Pokémon RPG!!!


Pokemon Breeder
okay first pick a pokemon you want to be and let's Role-Play!!

after you have chosen your pokemon, you can now roleplay

I, Mew, wonders around to meet a playmate...but there's no one i can see yet..
I'll be Lucky the shiny male eevee.

"Stop that!" Lucky said standing in front of the chansey. "If you hurt them, you'll get a little piece of my TRI ATTACK!!!"
meowth walks to the nearest pokemon center and rests. Then he comes back to the little rpg and does more action

Meowth: ive decided to quit team rocket and join you in our nice friendly adventure.... SIKE!! meowth quickly uses scratch and scrathes all the other pokemon in the face and runs with all their trainers pokemon cards and money
i evolve and eating all your trainers rare candies and turn into a persian!!

ok now im twice as evil!! i steal the omelettes and put cream in all of your jelly doughnuts!!!muahhahahahahhahaha
*hello there Chansey!!* i said...then i protected my self by making a pink force field around my self...*let's play Chansey!!* i said
"STAY AWAY!!!!" Lucky yelled as he used tri attack to blast the persian far away. "Mew! Can I play?"
Lucky turned away from Mew for a bit. "I am?" Lucky asked. "What's so special about me? I'm just a silver eevee."
Yeah, moves like Tri Attack are extremely rare. I know a move that no other Pokemon does-it was tought to me by my trainer before he set off to learn about the Space Fissure-Hardboiled. It's not incredible or anything, but it's the one and only!