/Heliolisk with Dry Skin, myself. In double battles, you could team him up with Golurk (who is immune to Parabolic Charge) or Azumarill (who resists Surf and can Surf back, healing Heliolisk).

BTW, teaming up Helioptile w/Dry Skin and a Pokemon with Water Absorb, both knowing Surf, is hilarious.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

FoxFire said:
Spartansn1p3r said:
Ok, so I need a team for my 3rd playthrough of Y, I need help to decide what pokemon should I use.
diggersby (Not sure since golurk is a ground type, need help with this one)
pangoro (Definite keeper, been wanting to use him since I saw him)
vivillon (been wanting to use this pretty butterfly but I might use something else because he is kinda pointless other than filling in my must have flying type)
azumarill (when I saw how good this thing was on shofu's video's, I realised that I have to use one)
goodra (same as azumarill)
golurk (keeper, never really used him and he is my flyer)

I might switch out diggersby for a pyroar or another fire type, not sure about vivillon, maybe ill replace it with something that can mega evolve (Aggron, pinsir or alakazam), give me your thoughts on this

I love Golurk, and have since I picked up my first one back in BW. Definitely a keeper. :)
I would probably replace Diggersby with a Helioptile/Heliolisk with Dry Skin, myself. In double battles, you could team him up with Golurk (who is immune to Parabolic Charge) or Azumarill (who resists Surf and can Surf back, healing Heliolisk).

BTW, teaming up Helioptile w/Dry Skin and a Pokemon with Water Absorb, both knowing Surf, is hilarious.

Ok, so I started the game and traded over some pokemon that are inaccessible until post-game, my current team is

Golett lvl 22 (Optimus prime)
Pancham lvl 25 (Night bear)
Growlithe lvl 26 (Firemutt)
Aron lvl 26 (Canttouchdis)
Azumarill lvl 27 (Wubwub)

I plan on catching a goomy soon, I just defeated the 2nd gym, thanks for your suggestions guys :D
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Reggie McGigas said:
Spartansn1p3r said:
Ok, so I need a team for my 3rd playthrough of Y, I need help to decide what pokemon should I use.
diggersby (Not sure since golurk is a ground type, need help with this one)
pangoro (Definite keeper, been wanting to use him since I saw him)
vivillon (been wanting to use this pretty butterfly but I might use something else because he is kinda pointless other than filling in my must have flying type)
azumarill (when I saw how good this thing was on shofu's video's, I realised that I have to use one)
goodra (same as azumarill)
golurk (keeper, never really used him and he is my flyer)

I might switch out diggersby for a pyroar or another fire type, not sure about vivillon, maybe ill replace it with something that can mega evolve (Aggron, pinsir or alakazam), give me your thoughts on this

How about

-Pinsir (It's mega gets STAB Hyper Beam which is huge)
-Magneton (Or Magnetzone if possible)
-Azumarill (Fairy)
-Goodra (New Dragon type plus goomy is awesome)
-Hawlcha (A better flying pokemon than Vivillion)
-Golurk (Keeper for sure. Golurk is awesome if it has iron fist and not klutz)

Is that good?

Seems like a great team to have, I might consider swapping out growlithe for pinsir or another good Physical pokemon and my golett does have iron fist which is good but anyway here is an update on my team, Im in the 4th gym but I got a goomy from my brother as a gift, so my team is:
Pangoro lvl 35
Golett lvl 35
Growlithe lvl 36
Lairon lvl 36
Azumarill lvl 36
Goomy lvl 36

Btw, Pangoro + Iron fist + Power up punch = too op,
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

You forgot to give that Pangoro a Metronome.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

This gonna be my team about a few weeks. I need some help to perfect it (Items, and moves):

-Klefki (Leftover)
(Thunder Wave, Spikes, Flash Cannon, Rest)

(Horn Leach, Hypnose, Dream Eater/Nightmare, Phantom Force)

-Flygon (Shell Bell)
(Sandstorm, Outrage, Eartquake, Dragon Pulse/Dragon Rush)

(Flame Charge, Hidden Power, Will o Wisp, Sunny Day)

(Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Baton Pass )

(Ice Fang, Surf/Aqua Tail, Dragon Pulse/Outrage, Dragon Dance)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

My first suggestion is to not use Dream Eater or Nightmare. It is too situational and with sleep clause, you won't get far with it. Not to also mention Hypnosis risky accuracy.

Why are you using Flame Charge on Ninetales? Fire Blast or Flamethrower would take better advantage of its stats and the weather.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

King Arceus said:
My first suggestion is to not use Dream Eater or Nightmare. It is too situational and with sleep clause, you won't get far with it. Not to also mention Hypnosis risky accuracy.

Why are you using Flame Charge on Ninetales? Fire Blast or Flamethrower would take better advantage of its stats and the weather.

Than i gonna learn it Flame Charge, What items i need to give him?
[split] Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread!

Does anyone know if there's a way to teach Mawile Super Fang in gen 6? I want a Mawile with Super Fang and False Swipe for catching pokemon. Super Fang is for pokemon that know attacks that lower it's HP, like from recoil damage and such, False Swipe for everything else.

Edit: I think I might've accidentally put this question in the wrong thread. If it fits better in the XY General thread, feel free to move it.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Spartansn1p3r said:
xxashxx said:
Guys It needs all 5 hearts to evolve otherwise you will get Espeon/Umbreon XD. I tried it.:)

No, you just have max happiness, it needs 2 hearts and a fairy move to evolve, I've tested it, I'm not sure what gets priority, happiness, amie or location

King Arceus said:
Moves either hit one enemy or all. They don't hit 2. Some common attacks that hit multiple Pokemon in game are Struggle Bug, Earthquake, and Surf.

There is a move that just hits 2 pokemon, I remember using it in a horde, i forget which move though

Happiness does not count for Sylveon. You need all 3 bars on the Amie maxed and at least 2 hearts then if you are trying to get that Pokemon. It can be confusing. I just made sure all bars were full before I did it XD.:)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

3 hearts? I tried to evolve it with 2 hearts. I was training at route 20 and chaining Gothoritas at the same time. Didnt realize I was near the moss rock and I got Leafeon by mistake... but now that I know its 3 hearts...I'll get it for sure this time.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

It's two hearts AND a fairy-type move.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

So does anyone have a link or something to explain what the Memory Girl is trying to tell me?
She sometimes says things that are confusing. Like how my Houndoom fondly remembering getting angry when I nicknamed it.

That isn't a good thing right?
RE: [split] Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread!

Axell Starr said:
Does anyone know if there's a way to teach Mawile Super Fang in gen 6? I want a Mawile with Super Fang and False Swipe for catching pokemon. Super Fang is for pokemon that know attacks that lower it's HP, like from recoil damage and such, False Swipe for everything else.

Edit: I think I might've accidentally put this question in the wrong thread. If it fits better in the XY General thread, feel free to move it.

You can just use a Smeargle- catch one, and collect 4 Pokemon with moves that you need for a catcher and use the double battles in the cafe to teach it the moves via Sketch. I have 2 Smeargles actually, one for catching and one for Wild item hunting (Stones, Grass, Berry Trees ect)
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

FoxFire said:
It's two hearts AND a fairy-type move.

I had both. Guess moss rock overides Fairy... I found my bumble amusing though
Training of pokemons

I just wanted ask odd question, because google don't know anything.
IF I finished super training for EV for my team, so I can just leveling up them in restaurants/leauge ect? Or I must go to grass with equiped power item and train until XXlv in hordes, to get more points for certain stat? I never undertood this for really... there are stats based on natures, but some ppl said that even at lv 100 stats can still be rised. Hope my engrish is understandable :F
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Once your Pokémon has Max EVs (whether those EVs come from Super Training or not), you can level your Pokémon however you want, restaurants, league, rare candies, etc. The power items only increase EVs gained so they don't do anything after your Pokémon has full EVs. Hope this answers your question satisfactorily!
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

oh it's stupid... there is no training after all in game :< thx for answer, sorry for new topic Im just blind as idiot >.>
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers

Pokemon are still capable of gaining EVs at level 100; whenever you put them back in the box, the game will recompute their stats. So, say, if you had a Level 100 Pokemon, then gave it some of the EV-reducing berries, you could re-train it.
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