Pokémon Spoon: The most epic game to ever walk the surface of the planet.

I used it in the same context: "The most 3piic game.." "He ruined the 3PIIC Game.." Hmmm, seems like I used the exact same two words. >..>

dmaster out.
I changed the filter so that word turns into "r0x0rz." Just for a while, see how it goes.
RE: Pokémon Spoon: The most r0x0rz game to ever walk the surface of the planet.

I found a way around it PMJ. Lol 3PIIIC. Pretty close. Still after the edits, it looks like a giant "I". I think I can find a way around most things, PMJ.

dmaster out.
I suppose if you really want to split hairs...
Well this is epic :Z. Hey! I made up a smiley! It's someone frowning.

Anyhow, C-M said that there artwork was being used for sprites. Y'know the avatars?
tttlite said:
also when are the sprites coming?
It's up in the air at this point if there will be sprites or not. I know Heavenly Spoon was trying to sprite some of the new Pokemon from scratch, but he might have decided to just stick with the avatars.
Well I'd like the avatars. C-M's avatars are really rather amazing. And it would seperate this from other games. It is not any old fan game.
KG, I made 1 sprite because I felt like making a sprite, not to use it in the game :S

There will be no in-battle sprites, everything will be avatared, end of story. It was never in the air in the 1st place, but I shot it down anyways, KG, don't make stupid assumptions :O

BTW, for the record, KG's stuff doesn't fail as much as one might think... I know, weird right?
Anyhow, I now think I know what Mr.Spoon really is...
Some kind of mutated Mew. Mewthree, where they tried to make it look like Mew, but forgot the ears and arms.
I'm a genius :S...

Whoops! I meant :d. Please don't destroy me.
What Foums?? 0_o

What if you go look at your In-Game party HS?? You won't have sprites there?

dmaster out.
That, my dear friend, is something not even the other spooners know :O

I really should get started on that, though :p